The spiritual energy has revived, and all the exercises I compiled have been practiced

Chapter 36: Infinite medicinal power, the body-refining elixir

The guard pushed the door open and carefully handed the pill in his hand to Fu Kui.

He took the pill.

Fu Kui took off his mask and smiled.

"This is the latest anti-cancer drug we developed."

"I will feed it to you later. When the drug takes effect, some unexpected situations may occur, but there should not be too much risk."

"Everything in the room can be seen and heard from outside."

"Just wait until the situation stabilizes, and you will be fine if you describe the drug effect carefully."

"Do you understand?"

Looking at the blood qi pill the size of a bird egg in front of him, Li Kunlong took a deep breath.


There is no strong and pungent herbal smell in the nose, but a refreshing fragrance that makes people feel extremely comfortable. The body is relaxed to the extreme, and the small problem of nasal congestion caused by years of smoking and drinking is completely unblocked at this moment.

This feeling even overwhelms the sense of relaxation brought by the white mist, making him feel very comfortable.

"Is it really an anti-cancer drug?"

Li Kunlong was puzzled.

Most of the anti-cancer drugs he knew should be capsules and tablets, and this was the first time he had seen brown pills.

In the room.

Fu Kui brought a bowl of warm water and handed the medicine to Li Kunlong's mouth to help him swallow it.

Then he asked him to open his mouth, confirmed that he had swallowed it, and immediately walked out of the room.

As everyone left, Li Kunlong became uneasy.

The moment the pill entered his mouth.

He felt something was wrong with his body.

It was as if he had eaten a stove.

Infinite heat began to radiate violently from the mouth, esophagus and finally to the stomach.

The whole body seemed to be burning, and sweat quickly overflowed from the surface of the skin.

Not long after.

He felt as if he could clearly hear the loud sound of his heart beating in his ears, and the blood in his body was pumping, accompanied by the sound of waves like a river.

"What's wrong with me?"

He opened his mouth.

The overwhelming heat instantly gushed out.

The nostrils could clearly feel the heat wave coming, and the next second even two streams of heat rushed out of the nostrils.


The fishy smell flowed into his mouth, and Li Kunlong suddenly screamed. His body struggled unconsciously, and the entire medical bed was shaken and rattled. His limbs were pulled so hard that the steel rings on his hands made crisp collision sounds.

"Hold steady."

"The instrument shows that your current life state is very good."

Fu Kui's gentle voice came soon, constantly soothing his emotions: "I need you to describe your physical feelings in detail now."

Blood flowed into his mouth, and Li Kunlong tried his best to calm down, but his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

He kept moving his fingers and toes, and spoke with a trembling voice: "I feel my whole body is hot now, my heart is beating violently, I hear bangs and the sound of flowing river water in my ears, and the sound of bones cracking."

"Anything else?"

"Yes!" Li Kunlong continued to describe: "The skin is very tight, as if being pulled by someone, uncomfortable and painful; the muscles are swollen and sore; the head is confused, and the whole body feels like a sauna."

He kept describing the various states of his body, and in the end he didn't know whether he was in a coma or what was going on. He couldn't hear any sounds from the outside world, and didn't respond to Fu Kui's questions.

Even his eyes were scattered, and the whole person was unconsciously mumbling, and he couldn't hear what he said in his mouth.

"What's wrong with this state? Is there something wrong with the pill?" Li Dingyuan outside immediately looked at Fu Kui.

Fu Kui glanced at the various data displayed on the instrument: "It should be a side effect of the increase in body temperature. His heart rate is now almost 200, his body temperature is 44 degrees, and especially his blood pressure is soaring, which is not a range that a normal person can bear."

Kong Ji tilted his head and took a look.

The screen showed that the high blood pressure had reached 190!

This rapid increase in blood pressure is likely to cause blood vessels to rupture and various serious symptoms.

Kong Ji quickly moved his eyes to another machine.

This machine is connected to the high-end CT scanning machine in the room. It is constantly scanning Li Kunlong's internal body state regardless of the impact of radiation.

