The spiritual energy has revived, and all the exercises I compiled have been practiced

Chapter 91: Go to Kunlun quickly and ask Professor Kong to come out (please subscribe and vote)

"Go ahead."

Fang Qiuchan waved her hand and asked the doctor to leave.

He stood in front of the ward door and thought.


"This baby is not simple. He does not need to practice. He is naturally favored by spiritual energy. He also has such a pure energy in his body. It is the first time in the history of the world."

"I don't know how it was formed. There are no similar records at home or abroad."

Looking at the baby who had fallen asleep peacefully in the room, Fang Qiuchan kept thinking.

It has been a week since the torrent of spiritual energy broke out. Even with soldiers stationed, the entire Tai'an is still in the center of chaos.

People from all over the country heard about it and came here.

High-speed rail, trains, buses, planes, self-driving, all means, and even people in nearby villages and towns choose to walk.

In just a few days, Tai'an's population doubled.

All hotels are full, shopping malls are overcrowded, street restaurants are full of people, highway entrances are blocked by long queues, national highways are full of cars, train stations and bus stations are overloaded with passengers, and some people even start to set up tents on the streets.

Walking on the road, you can see people starting live broadcasts everywhere, showing in front of netizens their physical fitness that has become stronger after being infected by spiritual energy, and constantly shouting thank you to your family and your big brother.

In the shadows, there are also criminals who use their strength to break the law, commit petty thefts, and even conspire behind the scenes to commit murder and robbery, causing a torrent of evil.

This is just the city of Tai'an.

At the foot of Mount Tai, there was even more chaos.

There are small vendors selling water everywhere.

Large groups of tourists are everywhere taking pictures with their mobile phones. Tents have been erected indiscriminately everywhere. Parking lots are no longer parking spaces but parking spaces. Some people even try to rush into the parking lot and use various means to break into Mount Tai. People who have disappeared or fallen have News is pouring in every day.

TV stations and online anchors even set up tripods and walked among the crowd with microphones to conduct interviews.

The whole area is a mixed bag of ghosts and monsters.

Fortunately, a large number of soldiers were stationed and vigorously cleaned up, and the social order was finally able to maintain stability and was not on the verge of collapse.

Fang Qiuchan has also been very busy these days.

"Covered with blood and mentally disturbed, it seems like someone is engaging in some doomsday propaganda or something like that."

"Let people die and disrupt public order, damn it!"

"They should all be killed, leaving no one alive."

Fang Qiuchan cursed secretly, but her attention still shifted to the ward.

"We can't find any clues here in the hospital. We can only look at the experts and professors in the base to see if they can figure out what caused this baby."

As soon as she thought of it, Fang Qiuchan immediately took out her communicator and contacted the upper management of the base, explained the situation, and requested that several relevant experts and professors be transferred over.

It didn't take long.

An old man over fifty years old and wearing black-rimmed glasses entered the hospital under the escort of soldiers.

"Professor Wang!"

At the elevator entrance, Fang Qiuchan said hello: "I'm sorry to trouble you to make a trip."

Wang Zhirong.

He is as famous as Li Dingyuan in the medical field. He is proficient in ancient medical theories and has made great achievements in cardiovascular and brain departments, as well as other departments. He can be said to be a veritable master of general medicine and is well-known in the domestic medical field.

He is also a top researcher at Taishan Base and a leader in Reiki Gong theory.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll be here as soon as I hear your news."

Wang Zhirong waved his hand and said impatiently: "There is actually a baby who is naturally favored by spiritual energy and can absorb spiritual energy on his own. This is the first case in the world. It is of great significance. Where is he? Take me to see him quickly."

"This way."

Fang Qiuchan immediately led the way forward and explained the specific situation at the same time.

The door of the ward.

Wang Zhirong did not rush to push the door in, but lay on the door and observed for a moment, then turned around and asked: "You are also one of the most advanced people in the world. The situation of this baby Doudou is very special. The existing I’m afraid medical theory can’t explain it, so why don’t you tell me your opinion.”

Fang Qiuchan thought for a moment and then said: "I wonder if you have ever heard of the innate body?"

"Innate body?"

Wang Zhirong thought for a while, took out a smartphone from his body, rummaged through it, and finally opened a video.

in the video.

Kong Ji's voice came.

"When spiritual energy is revived, it will be a huge evolution for all life in the world, especially new life."

"There will definitely be some of them who are naturally more friendly to spiritual energy than others, and may even appear in mutant plots often seen in science fiction movies. Simply put, they are naturally gifted with certain abilities and are more capable than most people in certain aspects. Talent, this is the innate body.”

“If you don’t understand, you can refer to the examples around you. Some people are born with extremely high IQs and excellent learning abilities; some people are born with strong physical strength and well-developed limbs, and have been good at sports since childhood; some people are born with good cooking skills; some people are born with good car repairs; some people are born with good physical skills. This is the difference between an innate body and ordinary people when playing games.”

In the video, Kong Ji explains some concepts about the innate body after the spiritual energy is revived.

There isn't much content, it's just about ten seconds.

After hearing this, Wang Zhirong narrowed his eyes: "So, do you think the baby Doudou is probably the innate body that Professor Kong mentioned?"

In his words, he called Kong Ji professor.

This is also the new name given to Kong Ji by most researchers at the three major domestic bases.

He has now become a first-level researcher and a top expert with the highest level of cultivation and has created many spiritual energy-related paths.

No scholar or expert can achieve this kind of achievement.

Everyone conducts research and exploration within the framework he proposed. To a certain extent, Kong Ji can be regarded as a teacher for everyone in the world who is interested in learning "Reiki".

