The book wearer has a special connection with the book wear management center.

Book wearers are generally unwilling people who died accidentally and voluntarily signed a cooperation agreement with the management center so that they can participate in the world of the book to perform their tasks. To put it more profoundly, it is the soul and consciousness transformation that connect the management center.

Therefore, Jiang Shining's soul once again appeared in the management center that transcended time and the universe. She opened the door aggressively, and the robots seemed to stiffen.

What kind of person is the most terrible? People who have died, who would rather not go to reincarnation but also struggle to survive, and who have actually passed through the five ghost gates are the most terrible. Every book wearer who completes retirement in a difficult task is a big devil.

The one who should come is still unable to hide. The robot in charge of Jiang Shining flew over in a slanderous manner.

"I think it is necessary for you to explain why the dog emperor appeared in this new world. Also, did you give me another identity?!"

No way, the robot can only tell her the fact that this world is a comprehensive world composed of Xiaobai's unfinished articles.

"Because this is a comprehensive world, we have the ability to intervene to change this many." The robot said anxiously, "As for your identity, this actually has, has, and has..."

"I won't be a mother this time, I will become a vicious female partner, am I?" Jiang Shining sneered.

The robot was silent, looking a little embarrassed. Jiang Shining had already guessed, and now it looks like it is demonstrating her ideas.

"Because we believe in your level... You have also seen that the plots and characters that appear in this world will be more... simpler than what you have experienced before." The robot whispered, "And there is no life-threatening thing, so we secretly took it down. With this decision... You were so disgusted with these things a year ago, so you didn't dare to say."

Jiang Shining no longer wanted to continue entangled with it. To be honest, she had no choice. She had died in a normal world. If there was no such thing as a book-piercing system to give her a living world, she would not exist anymore.

She came anxiously to argue another matter.

"Why is Chu Haoli appearing here?"

"Because we gave some characters who are not brutal and evil, a second chance to place them in a more regulated world of the world order." The robot said, "Actually, the author is like the character's parents. What kind of personality and ideas have been arranged by the author , The role does not have the right to choose. After comprehensively assessing the safety value, some of the original characters who have been modified by the book pierced the world and caused the death of the butterfly effect, we will give them another chance to live."

The grudge between Jiang Shining and Xiu Lingfei made her completely unable to treat him objectively, but forget it, she didn't care about her anyway.

"If people like Chu Hao Li can get another chance, then—"

Before Jiang Shining had finished speaking, the robot sighed softly.

"Of course, as you think. Your children are also in that world. It's just that this is a world with extremely high degrees of freedom. We didn't interfere with their growth too much." The robot said, "This is what we use to compensate you. Do you think it is acceptable?"

Jiang Shining's heart began to jump wildly. She has never been so excited and truly happy since she completed the task.

Regardless of the emperor and Xiao Baiwen, her children, her true relatives, actually live in the same world with her? For someone like Jiang Shining, the only softness is them.

And don't talk about children who are adults or close to adulthood. She was actually very concerned about her little daughter—she had just picked up a terrifying ‘monster’ that was originally the final boss in the apocalyptic world. In fact, it was a little girl who was accidentally mutated. Because she liked to eat apples, Jiang Shining called her Guoguo. She was only four years old when she first picked it up, but the mutation will make Guoguo a terrifying monster as she ages.

At the end, Jiang Shining found the recovery potion, and led a small group of survivors to survive, and humanity began to recover. But when she forcibly quit the mission, Guoguo was still a little girl. Even if she would recover health, Jiang Shining couldn't feel relieved.

Seeing her not talking, the robot could even guess what she was thinking.

"Ms. Jiang, I know that you are eager to find your relatives, but everyone enters that world at different times, different identities, and different speeds of recalling the past. So I suggest you go with the flow."

"You have to tell me where Guoguo is? She is not like brothers and sisters. She is almost either grown up or has brothers and sisters to rely on." Jiang Shining said.

"Then can we continue to cooperate, you will solve the trouble in these little white articles, I will tell you where she is." The robot said immediately.

