When Tianxia Longteng was busy because of Xiu Jingrui's detention, Jiang Shining drove the car and followed the navigation to the downstairs of Ninglu Media's company.

In fact, Ninglu Media has been strong in the outside world, but in the eyes of the public, it is still an invisible old enterprise. No one suspects that it is going to die soon, perhaps because the location and decoration of Nectar Media are still top-notch.

Her company's location is the gathering place of famous media and financial companies in City P. It can be said that the office headquarters of P City's top large enterprises and companies are gathered here. This place is like a place like Silicon Valley or Wall Street in Country M. It has a strong sense of modern design and many tourists come here to take pictures. The employees of all companies walking on the road are basically dressed in suits or short skirts, capable and tidy.

Never mind that Ninglu Media relies on a few artists to operate, but its facade is really open and bright, and there is no sense of old company corruption.

While Jiang Shining was visiting the company that was forced to her by the robot, she was a little puzzled—if the boss is absent, the company can still operate as usual? Besides, who helped her?

At this moment, the lady at the front desk stood up, her hands folded on her abdomen, showing a polite smile.

"Madam, can I help you?" The lady at the front desk smiled. "If you are looking for someone, you need to sign here."

"Hello, I want to see the person in charge of the company."

Today Jiang Shining is wearing sunglasses, with his hair crossed, and a beret. He looks very sassy and has an extraordinary temperament. So she said this endless sentence, which made the receptionist stunned, and she didn't know how to react for a while.

The beauty of women is not only visible from the face, but also whether a woman’s makeup is exquisite, whether her clothes are properly matched, she also has aura, standing posture, and even random movements, which can tell her education level or professional bias.

So even if she didn't show her face, the front desk lady still thought she was a star or someone with a big background. But the process still has to go.

"Uh... okay madam, but we need to make an appointment to meet with the vice president of our company. Please register your name and relevant information."

"My name is Jiang Shining, my phone number is 1XXX..."

Before Jiang Shining finished speaking, she saw that the lady at the front desk was a little dazed. She lowered her head and turned over something on the table, then raised her head.

"Ms. Jiang, please come with me, I will inform the vice president, he will be there in a while."

Under her guidance, Jiang Shining came to a small meeting room. She noticed that the corridors and environment of the company along the way were clean and new, but there were not too many office staff. This is an entertainment and media company that has a large company and has been scaled down.

Judging from the response of the young lady at the front desk, this ‘vice president’ obviously knew her and left her name specially, waiting for her to come and look for it? Jiang Shining didn't know if the robot had clicked on the plot again.

If this person is arranged to be the best, or her former mortal enemy, she swears, she will unload the robot's claws!

Jiang Shining only waited for about twenty minutes in this meeting room, and then heard faint footsteps coming from outside the half-covered door.

"Ms. Wang, Ms. Jiang is inside." She heard the lady at the front desk say.

"I see, thank you." Another low voice sounded.

…Wait, why is this sound a bit familiar?

The high-heeled shoes of the lady at the front desk faded away, and a young man in a suit opened the door and walked in. He turned the door shut tightly.

Turning his head, looking at Jiang Shining, the calmness just disappeared.

Kneeled with a plop, and it was strong and unbuffered. The muffled sound of knees touching the ground made the teeth tremble.

"Mother concubine!" The visitor already cried sadly.

Jiang Shining stood up slowly, she looked at him incredulously.

"...Jing Xuan?" she murmured.

The visitor turned out to be Jing Xuan, her own flesh and blood in the world of Gongdou. …Jing Xuan is actually responsible for managing the entertainment media company that she had not bothered to use for the entire year?

She was delayed for a year before meeting Jing Xuan again because of her own reasons?

Jiang Shining stood there stiffly, she hadn't woken up from the sudden surprise and self-blame, and Jing Xuan obviously knew the truth earlier than she did. He subconsciously took two steps forward knees before he got up and came to Jiang Shining. Jiang Shining almost subconsciously wanted to hug him, but after taking a break, Jing Xuan knelt down again and hugged her leg, breathing a little bit.

"Mother concubine...you finally came, I have been waiting for you for many years."

Jiang Shining put all the problems in her mind, and she bent down to help Jingxuan.

"Jing Xuan, this is the modern world, don't kneel. Let me see you quickly."

Jing Xuan slowly stood up with the strength of the woman.

When Jiang Shining died in Gongdou World, Jing Xuan was only seventeen years old. Although he was old for the ancients, he was still a child in Jiang Shining's eyes. Jing Yuan was seven years older. When Jiang Shining and Jing Yuan were busy fighting the emperor, they protected Jing Xuan more or less, allowing him to retain the youthful spirit that was rare among princes.

