The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4212: The murderer is here!

Chapter 4212 The murderer is here!

With the order of Fei Hexi, it was issued.

The entire Feihe City has become chaotic.

Of course, the export of Feihecheng was once again blocked.

The guards of the export are the strongest of the Feihe family, and at least they are also four heavens.

Some people who still want to rush out of Feihecheng are also killed by the family of Feihe, and they are killed on the spot.

"Your flying crane family is so arrogant and indiscriminate, you must not die."

"I cursed your family of flying cranes, and all of them exploded in the morning and evening, and there was no dead body..."

The people caught by the family of flying cranes made crazy roars and cursed constantly.

Well, for the people of Feihe family, they are now eager to find someone who vents.

Those who dare to attack the export are naturally unceremonious and directly killed.

For a time, the entire Flying Crane City, countless people, became a bird of surprise.

In particular, those who are not the family of the flying cranes.

One by one is afraid of being killed by the family of flying cranes.


Xu Feng’s eyes started to pick up slightly.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

In the evening, the sky became groggy.

Xu Feng started the activity again.

"Where are you going?"

Xu Feng appeared in an alley, his eyes staring at the opposite man, his mouth slightly raised, and his eyebrows with a sinister smile.

The middle-aged man’s eyes suddenly shrank, and suddenly he exclaimed, staring at Xu Feng, angered: “Where the uninformed boy, who dares to block my way here, you are afraid of being tired...”


However, to meet the middle-aged man is Xu Feng's golden fist.

The moment Xu Feng lived up, he punched out with a fist.

Originally, the middle-aged man was a half-step method of repairing the heavens. He felt that Xu Feng was only the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing. He felt that Xu Feng was tired of living, and he dared to hit the stone with eggs.

However, when the golden fist was bombarded in his chest, the bones shattered and screamed, and when the blood spurted out of his mouth, he slammed on the ground and widened his eyes.

"You are... fierce... hand..."

In this way, I will die and die.

Xu Feng is still wandering in Feihe City. As long as he meets the person who has placed the order, he will be killed by him.

Now, the people walking on the streets of the entire Feihe City, who are still walking on the streets, must be the people of the Feihe family.

After all, those other warriors in Feihecheng have become scared birds, and they all want to hide in their own homes and never come out.

"The captain of the newspaper, some people found two bodies in the West Street just now, are the people of our family."

"Report the captain, the street on the left hand side, the body found in the alley, is the person of our patrol."

"Report to the captain, I also found a body here..."


Feihe’s face was gloomy and his face became awkward and terrifying.

Knowing that the murderer is in action, they are unable to catch each other.

"All the patrol people immediately gave me all the time to chase the murderer! Remember to find the murderer and take the lead in releasing the signal flare."

Feihe’s heart is killing.

If he continues to catch the murderer in this way, he will have to be punished by Fei Hexi.

However, Fei Hezhen sent people after this.

In the evening of the entire Feihe City, the dim light swayed and the streets became more chaotic.

"It’s really awkward, I don’t know who it is, so we have to do it with our family."

"I thought the patrol was a bad thing. It seems that the patrol is the death squad."

"The most important thing is that we may not know what we killed."

The members of several patrols made a complaint, and they were only high-ranking Dan Yuanjing.

"You said it is good, you are the death squad, send the dead team!"

Just then, a cold voice sounded.

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and suddenly emerged.

The wings of the Peng Peng on the body cover the sky, and the second-order space is directly used.

The third-order killing of the righteousness erupted from Xu Feng's body, accompanied by the second-order gravity, which made his knife method more terrifying.


"Release the signal bomb!"

The men of several patrols were wide-eyed, and the signal flares in their hands were released instantly.


As the signal bomb exploded in the sky, the entire Feihe City, the people moving, especially the strongest of the Feihe family, all gathered in the place where the signal bomb burst.

Many elders who have long waited for the murderer to appear, the middle-level law, the speed is extremely fast, and quickly come over.

However, Xu Feng’s Star Wars also showed the power of terror, blood filled, and the knife was deadly.

Five figures, instantly fell to the ground, blood flowing from his mouth, chest split, and died.

I felt the atmosphere of the surrounding strong people surrounded, and the corners of the mouth rose. Xu Feng immediately turned to the lanes not far away, and instantly disappeared and disappeared into the layered pubs.

"Five elders, how come you are here?"

Just before Xu Feng’s forefoot left, there were several figures on the back foot.

Even the five elders of the Feihe family, the strongest of the late five-day period of the law, came in an instant.

Feihe咏, with several squad leaders of the patrol, looked at the body of the ground and was full of anger.

The depths of the old cranes in the old cranes are all cold and cold. They point to the front place and say: "I will immediately mobilize the people and surround this area. The murderer fled quickly, but I saw him. The figure is here."

"Release the signal flare."

Feihe snorted to the people around him.

In just a few minutes, nearly 100 people gathered.

"Enclose the area in front."

Feihe 咏 directly issued orders.


Fei Hejun with an angry color said: "I searched for a home, I don't believe it, can the murderer escape from the air?"

Xu Feng returned to the inn room, from the edge of the window, just to see the surrounding situation, everywhere is the figure of the family of flying cranes.

"If I want to surround me, I will let you eat a bit. Don't blame me for killing!"

In the depths of Xu Feng's eyes, there is a hint of coldness and embarrassment.

The second-order space of the body emerges.

He was silent and disappeared into the room.


Immediately after the next moment, there was another life.

The third-order killing of the body, the breath becomes more and more horrible.

"If you continue to kill like this, these people who are happy to fly the family will really help me to consolidate the third-order killings!"

The corner of his mouth rises, Xu Feng smiles on his face, and realizes that his heart is like a meteorite, he is not worried about being killed and killed.

"Come on, the murderer is here!"

"The murderer is here!"

Xu Feng constantly uses space to help others, killing one person and immediately changing places and changing places.

For a time, between the dense buildings, the sound of the "murderer here".

The lineup of nearly a hundred people was originally large enough, but it was stirred up and the number of dead people increased to eight.

(End of this chapter)

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