"Yes." Jiang Shining said without hesitation, "but you have to be as open and transparent as in the past, and stop doing things like hidden companies."

The two parties reached a preliminary consensus. Jiang Shining discovered that the robots had stuffed her with a bunch of messy identity settings. For example, she is a rich girl who likes Xiu Jingrui, and she despises Cheng Luoxun and trips her twice and three times. Even if Xiu Jingrui treats her coldly, she will not change her life-of course, none of this has anything to do with Jiang Shining. , But I didn’t know why I pressed it on her head, and the relevant personnel would think that the female partner was her.

After returning to her own world, Jiang Shining went to check Chu Haoli again—oh no, he was called Xiu Lingfei all his life. She went to check the information of Xiu Lingfei. For nothing else, it is the wise choice to know yourself and the enemy. Since he can be reborn, so can some guys in other worlds. If there is only her as a foreigner in this world, she doesn't want to lose to these guys in this situation.

I have to admit that the old emperor still has two sons. Tianxia Longteng Group is really a large-scale chain company with the same benchmark, and it involves a very wide range of industries.

Jiang Shining looked at his small media and entertainment company again, and couldn't get it on the stage. At the beginning, Ninglu Media was still committed to becoming a comprehensive entertainment media company. Now it has gradually reduced to a small company that raises a few small trainees who do not go out and depends on a few contracted artists to support their families. It's just that there is still an old company brand holding it.

To be honest, Ninglu Media can no longer help these artists at this stage. Some of them have a way out. If the contract expires, they will be terminated. Jiang Shining can also understand.

It seems that the world has integrated the entertainment industry. But no matter what, she has to take care of the company.

In the past, I always disliked Chu Haoli and thought that he was also an emperor to be able to point fingers at tens of thousands. Now there is a real chance to compete. If she doesn't make this company the number one in this industry, how can she be embarrassed to look down on Chu Hao in the future? That can only show that she just wanted to be beautiful at the beginning, and she still didn't have his skills at all.

Jiang Shining plans to visit this company tomorrow.

She was lying on the sofa on the second floor of the villa to analyze the data, and the housekeeper came upstairs.

"Miss, you have a call from a Mr. Xiu."

Jiang Shining now jumps on his temples as soon as he hears the word Xiu.

"Hang up, I won't answer it in the future." She continued to look through the information.

The butler was silent for a moment.

"The Mr. Xiu said, you are afraid of him if you don't answer. He is here to write a challenge book."

Jiang Shining closed the computer fiercely. Do you still want to mix and use radical techniques together?

She was in a bad mood, went downstairs and picked up the phone, which was ajar.

"Chu Hao Li, if you get my landline by any means, I will call the police."

"Jiang Shining, have you only learned to call the police in the new era?" Xiu Lingfei's voice came, "You live in the villa complex sold by Longteng Tianxia, ​​and my company is responsible for even the property."

"..." She will sell the house tomorrow.

"Jiang Shining, what I said before counts. Judging from my previous affection, I am willing to help you in the new world." Xiu Lingfei said, "but you won't appreciate it, so I won't wait. You refused. I used to be the emperor, and I am still the big boss with every opportunity. If you refuse the old feelings, then we have to calculate the old account. How did you retaliate against me before, I will retaliate back."

"I am really afraid of death." Jiang Shining sneered, "I was not afraid of being killed by you at any time in the past. Now I am afraid of your simple threats?"

"This is not just a threat." Xiu Lingfei's voice became low, "For a woman like you, life and death are not terrible. The more proud you are, the more I will defeat you. I want you to understand. You admit that you are not as good as me."

"This post is good." Jiang Shining said casually.

"Turn on your phone and use social software." Xiu Lingfei said, "Do you know which one to use?"

"Chu Hao Li, I am not an ancient person!"

Jiang Shining hung up the phone, she went to a software called V Bo, and saw that the first hot search was-[Exposure! Longteng Group officially set foot in the entertainment industry! Interested in acquiring xx, **** and **** entertainment companies, under negotiation...]