"It's amazing!"

"Li Kunlong's body tissues are constantly rupturing and repairing."

"Especially the various blood vessels in his body, many places have ruptured, but they are constantly repairing."

Looking at the CT images displayed on the screen, Fu Kui couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then, she pointed to the room: "Teacher, Kong Ji, look!"

In the room, Li Kunlong's skin was bright red, and tiny cracks were constantly opening, as if someone had pulled it open.

What was even more surprising was that the blood oozing out of the cracks in the skin was like boiling water, with blood bubbles rising and breaking one by one, and even hot air could be seen with the naked eye.


"Not only hot air, but also white mist!"

Li Dingyuan suddenly screamed.

Visible white mist actually emerged from the blood coming out of Li Kunlong's body, and even the surroundings were undergoing drastic changes. Wisps of visible white mist slowly emerged in the air from all directions and wrapped around Li Kunlong's cracked body.

"Is there a problem?"

Li Dingyuan quickly looked at Kong Ji.

"It shouldn't be!"

Kong Ji shook his head and observed the situation in the room very seriously.

He clearly saw that the cracked skin surface of Li Kunlong's body was constantly healing and being impacted and cracked under the influence of the white mist.

This situation does not look like an injury at all, but rather seems to be rapidly improving Li Kunlong's physical fitness.

His body is constantly going through the cycle of injury-healing-injury-healing, strengthening step by step!

The infinite medicinal power of the Blood Qi Pill is making Li Kunlong's body evolve rapidly!

That's not all.

What surprised Kong Ji the most was that at this moment, even with his highest level of cultivation, he could not feel any sign of the operation of the technique in Li Kunlong's meridians and acupoints.

In other words, Li Kunlong does not have any skill or cultivation at the moment.

On the contrary, an invisible sense of oppression can be felt in his body, blood, skin, hair and other parts!

This feeling made Kong Ji immediately think of a word - body training!

"It doesn't look like something happened, but it looks like it's absorbing the white mist."

Kong Ji glanced at the data detected on various instruments: "Judging from the instrument data, Li Kunlong's brain waves are very active now. Although the various data are very high, they do not look like a dying patient. Instead, they look a bit like he was back then." Zhang Zhaoyang’s first practice.”


Li Dingyuan was shocked: "So you mean, he is practicing?"

"It's not about practicing martial arts, it's about training your body!"

Kong Ji shook his head and said: "Professor, you should know that high-level cultivators can sense the skills of low-level practitioners. However, I can't feel any signs of skills running in Li Kunlong's body now. On the contrary, his body Muscles, bones, and blood have strong reactions.”

"You try."

Li Dingyuan immediately followed the instructions and closed his eyes to conduct a test. As expected, there was no sign.

Fu Kui also did the same test, and the result was still the same.

Several guards and medical experts present also got the same result.

"What's going on?"

"It's so strange. Li Kunlong has never practiced Kung Fu, and it's his first time contacting white mist, so there can't be any cultivation. It's normal that we can't sense it, but now I can sense it on his body. "

Everyone looked puzzled and waited for Kong Ji's answer.

Kong Ji explained: "I now speculate that the reason for this situation should be that the power of the Blood Qi Pill was too much for Li Kunlong to bear, let alone absorb. In addition, he had never practiced Kung Fu, so he suffered from the impact of the medicine. The body was broken."

"And the medicinal power contained in his body attracts the white mist and strengthens the body; the white mist also passively strengthens and restores the functions of the human body."

"The two energies interacted with each other, which resulted in Li Kunlong's current state."

Kong Ji finally concluded: "I think Li Kunlong's body is undergoing unprecedented changes. As long as he can survive it, he may not need to practice the exercises. He can achieve the powerful power of practicing the exercises just by relying on his physical fitness!"

"This is the greatest effectiveness of the Blood Qi Pill!"

"This is a powerful elixir that works on the physical body!"

"He is refining his body!"

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