Even a top scholar like Wang Zhirong has to admire his achievements in this area.

During conversation, it is normal to call him professor.

What's more, among some young scholars, some even began to call Kong Ji their teacher.

"The situation is somewhat similar." Fang Qiuchan didn't care after hearing more, but continued: "After the spiritual energy covered Tai'an, many people were born during this period, but among them, Doudou was the only one who had this magical change. , It seems that he is practicing every breath, and the vitality in his body is unprecedented. "

"The fourth level of pure Yang Qi in my body right now is actually not as good as this vitality in terms of quality."

"I have only experienced power comparable to this from Kong Ji."

Fang Qiuchan recalled that in Kusai, Kong Ji showed the fifth level of pure Yang Qi. Only that level of Qi could compare with the vitality in Doudou's body.

She was a combatant and fought together with Kong Ji in Kusai, but her title remained the same.

"The fifth level?"

Wang Zhirong was extremely horrified when he heard this: "It's actually that powerful? I heard that the fifth level can release true energy, condense the energy wall, and change it at will. It has reached the peak state of 'energy' in the current cultivation system. It is the only one in the world. Professor Kong did it all by himself.”

"Is this baby actually born with it?"

"Are you sure?"

He is also a master who has cultivated to the second level. He knows how huge the gap is in terms of true energy if he wants to reach the fifth level.

It can be said that between the two, one to one hundred and one to one thousand are not enough to describe.

A wisp of fifth-level infuriating energy is at least equivalent to ten thousand strands of second-level infuriating energy, and the quality is very different.

However, according to Fang Qiuchan, Doudou, a baby, was born with nameless vitality equivalent to the fifth level of true energy, which was unbelievable.

Wang Zhirong couldn't believe it: "Are you sure you didn't feel wrong?"

“You can’t go wrong!”

Fang Qiuchan spoke firmly without any hesitation.

"Okay, okay!"

Wang Zhirong was immediately excited when he heard this: "Whether it is congenital or not, this baby will be a unique and special talent. Ask the previous attending doctor to bring over the relevant test reports and let me take a look."

Immediately some soldiers went to find a doctor.


A thick stack of test reports was brought over, which showed Doudou's various physical indicators.

Wang Zhirong kept flipping through it, mumbling something to himself.

"The blood routine test is fine, the urine test is fine, and the stool test shows there is no inflammation in the internal organs, facial features, white blood cells, and red blood cells. Everything is developing normally, and everything is fine."

Turning to the end, he put away the test report.

"From the report, Doudou's physical indicators are extremely normal. There is nothing unusual about him. He is very healthy."

"But you can't see any difference from a normal baby?"

"In this case, what's going on with the vitality?"

"It seems that this is another phenomenon that cannot be explained by modern medical theory and can only be explained by pneumatology."

"Come on, let me sense what that vitality is?"

Wang Zhirong pushed up his glasses, then pushed open the door and entered with Fang Qiuchan.

in the room.

Doudou and the woman have fallen asleep peacefully, leaning against each other.

The nurse guarding the bedside saw the two people coming in. When she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Wang Zhirong's wave.


"Don't make a scene."

"Keep quiet."

After saying that, he walked closer to Doudou and observed carefully, using the most focused posture to continuously record all of Doudou's physical conditions.

After some busy work, Wang Zhirong gently stretched out a finger and touched Doudou's Dantian, then silently performed the exercises and closed his eyes to sense.

Through swaddling.

He sensed an extremely pure, rich, yet subtle energy entrenched in Doudou's Dantian.

Occasionally, the vitality pulses and circulates, but every cycle guides the surrounding spiritual energy to flow through the meridians in Doudou's body.

And Doudou's body seems to be born with all the meridians, and there are no barriers.

The circulation of vitality moves forward without any obstruction, bypassing the acupuncture points and Dantian, covering the skin and bones, entering the blood and flesh cells, and flowing through all parts of the body.

The whole process is extremely gentle, giving people a warm breeze and an extremely comfortable feeling of being slightly tipsy.

It is completely unlike the state of Qi in a practitioner's body after practicing.

"After those of us practice Pure Yang Kung Fu, the true energy in our bodies surges and surges, bursting like fire, like a rolling river, flowing thousands of miles east, with majestic momentum. It wants to break through all levels and reach its peak state."

"The vitality in Doudou's body moves slowly, like the calmest lake surface, with no waves or waves, flowing leisurely without any hindrance, and naturally spreads throughout the body."

"Is it possible that the baby's body is not fully developed yet? The meridians and acupoints have not all appeared yet? And the vitality is mainly nourishing and cultivating, so it is not suitable to open and close vigorously and vigorously. In addition, pure Yang is not visualized and is not contaminated. Any attributes?"

"It's hard to say."

"But this vitality is of extremely high quality and is extremely pure. It's just a weak wisp, but it seems to be comparable to all the true energy I have developed through hard training in Pure Yang Kung Fu."


"An unprecedented discovery!"

Wang Zhirong's mind was churning, and he kept making speculations. Finally, he took Fang Qiuchan out of the ward again.

"Professor, how was the examination?"

Fang Qiuchan asked.

Wang Zhirong's eyes behind the lenses flashed with excitement: "It's just as you said. The quality of his vitality is extremely pure, and there is nothing wrong with his body."

"Is it a congenital body?"

"It's hard to say for the time being." Wang Zhirong shook his head gently: "I am only a beginner in the knowledge of spiritual energy. If I want to really confirm what state Doudou is in, I have to go to Kunlun quickly and ask Professor Kong to come to Tai'an."

"Only he can explain all the changes!"

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