The spiritual energy has revived, and all the exercises I compiled have been practiced

Chapter 92 The Devil is Deep, Sihai Mall (Please subscribe, please vote)

"Professor? Me?"

Kong Ji hung up the phone with a confused look on his face, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart.

Who is Wang Zhirong? In today's world, he is just a senior high school student who has not gone to any university. How can he be called Professor Yi Kong by such a great academic?

It always feels awkward.

"I actually became a professor?"

"You don't know yet?" Li Dingyuan laughed: "Do you know what the three major bases in the country call your theory about spiritual energy recovery?"


Li Dingyuan smiled and said: "Aura science! A subject that specializes in the theory of aura, and you are the founder of this subject, the highest level, a first-level researcher. In this case, why not call me professor?"

"But, my age"

Kong Ji still couldn't accept it.

How can I be called a professor when I am young and have low academic qualifications?

This title is usually reserved for middle-aged scholars who have published numerous books and professional papers and are well-known in the academic world.

Who is he?

"Don't belittle yourself, age is not a problem." Li Dingyuan waved his hand and said: "There is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. In the subject of Reiki, even if you are an academician, you can do your job, and age is nothing."

"In the eyes of the young people at the base, you are enough to be considered a teacher, and you are also a big figure like Einstein and Newton in the spiritual field."


A man in his thirties happened to pass by.

Kong Ji recognized him. He was a researcher in physics, level three, and the second level of Pure Yang Kung Fu.

Li Dingyuan directly pulled him over and stood in front of Kong Ji, pointed at Kong Ji and said to him: "Do you know who he is?"


The man's face was full of admiration. He looked at Kong Ji as if he were on a pilgrimage: "Teacher Kong, can you teach me how to achieve inner vision and Dantian, and break through to the third level of Pure Yang Kung Fu? I have already It’s been stuck for a long time.”


Looking at the man's eyes full of curiosity, Kong Ji's mouth froze, and he suppressed his embarrassment and explained to him: "In the final analysis, inner vision and Dantian are there, and they will not change because of the outside world. The reason why you have not reached it is just It’s just because my mind is not immersed enough and there are distracting thoughts.”

"I suggest you to strengthen the visualization of the soul. The more immersed you are in the visualization, the more distracting thoughts you can eliminate, so that the spiritual soul can reach the most focused state. At this time, follow the circulation route of the true energy to sense, and explore through the true energy. Over time, it will naturally Your mind will be clear, your inner vision will be opened, and you will have a glimpse of your Dantian.”

"This is a hard-earned skill. What's important is to overwhelm the willful. If you don't have enough talent or skill, you can only deepen it slowly."

A sudden realization suddenly appeared on the man's face, and he looked like he had been taught something. He bent down and bowed, and sincerely thanked him: "That's it. Thank you Master Kong for clarifying my doubts."

Then, slowly go away.

"Can you accept it now?" Li Dingyuan teased, "Professor Kong?"

Looking at the scene of the man walking away, no matter how awkward Kong Ji felt, he had to admit in his heart that he had indeed become a respected top expert professor one year after graduating from high school.

At least within the field of spiritual mechanics!

"Teacher, please stop calling me that." Kong Ji shook his head helplessly: "Since I entered the base, I have been learning medical knowledge from you, and you are my teacher and professor. From now on, just call me Xiao Kong."

"Okay, okay."

Li Dingyuan smiled and then said, "This time Taishan Base asked you to check on the baby Doudou. What do you think? Is it the innate body you mentioned before?"

"It's hard to say."

Kong Ji shook his head.

"Innateness, simply put, is the characteristics that exist in any life since its birth."

"I heard Fang Qiuchan describe that the baby Doudou was born in the body for only 48 hours. He did not practice any skills during the period, and there is no one who can inject such pure vitality into his body. In this case, the most likely possibility is Born with it.”

"The innate body I once said will be very similar."

Kong Ji once briefly described the concept of the innate body in a video.

In his understanding, the innate body is something that exists from birth, and when placed in a human body, it is already destined to be different from ordinary people when it is just a fertilized egg, a change brought about by nature.

This change has nothing to do with the genes of both parents, but is a gift from heaven and earth, similar to the soul.

In the past, spiritual energy did not exist, and there were no pregnant women in the three major bases, let alone newborns.

Now that the torrent of spiritual energy has appeared, the rules of the great road between heaven and earth have changed. Under the influence of spiritual energy, the baby Doudou was born.

"If Fang Qiuchan is right, then Doudou is probably an innate body."

"The specific situation still needs to be carefully explored before we can understand it clearly."

"Is it an innate body? If so, what effects does Doudou's innate body have?"

“It’s all things that need to be studied.”

Kong Ji thought to himself.

There are many kinds of innate physiques described in many novels and books, and he also wants to know which aspect Doudou's innate physique is inclined to.

Can this kind of physique be reproduced the day after tomorrow?

So that people who don't have an innate body can have similar effects?

