The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4211: Fast-moving Feihe family

Chapter 4211, the crazy family of flying cranes

"Your flying crane family is so arrogant, really when we are bullied?"

"I advise you to immediately unblock the export of Feihecheng, let us leave Feihecheng, or don't blame us."

"Yes, your family of flying cranes don't know what powerful opponents are provoked. Now people who kill you in the family of flying cranes, you can't catch each other, but you want to trap us in Feihecheng. What makes sense?"

"If we don't open the export of Feihecheng today, we will all embrace you and open the export of your Feihe family."


Several exporters of Feihecheng have had middle-level law and strong people, and they began to lead the crowd and began to make trouble.

After all, the Feihe family will block the Feicheng City. If it is true, according to rumors, it would rather kill 10,000 and not let go of one. These people are really suffering.

Now, everyone knows that it is inevitable that the gods will not be able to kill the cranes and other people.

However, if the Feihe family is really hands-on, they will be the first to bear the brunt of these mid-level laws.

Of course, it is necessary to bring people together to make troubles before they can save their lives.

"What are you doing? Really think that we can fly bullish family, can you bully at will?"

The squad leader of a patrol team, the spirit of the surging, the law of the two major repairs broke out.

His eyes are round and round, but this exit is responsible for him. If he is really broken by the people in front of him, he will be severely punished by his family, and he will not know how to die.

"Whoever dares to make trouble, don't blame me for not feeling good, let them go!" Fei Heming angered, as the squad's squad leader, why have you been so arrogant.

They walked to any place in Feihecheng before, even if it was a middle-class law, they were all polite.

After all, there are many shops and restaurants in Feihe City, which are the industries of some middle-class law and strong people.

"Hey! You are so overbearing and arrogant, we want to go out of town, but you are blocking the exit, what is the heart?" The four-headed man, who is headed by the heavens, is full of anger: "I heard that you are flying a family, think To lock us up, I would rather kill 10,000, not let go of one..."

Fei Heming heard the words, the face was angry, who said this in the end, would rather kill 10,000, not letting one.

As a small detachment leader of the patrol team, he did not receive any news. It must have been deliberately rumored.

"We have absolutely nothing to say about our family of flying cranes. We are only looking for the murderers who killed our family."

I know that the man with the four heavens is also a violent old man.

Even directly in the spirit of the excitement, rushed out to the front.

"Everyone rushed out with me, or they were really shut down by the Feihe family. When they want to run, they can't run..."

There is a man with four heavens and a heavy charge, and the Feiheming District has a double heaven and earth. It is impossible to stop.

What's more, thousands of people gathered in the places where they were exported, and they rushed out to the outside of Feihe City.

The same scene was staged at several other outlets in Feihecheng, and many people rushed out.

Anyway, everyone knows very well that instead of staying in Feihe City and waiting to die, it is better to rush out. Anyway, the Feihe family cannot have so many people to chase them.

After the big deal, I will not come to Feihecheng. For them, there is no loss.




An elegant courtyard, Fei Hexi's eyes are round and round, and a cup of tea on his hand is thrown directly on the ground, and it is crushed and shattered. His face is full of anger.

Fei Hezhen stood in front of Fei Hexi with his head down and couldn't help but swallow.

The side of the flying cranes is the squad leader of several patrols, and each one is also a nose and a swollen face.

"A group of waste, a group of waste... If the murderer escaped, where is the face of our family?"

Fei Hexi stood up and spit on the air, his face was full of anger, and his body was shaking.

"I will immediately call all the elders of the Feihe family to be the deacons of all the Feihe family. If you are a person who has been repaired by the law, he will go out and look for it. If you can't find the murderer, don't come back one by one..."

Fei Hexi was not far away, burst into a burst and ordered.

The entire family of flying cranes is a turmoil.

"Father, what is it that makes you so angry?"

Not far away, a young man is moving towards this side and slowly coming.

It is Feihehong.

"See the Lord!"


Feihehong nodded to Feihe and others.

"Recently, some people have made waves in Feihe City, and they have killed two patrol team leaders of the Feihe family. There are more than 10 members of the patrol team. The entire Feihe City has been completely chaotic."

Fei Hexi felt the repair of Fei Hehong, and there was a faint atmosphere of breaking through the law. His face was always with some smiles. "Yeah! Yes, you have been working hard recently, you only need your mood." If you break through a little bit, you can break through the legal world, but don't slack off."

Fei Hehong said: "Father, since there are people in Feihecheng, there are people making trouble. The child just takes this opportunity to experience the experience."

"No, you can't take risks!"

Fei Hexi directly denied shaking his head.

"Do not worry, father, even if it is a four-person person, want to kill me, it is not easy to kill ... you don't forget, the child is a five-minded genius." Fei Hehong with confidence.


Haven't waited for Fei Hexi to speak, Fei Hehong has a well-thought-out, confident, and walks toward Feihecheng.

"Go to protect the Lord. If there is a little accident in the Lord, I will kill your family." Fei Hexi screamed at Feihe and others and angered.


Fei Hejun and others, where dare to refute, have chased out.


Flying crane family, the hall of the discussion.

Many elders have been unable to remember, this is the last few days, the first few gatherings in the main hall of the proceedings.

Fei Hexi was full of anger and said: "Elders, if you can't find the murderer, you can't find the initiator, I am afraid that we will fly to the family, and will become the laughing stock of the entire Northern Territory."

"In the end, who is in the wind and flying in the city, we must do our best to find the murderer."

The elders stood up and the old face was embarrassed. "The owner, the murderer is extremely treacherous. It is almost impossible to show up. It is almost the person who caught us and cannot trace his whereabouts."

"I have a suggestion..."

Having said that, the elders paused and did not continue to say.

"Great elders, do you have any suggestions, just say it. I am going crazy now..."

Fei Hexi urged the road.

"Since the rumors rumor that we would rather kill 10,000, we will not let go of one. It is better for us to do this... Anyway, with the strength of our family of flying cranes, we will kill all the heavenly warriors in the middle of the flying crane city. It's not difficult."

When the elders said this, the hall became silent.

I am afraid that blood will really flow into a river.

Fei Hexi heard the words, slightly indulged, and said: "I guess, the murderer must be the middle-level law of heaven and earth. Let us secretly attack the middle-order martial arts of the flying crane city one by one. How about the matter, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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