What are the underground comments? ‘Dad is here to save the entertainment industry! ‘’The nice-looking little brother comes to **** it!’ ’’Please ban xxx, dad! ’’Long Teng’s father, please sign my family yyy, poor poor child’.

The Weibo posted half an hour ago has now passed 100,000 to 30,000 comments.

Jiang Shining silently started the account of "Ninglu Media", and it was so cold to death. In addition to posting some hard posts or Weibo with signed small fire artists, it can have up to a thousand revolutions, and even repost it when the worst is miserable. They are all less than ten, and there are no comments. Of course, I blame Guan Bo for being too boring and blunt.

Don't call it Dad, there is no one called Mom, Sister, Brother or Sister.

The road to turn over is a long way to go. In order to save trouble, she didn't want a big company. Who would have thought that this would make her have to experience a pseudo-self-made plot.

Jiang Shi condensed more than a dozen books on management, books on the entertainment industry, and bought more than a dozen books on the entertainment industry. She had to research and study before turning over.

At breakfast the next day, while the housekeeper slowly served Jiang Shining, he said, "Miss, the company called me this morning."

"Why call you?" Jiang Shining was strange.

"Because you didn't want to manage the company's affairs before."

Oh, yes, there is this setting too. It seems that in order to force her to arrange this entertainment company for her who didn't want to start a company at the time, the robot even inserted a plot. Jiang Shining has only 24 years since he came to this world. She must not have started this company.

According to the setting, this was also arranged for her by the rich old man who gave her inheritance, hoping that she would use this as a platform to develop her own business. But Jiang Shining was too young and rebellious, and just didn't want to manage, so he never officially took over.

Um... OK, it looks like the robot doesn't look less.

"What's wrong?"

The butler was silent for a moment.

"The hottest artist in your company wants to quit. The other party is Dragon Dragon. He said that the new company will help him pay the penalty."

Jiang Shining:...

It's true that it is the first to be fierce, this little belly chicken intestines, blemishes must be reported the same energy as when he was the emperor. If you don't accept his charity, he will start a company across industries and disgust you and dig your artist.

Jiang Shining took out her mobile phone. As a person in the entertainment industry, her mobile phone really made the robots store a bunch of messy numbers, she picked one and called it.

"Hey, Sun Entertainment News?" Jiang Shining said blankly, "I have a piece of information about the Three Young Masters of the World Longteng, do you want? Yes, Xiu Jingrui and a female artist who is going to make a comeback recently... I don't want it. Remuneration, I ask them to make headlines."

Xiu Lingfei must have thought of this, he might have arranged the software in advance. However, it was impossible for Yuji to stop digging. They all hid in ambush nearby. Three days later, as soon as Xiu Jingrui was released, even if his face was blocked, he was photographed by the paparazzi and Yuji. Countless photos. Jiang Shining took a picture of the handling slip given to her by the police who had mosaiced it and gave it to the entertainment reporters.

In Long Teng's office, Xiu Lingfei turned black when he looked at these newspapers and all kinds of side-by-side news.

Jiang Shining is still the Jiang Shining with a small belly, but the quality of this son is not good.

Come out and have a good beating.

The author has something to say: Jiang Shining: At least I am a normal female partner in this world, so I don’t need to be a mother anymore.

Fans: Mom! Be nice to my cub and give him more resources, OK!

Jiang Shining:? ? ? ? ?


In view of the Shuangwen label, the speed of the heroine salted fish turning over is estimated to be very fast_


I’m sorry everyone, the fever is repeated, I went to get the needle yesterday _(:з」∠)_ so there is no update

I also think the name I want to change is not very good. I will think about it again, because the name is too serious now, a bit like ancient Chinese. Wait for two days after I struggle to see if there is a better choice~

If you don’t have a fever, it depends on the situation. Tonight or tomorrow, I will update one more chapter during the day. In fact, normally I am the author of the day. Please forgive me and forgive me.

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