Everything must be researched after going to Mount Tai.

"By the way." Li Dingyuan reminded again: "Taian is not as good as Kunlun. There are many people there, and any situation may occur. You still have to pay more attention to safety."

"Don't worry, teacher."

Kong Ji nodded and said: "Unless there is someone who can gain unparalleled strength in just a few days, and have a body that is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, no one can hurt me."

In the past few days, he has slowly improved his cultivation level in front of outsiders.

For example, with the help of the elixir, the Heavenly Secret Body Refining Technique has broken through to the third level in one go, reaching the first place in the world again, reaching the same level as Zhou Bo who just broke through in Kusai.

Such a stunning performance was naturally surprising, but it did not arouse any suspicion.

The elixir plus was vaguely said to be the ultimate talent of the number one person in the base. No matter how surprised everyone was, they thought it was normal. At most, they praised it and continued to practice hard.

There is no such thing as someone being displeased and resorting to secret tactics.

"Now that you are sure, pack up and get ready to go."

That afternoon.

Kong Ji boarded the plane and spent several hours flying from Kunlun to Mount Tai.

On the plane.

Through the window, Kong Ji saw a bright light.

"What a troubled time!"

"A mere TA city is now comparable to first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. There are at least eight to nine million people gathered within the coverage area of ​​​​Aura."

His eyes penetrated the dark night, taking in an unobstructed view of the entire TA city.

As far as the eye can see, there are tent camps everywhere, and groups of people can be seen wandering around in the streets.

The vendors cheered and set up stalls to make money.

Internet bloggers took pictures on the street.

Traffic feast!

Under the bustling scene, Kong Ji saw soldiers and security forces patrolling the streets all night long. Their faces were full of vigilance, and they kept scanning the surrounding carnival crowds, not daring to slack off at all.

"With the spiritual energy coming together, the demons are dancing wildly."

"Fortunately, most people are keeping to themselves."

"It's finally good."

Kong Ji thought of some foreign news he had seen recently.

The places covered by spiritual energy in several densely populated areas are simply chaotic. People are running around doing evil, and they are endlessly killed and cannot be swept away.

There are always ambitious people and lawless people who think they are favored by God, despise the law, act tyrannically, and commit evil everywhere.

In comparison, Taian is pretty good.

The social order is relatively stable. Although there are undercurrents surging in the darkness, it is still under control.

"Where is it?"

Suddenly, Kong Ji saw a thick darkness rising in his eyes, and the spiritual energy around him seemed to be infected, bringing with it a deep chaotic demonic nature, which was daunting.

"Aura is like a mirror, it has no attributes. The reason why various attributes appear is just caused by external infection."

"Since I reached the magic realm, I have seen the aura more thoroughly, and acquired a method similar to the qi-gazing technique described in the Taoist Alchemy Sutra. I can distinguish between good and evil, and see one person and one place in a short period of time. There are some things that can be inferred from the changes in luck.”

"Just like when we were at the Kunlun base, the aura there was vigorous, upright, and mighty. It was obviously because the base was full of soldiers, experts and scholars, and everyone was dedicated to the best."

"However, that place actually gave me a sense of decay, restlessness, chaos and deep demonic nature."

"It seems that someone is doing evil in secret, plotting in private to create unrest."

"You have to find a chance to take a look."

Kong Ji immediately took out his mobile phone, clicked on the map, checked the directions, and quickly confirmed the specific location of the place.

"Sihai Mall?"

The magic power gathered in his eyes, crossing the void, Kong Ji's eyes kept searching.

As far as the eye can see, Sihai Mall is bustling with nothing unusual.

"If it can't be seen from the outside, it can only be caused by the inside."

"It's a pity that I can't do fluoroscopy right now, otherwise I would be able to detect abnormalities right away."

"No matter what, I still need to find an opportunity to remind Fang Qiuchan."

Withdrawing his gaze, Kong Ji closed his eyes to rest.

A few minutes later.

The plane landed with a roar and arrived at Taishan Base.

Taishan Base is hidden deep in the Taishan Mountains, a certain distance away from the scenic area. Soldiers can be seen patrolling all around, and facilities similar to those in Kunlun are built to practice wave-riding flying skills and Tianji Indestructible Body Refining Techniques.

As soon as Kong Ji got off the plane, he didn't have time to take a closer look when he saw Fang Qiuchan, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Why are you here?"

"Wait for you."

The two simply said hello, and Fang Qiuchan acted quickly: "We are busy, hurry up,"


"The helicopter is ready. I will tell you the details on the plane. We will set off immediately!"

Kong Ji immediately followed Fang Qiuchan onto the helicopter and flew to the hospital.

On the helicopter.

Fang Qiuchan repeated the specific situation, and then took out various test reports and handed them to him.

"See for yourself."

"Professor Wang said that Doudou is very healthy based on the indicators. I wonder what your conclusion is?"

Kong Ji studied medicine with Li Dingyuan, and he could understand the report. After checking it carefully, he quickly came to the conclusion: "There is no problem with the indicators. As for the innate body, I have to see it in person."


