The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4166: Da Luoxing

Chapter 4166, Greater Luoxing

" me..."

The youth who are constantly covered by the ice are the five peaks of Dan Yuanjing. They are surrounded by spiritual powers, but they are unable to struggle from the ice, letting the ice cover the body constantly.


The ice continued to pervade, and not far from where it was, some people were also covered by the ice.

"Damn, what is this ghost place, why is it so strange?" Some people with fear on their faces, want to withdraw from the hall, but suddenly found that the door that just entered the hall, I do not know when, has been completely closed.

The ice continued to stretch, and a young man was completely frozen by the ice, and the whole person became an ice sculpture.

Next to the companion, rushed up, running the spiritual power, reaching out the palm, just touching the ice sculpture moment.


A squeaking voice came out, and the ice sculpture began to crack in a moment, followed by a piece of land.

The man who had just been frozen had his body split open, and the ice disappeared at his feet.


The people around them were wide-eyed, looking at each other under the soles of their feet, only to find that there were ice everywhere.

Zheng Haitao felt the scalp numb, and some surprised: "Xu Shixiong, what is the situation?"

Xu Feng does not know, but it is certain that it is this cave, I am afraid it is very dangerous.

"I don't know, everyone is careful, don't let the ice cover." Xu Feng reminded Zheng Haitao and Dongyang Jie.

Both of them are very strong and will be very cautious.

Xu Feng's speed is not very fast.

There are dozens of people behind him, and some people from time to time are frozen by ice and turned into ice sculptures.

Since the first ice sculpture, just after being touched, it has become an example of ice debris. No one dares to touch the ice sculpture, for fear that he will be covered by ice and become an ice sculpture.

Walking out of the distance of tens of meters, Xu Feng found that there are many secret rooms on both sides of the main hall.

Immediately said: "We act separately and see if there are treasures in these secret rooms."


The man-made dead bird is a food and death, and it really deserves its name!

When the people just saw the secret room on both sides of the main hall, they immediately began to rush out.

At this moment, they all left Xu Feng behind.


Xu Fenggang rushed to the outside of a secret room, and suddenly burst into the air.

His hands suddenly floated, and at the moment of sticking out, he grabbed a thumb-sized ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture is like a short dagger, sharp and sharp, and it is entirely at the heart of the body.

Xu Feng's reaction speed is very fast, and ice sculpture is not dangerous. However, the other warriors who rushed out were not so lucky.

Even Dongyang Jie, the place of the shoulders, was also cut by a blood sculpture with a blood mark, and thanks to his vigilance, the ice sculpture pierced his chest.

In other places, some people were carved by ice, pierced their heads, pierced their chests, and pierced their necks.

For a moment, blood flowed from their bodies, and the ground that the ice condensed became a strange red.


Xu Feng took the lead in opening the first secret room and rushed directly into it, and found that there was nothing in the secret room.

Turned to the next secret room and began to rush, and rushed into four or five secret rooms, no treasures were found.


Just as he rushed to the sixth secret room, a chill came from the Chamber of Secrets, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

The little leopard around him gave a voice for help.

This little guy was almost frozen into a dog.

Xu Feng quickly took out two medicinal herbs and swallowed the little one.

The ice on the little leopard slowly disappeared.

"The seventh-order Shangpin spirit material? Zibing Lingyu!"

Xu Feng’s face showed a smile.

Zibing Lingyu is the treasure of cultivation.

Xu Feng is very clear that with this purple ice spirit jade, his cultivation can at least be upgraded from the Dan Yuanjing to the fourth mid-peak peak of Dan Yuanjing, even in the later period.

Immediately, the hand will not be far away, a transparent box wrapped in ice.


The ice covered the moment and wanted to freeze Xu Feng's arm.

However, in Xu Feng's body, the heavens and the earth are slightly running.

The ice disappeared instantly.

Xu Feng put the purple ice Lingyu away.

Start to go to the next secret room.


"Miss, are you thinking about that person again?"

A mansion filled with rich spiritual power seems to be in the clouds.

If someone sees it, it will be shocked to say nothing.

Just because, under this mansion, there are countless buildings.

Nine giant spirits have been built into nine of the most different clusters.

Spirituality is thus integrated into the surrounding of the mansion.

I saw a woman with a lavender dress and a perfect figure.

Her skin is fair and her body is good.

Most importantly, the breath on her body is unfathomable.

Moreover, her body is filled with a noble.

"Ten years... I promised your time, ten years, I did it..."

This woman is not someone else. It is the peak of Xu Feng who disappeared for ten years and disappeared from the southern continent.

At that time, the old man around him threatened himself with the death of the young master, and she had to follow.

I did not expect that after leaving, it was ten years.

In the past ten years, she has been practicing madly and desperately practicing.

The purpose is that one day, she will dominate everything.

No one can disobey her thoughts.

She is going to the southern continent to find the young master!

"Miss talent is different, it is my great Luo Xing domain, the genius that I rarely see in a million years, the Wanxing spirit body. In just ten years, from the lower body of the military system, cultivation to today's Tongjing. I admire, very much Moving."

"But, Miss, you know, can you leave the scope of the Da Luo Xing domain, but I have not said it."

"What's more, the land of the Da Luo Xing domain, the lady is the sky, no one can pose danger to you. However, the deadly enemy of our Da Luo Xing domain, since three years ago, know that the young lady awakened the spirit of the stars, can not wait to kill you, you now It is also dangerous to leave the Da Luo Xing domain."

The old man said slowly.

"You tell the elders, if she continues to stay strong. Don't let me see the young master, my heart is very likely to have a crack. When I break through the king of God, there will be danger, I believe she is not willing, see Is this happening?"

Yinger stood up and his eyes sparkled with a chill and his face was firm.

ten years!

No matter who, can not stop, she is going to see the young master's determination!

She didn't want to delay for a moment.

Thousands of miles do not see Jun!

This is what grief is, and only she is clear.

"Miss, don't mess!" The old man heard, the old face, wrinkles and trembling. Yinger represents the future of Da Luo Xingyu. If there is a crack in the mood of Yinger, I am afraid that the entire Da Luo Xing domain will face a severe crisis in the future: "I will report to the elders!"

(End of this chapter)

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