"Even you are not sure?"

Dong Dingguo was shocked: "Didn't you create Zhoutian Chunyang Gong?"

Before Kong Ji started to speak, Li Dingyuan beside him said solemnly: "Everything is unknown. When I created the Thirty-Six Apertures Gong, I was not sure either. I didn't even practice it myself. Most of the time, I made guesses based on existing experience, and finally I was prepared for anything that might go wrong."

"Zhoutian Chunyang Gong is more complicated than Thirty-Six Apertures Gong, and many things are unpredictable."

"We all started from scratch on the road of studying white fog. If we want to make progress, we can only carefully verify, make bold assumptions, and make progress bravely under the safest circumstances."

"Leave the rest to God."

Li Dingyuan shook his head, his tone sighing.

Kong Ji was also sighing quietly.

There are too many things involved in Zhoutian Chunyang Gong.

He was also cautious when verifying it. Although everything went well when he practiced it, he couldn't help but get scared as he practiced it.

He really was unsure about everything and didn't dare to take risks rashly.

Although the whole set of exercises was created by him, and all the evidences found in his past and present lives were referred to, he himself was not sure whether he could practice it in the end.

"That's all I can do. I hope everything goes well."

Kong Ji's eyes flashed with guilt, but he soon became firm again.

"Anyway, at least so far, everything is as expected. I hope nothing will go wrong next."

He looked at Zhang Zhaoyang who was sitting cross-legged at the edge of the white mist, and everyone at the scene was also staring at that figure.

Not only that.

There are many people outside who have received the news and are waiting for the latest news at this moment.

In everyone's sight, the position where Zhang Zhaoyang was sitting has become a little blurred.

More and more dense white mist is emerging from the air, like breathing, surging around his body, and the scene looks very spectacular.

With every rise and fall of Zhang Zhaoyang's chest, the white mist also rises and changes.

At this time, the people on the side of the medical rescue team are also paying attention to the changes in the values ​​on the various test instruments in front of them.

"The body temperature is still rising, 40, 41, 42 degrees!"

"The heart rate is also rising, 180!"

"Zhang Zhaoyang seems to have a problem!"

A series of exclamations came from the side.

Kong Ji didn't care about Li Dingyuan and Dong Dingguo, and turned around and ran over quickly.

"What's going on?"

The head of the medical team is a middle-aged woman with glasses named Fu Kui. She was a student of Li Dingyuan before, but she had graduated a long time ago and is now also a world-class medical expert.

"Zhang Zhaoyang's vital signs fluctuate violently. If this situation continues, it may cause irreversible damage to the body."

Fu Kui dragged his glasses with his index finger. Seeing Kong Ji's nervous face, Fu Kui said calmly: "But it is still within the tolerable range. With the existence of white mist, many previously difficult problems are no longer a problem."

"But the key situation now is that his physical condition is still getting worse. I think it is not suitable to continue practicing. If he continues, it is very likely that he will not be able to delay to the end. His body will not be able to bear it and will collapse completely."

"If it really reaches the most dangerous level, even white mist may hardly work again."

On the display screen, various data are constantly increasing slowly.

Each item would have been unconscious and fallen to the ground on an ordinary person, and the body would have suffered great damage.

Even Zhang Zhaoyang's body strengthened by white mist is difficult to bear in the current situation.

Kong Ji understood what Fu Kui meant.

The current state is not a big problem, but looking at the current trend, it is likely that something big will happen later.

"How long can you hold on?"

"My opinion is that if it continues to deteriorate, it will take at most three minutes, but if you can maintain the current state, it should be fine within half an hour."

Looking at Zhang Zhaoyang who was slowly shrouded by the white mist, Kong Ji thought for a while and made up his mind: "Please remind me in three minutes. If the indicators are still deteriorating, stop practicing."


Fu Kui agreed immediately.

The rescue personnel next to him also cheered up.

At this moment.

In the field.

Zhang Zhaoyang didn't feel very sad in the state that seemed very dangerous to the outside world, but felt happy and relaxed.

He could feel the surging white mist from the outside world constantly pouring into his body.

In just a few seconds, the total amount exceeded all the previous accumulation in his body.


"This Zhoutian Chunyang Gong is so powerful!"

"This is the real magic skill!"

Even though he closed his eyes, he could clearly perceive the scene in his body in his mind.

A round of sun hung high in the sky.

The light shone in all directions and all parts of the body.

Everything was clearly visible.

In his perception of his body, the surging white mist at this moment seemed to be rolling forward in the river channel like a hot magma wave, irrigating and filling one acupoint after another, and the momentum of the magma impact was still unstoppable until it rushed into a vast space and gathered into the sea.

The waves continued to surge, and then poured into the meridians from the space.

The two waves of the outside and the inside merged into one, constantly merging and converging, washing the whole body, and were bound to fill every dry meridian.

Inner vision! Dantian!

"So this is inner vision and Dantian!"

"No wonder Researcher Kong said this is the most dangerous step!"

"The amount of white mist is far beyond what the acupoints and meridians can accommodate. There must be a Dantian as a storage. If I can't find the Dantian, too much white mist will burst my body."


Zhang Zhaoyang was full of joy.

Practicing to this level, all the steps and processes envisioned in Zhoutian Chunyang Gong have been almost completed, and there is only one step left.

Strike the Ren and Du Meridians!

"Strike the Ren and Du Meridians will probably be dangerous. In my conception of the Gong method, a short period of practice should not be able to break through the Ren and Du Meridians. It is very likely that continuous practice will accumulate enough strength."

"But if you can complete the inner vision and Dantian, you can try to impact it."

"Just remember, don't force it."

"It's impossible, stop immediately!"

Thinking of Kong Ji's instructions in advance, Zhang Zhaoyang did not hesitate to control the white mist and impact the two hard dams.


It was as if a punch with all his strength hit Kunlun Mountain.

The clenched fist was instantly shattered by the recoil force.

The white mist surging in the meridians scattered.

"Not good!"

Zhang Zhaoyang was shocked.

He had no time to react at all. In an instant, he felt that his body was no longer under his control. The sun in the spiritual world went out, the visualization could not be maintained, and the inner vision state was broken with the tremor.

He immediately withdrew from the training state.

He opened his eyes again, and a mouthful of hot blood rushed straight to his throat.


"Zhang Zhaoyang!"

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Carry him out!"

"The medical team is following!"

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