Fang Qiuchan nodded, then closed her eyes to rest.

Seeing Fang Qiuchan's face full of exhaustion, given her current state of mind, it was obvious that she was extremely busy with work and she couldn't bear it.


The helicopter landed on the rooftop of the hospital.

Fang Qiuchan quickly opened her eyes and said slightly apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm so tired during this period. I haven't slept for several days. I must seize all the time to recover."

"Understood." Kong Ji nodded: "Let's go, hurry up."

The two quickly rushed to the ward.

As we passed by, we could see patients everywhere in the hospital, mostly with trauma.

"After the torrent of spiritual energy, fights and petty thefts became very frequent. Everyone has strong self-control and seldom tolerates it, so..." Fang Qiuchan stopped, and then said: "Fortunately, everyone can count these days. I calmed down and things got a lot better.”

"It's normal."

Kong Ji expressed his understanding: "In the past, everyone liked to reason when things happened, because they knew they couldn't defeat them, and they had to consider the consequences."

"Now that you suddenly have power, it is naturally difficult to restrain yourself. After a while, when you realize that everyone is the same and the law has not relaxed its control, you will return to your previous state of reasoning."

Fang Qiuchan nodded: "What you said makes sense. The above also said that things should be handled in accordance with the law. If it were me, I would be too lazy to go to the trouble. I would put them all in jail for a few months. If they don't obey, they will be imprisoned again. If they don't obey, they will be shot. , the world will be unified immediately.”

Kong Ji shook his head and laughed when he heard this.

If we really go by Fang Qiuchan's idea, before the world is unified, the prisons will be overcrowded.

It didn't take long.

The two of them have arrived at the floor where the ward is located.

Before seeing anyone, Kong Ji already had feelings for him.

In his perception, there seemed to be a warm little sun emitting light in the ward, and the surrounding spiritual energy was constantly circulating with the sun as the center, with a strong personal imprint on it.

Although he can use magic to erase the mark, but then the little sun will be completely extinguished and lose all its magic.

"Where is it?"

Kong Ji immediately pointed to Ward 301.

Fang Qiuchan asked: "Did you feel it?"


Kong Ji looked solemn, nodded and said: "I can sense a strong vitality with a strong personal mark. The quality is very high, no worse than my current zhenqi. This feeling is very much like an innate body, let's go!"

Seeing the innate body for the first time, Kong Ji became very interested.

The two pushed the door open and entered.

Wang Zhirong was waiting inside at this time.

In the ward, the woman has woken up, holding Doudou in her arms, looking alert and not letting anyone get close.

"Professor Wang."

Fang Qiuchan introduced, and when he was about to introduce Kong Ji, Wang Zhirong had already stepped forward and said excitedly: "No introduction is needed."

"Professor Kong, I have longed for it for a long time, and today I finally get to see him in person. I am so lucky in my lifetime."

Kong Ji felt a little numb when he heard this, and he still couldn't accept it, but he couldn't refuse, so he waved his hand and said: "I have heard of your name, Professor Wang, for a long time, but now is not the time to chat, let's settle the business first."


Wang Zhirong's expression straightened and he immediately said: "Before you came, I had someone investigate the information and expedited a paternity test."

"Lin Xiaojuan, 26 years old, is probably Doudou's biological mother. She is married. Her husband is Ren Yao, who is also 26 years old."

A police officer wearing a police uniform handed over a stack of information and continued: "After investigation, Ren Yao and Lin Xiaojuan are both employees of Sihai Mall. They got married the year before last and have a house purchased with a loan in Tai'an. Doudou I was conceived nine and a half months ago, and there is a pregnancy test record at the Maternity and Children’s Hospital.”

"After visiting, we learned that the couple had always been very affectionate. However, after last month, neighbors reported that there were constant sounds of quarreling and smashing things in their home. Then Ren Yao began to go out early and come back late, and Lin Xiaojuan also began to rarely go out. It became like this when we met.”

"I don't know what happened in the middle."

Sihai Mall?

When Kong Ji heard the name, his heart moved, and he immediately said: "When I passed Tai'an on the plane, I sensed that there was something wrong with the spiritual energy in a place. I checked it on the map and it seemed to be in Sihai Mall."

"Oh?" Fang Qiuchan immediately said alertly: "Do you think there is anything unusual there?"

Kong Ji nodded: "A kind of induction."

Fang Qiuchan recalled: "I have been inspecting Sihai Mall several times in the past few days. At that time, I vaguely felt that something was wrong, but after careful inspection, I found nothing unusual. Now that you have said so, I should take some time to check it out. Search it."

Once you reach a certain level, you will be sensitive to the external environment.

Fang Qiuchan can also do it, but she doesn't feel it as clearly as Kong Ji.

"In that case, it's good that you know what's going on."

Kong Ji turned to look at the hospital bed: "I'll just take a look at the child Doudou first."

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