Chapter 4165 has evaded

"This Xu Feng is really terrible. I feel that his strength is stronger than that of Dongyang City when attending the Dongyang Festival."

Many people came from Dongyang City. They also saw the convening of the Dongyang Festival and knew the strength of Xu Feng.

However, at that time, Xu Feng defeated Fei Heyu, and did not reach the point of complete rolling.

What's more, Fei Hepeng's strength is obviously stronger than Fei Heyu. Now, it was completely crushed by Xu Feng.

Everyone can see that Xu Feng’s third move is displayed, and Fei Hepeng is afraid of being seriously injured.

A knife smashed out like this, the knives continued to flash, and Xu Feng’s eyes were stunned.

If the Feihe family dares to torture the kitten, then it is necessary to prepare for the anger of Xu Feng.

Fei Hepeng's face is iron, and his eyes are unwilling, and he screams: "Xu Feng, do you really want to kill it?"

Xu Feng’s face was full of anger, and the killing was strong: “When you fly the family of the crane, do you think he is very pitiful?”

The voice just fell, and the knife fell.

Fei Hepeng died before he understood why Xu Feng suddenly became so angry.

The daring is the kitten that Fei Hehong caught.

Thinking of this, Fei Hepeng’s heart is full of sadness and grievances.

Mindfulness: "Flying cranes? Do you know that the kittens you caught are likely to harm us, and the blood flows into the river?"

Knife Mang is invincible, and the holy spirit of Fei Hepeng is broken.

The Aurora Magic Knife is from the chest of Fei Hepeng.


A blood spurted out of Fei Hepeng's mouth, and his face was unwilling and fell to the ground.


The people around them are wide-eyed and stunned one by one.

Xu Feng’s strength is too horrible, right?

Three knives will kill Fei Hepeng.

This is really the four weapons of Dan Yuanjing, can you do it?

Dongyang Jie and Zheng Haitao also fell into meditation.

Xu Feng's martial arts talent, they are really unheard of, never seen, it is too horrible.


The young man who has been constantly cheering on Fei Hepeng, watching Fei Hepeng being strangled, feared, turned and wanted to slip away behind him.

However, when he just stepped out of two steps, Xu Feng’s words rang, scaring the young legs to be soft, and immediately turned around and squatted down against Xu Feng.

Constant gimmicks, mad screaming in the mouth, said: "I beg you... don't kill me... don't kill me... I know it's wrong..."

Xu Feng’s face was cold and fierce, and the deep killing of the eyes appeared: “You are not wrong. The wrong thing is that you cast the wrong tires! You should not cast a flying family, they should not provoke me...”


The voice just fell, and the Aurora Magic Knife smashed.

The powerful knives are drawn from the back of the youth.

Blood spouted and he fell to the ground.

The dragon has a reverse scale, and it will die!

However, Xu Feng's reverse scale, that is his best brother, kitten!

And his favorite people!

If anyone dares to hurt them, Xu Feng is fearless even if he is dead.


The people around them all retreated, looking at Xu Feng’s eyes one by one, with fear.

They are all eager to open some distance with Xu Feng, for fear that Xu Feng will also kill them.

Xu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to those people, took Fei Hepeng's storage ring down, stood there, his eyes slightly picked up.

Not far from the place, there is a palace that looks a bit quaint and vicissitudes.

Xu Feng's eyes are deep, but they are shining. He knows the secret of the infinite monk from the mouth of Fei He's mind. It turns out that the boundless monk is very likely to have no death.

The opening of the infinite monk's tomb is very likely to be a boundless monk, who wants to find someone to regain his life.

However, the task of many young people in the Feihe family is to find the infinite monks and help the boundless monks to find the most suitable candidates.

It is a pity that the young people of the Feihe family have been killed by Xu Feng.

I am afraid this task is really difficult to complete.

However, Xu Feng also knows.

Fei Heyu is also in the tomb of the infinite monk.

The quaint gate of the palace slowly opened.

The cool breeze inside, filled with moldy taste, filled the air.

The people around them have swept a glimpse of Xu Feng.

They know that Xu Feng is on the head, but they dare not rush in front of Xu Feng and rush into the grave.

Xu Feng did not act, and dozens of people stood up like this, and there was no movement.

Seeing that the palace door was completely opened, Xu Feng took a step, and the little leopard and Dongyang Jie and Zheng Haitao all followed.


Watching Xu Feng walk outside the hall, the talents took a deep breath, and they all felt that they were covered in cold sweat.

"Who will tell me later, Chen Xianlong’s killing order is very rich, and I am instructed to chase down Xu Feng. I will kill him first! This is not killing me?” A young man with a profound situation in Danyuan It is a disciple of Humenmen, who is full of faces and roars at the people around him.

The clothes on his body are all soaked in sweat.

Because, just saw Xu Feng appear.

Several tiger-speaking disciples around him have scolded him to kill Xu Feng!

The other disciples of Humenmen were so screamed by the young men that they did not dare to talk.

"The killing of Xu Feng is really terrible. He seems to be young, how can there be such a strong killing?"

"Who knows? Anyway, don't provoke this comet in the future. If you look at the family of the Feihe family, you will offend him. One will not let go."

"I don't know the tops of the Feihe family. If you know that the disciples they have carefully cultivated, they will be killed by Xu Feng one by one in the tomb of the boundless monk. Will they vomit blood?"

Everyone knows very well that all the young people who can be sent to enter the tomb of the infinite monk are almost all major forces, and they spend a lot of resources to cultivate them. They are counting on becoming the mainstay in the future.

Now, the young people of Feihe family, except for a few people, have been killed by Xu Feng, which can be described as a heavy loss.


When Xu Feng just entered the palace, he felt a burst of cold and cold, as if he had penetrated the bone marrow.

Dongyang Jie is a shackle, and quickly run the spirit to resist the cold and cold: "Xu brother, the chill of the strange, seems to be able to immerse into the body."

Zheng Haitao also said: "I think this palace is not easy, it is not necessarily the tomb of the infinite monk."

The palace is large in size, like a martial art, with intersections everywhere, extending in all directions.

Around, it is also a secret room.


Just then, there was a scream in the back.

It turned out that Xu Feng entered Dongfu, and other people followed.

Someone just walked out of the distance of tens of meters and screamed. The whole person was chilled and frozen into an ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture slowly extends from the place of the legs and is gradually spreading toward the abdomen.

(Sorry, I have to work overtime until 10 o'clock! I will go back one more chapter and continue to update. I will write two points tonight! Thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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