But now, Jing Xuan looks more mature, at least twenty-five or six. His eyebrows and eyes are the same as Jiang Shining remembered, but he has grown up and matured, and his facial features have become more clearly defined. It's just that now he seems to be too excited, his nose and eye sockets are reddish, aggrieved, still looks like a child.

Jiang Shining's hand involuntarily reached out to wipe away the tears that were shaking from the corner of Jing Xuan's eyes. Jing Xuan was actually a head taller than her, but hesitantly and hesitantly reached out and hugged her, as if Jiang Shining was something fragile, and then buried her head on her shoulder.

Jiang Shining sighed softly. She knew Jing Xuan was crying, but the boys, especially the prince, would be stronger. When Jing Xuan was so gaffe, she should give him this lean, so she reached out and hugged Jing Xuan. Shoulders.

Originally, Jiang Shining's eyes were a bit twitchy. She completed the task perfectly, but she was not a perfect mother. After she completed the fifth mission, her greatest wish was to make up for her regrets. Now that the wish is coming true little by little, Jiang Shining also wants to cry. But Jing Xuan was crying, but she became stronger.

She patted Jing Xuan's shoulder lightly. After some time, Jing Xuan raised her head which was a little messy, and his nose was still slightly red. He looked at Jiang Shining a little embarrassed.

"Mother concubine, I am not like this on weekdays, I am actually very stable."

"Sit down and drink some water." Jiang Shining said helplessly.

The two sat on the sofa. As soon as Jiang Shining picked up the kettle, Jing Xuan snatched it and filled them with a full glass of water. He drank it all in one breath. Then he put down the cup and looked a little embarrassed. Xiang Jiang Shining.

"Sorry, mother concubine, I have calmed down, I was a little gagged just now..."

"It's fine if you call me that in private. Pay attention outside and don't scare others." Jiang Shining smiled helplessly.

Because regardless of their past blood relationship and what happened, Jiang Shining looked younger than Jing Xuan in this world.

Jing Xuan opened his reddish eyes and said unacceptably, "How can it be done? A mother is a mother. I can't repay the kindness of nurturing in the previous life. I finally have a chance in this life. How can it be because of external reasons? And change? Then I am not filial!"

It seems that Jing Xuan and Xiu Lingfei both have this problem, and they become the style of their previous life when they speak in a hurry.

"Okay, okay..." Jiang Shining was even more helpless. Gong Dou World was struggling to survive. In order to survive, Jing Xuan Jingyuan was sensible early. When she died, Jing Yuan was already twenty to three, but Jing Xuan was only seventeen. Now that she can finally meet in a peaceful world, she can't bear to refute any of Jing Xuan's words. Even if she knew that she was tougher, Jing Xuan would obey.

"Jing Xuan, why are you here, how do you know my existence?" Jiang Shining changed the subject and asked the topic.

In advance of this, Jing Xuan's eyebrows darkened, and when he was thinking about business, he was as calm as he said.

"I woke up in this world more than ten years ago. At that time, there was a voice in my mind that led me to know the truth... I know that our world is a book, mother concubine." He said, "Then, that The voice says that you will wake up eventually, but before that moment comes, the "Jiang Shining" of this world is just an NPC for running the plot. That voice guided me to take over the company, and the voice said that this is for you, the mother concubine. Yes, your appearance here one day proves that the real mother and concubine have awakened."

"You are running this company?" Jiang Shining was a little surprised.

"In fact, it's not an operation. The voice said that I must respect all laws and wait until you show up to change." Jing Xuan said shyly, "So this company, I only show up when it needs a boss, and sign on your behalf, or Make some decisions."

Anyway, this kind of small company doesn't have any international priorities to deal with. If it can hold on to this half-dead, it must have the aura of robots.

Jiang Shining understood that the robots were slapped and gave her sweet dates. Knowing that she was in a bad mood after understanding the truth, they arranged Jing Xuan here to keep her out of anger.

There is a feeling that I am still a character in the book, being manipulated as a puppet, which is uncomfortable.

But life is like a play, and play is like life. She can only live in the world. Since she can still satisfy her desires, she can barely choose.

"Do you know where Jing Yuan is?" Jiang Shining asked.

In fact, she has no hope. If Jing Yuan and Jing Xuan stay together, they will definitely come to see her together.

Sure enough, Jing Xuan shook his head.

"I don't know where my brother is, but I guess he must be in this world." After answering, Jing Xuan looked at Jiang Shining, and he hesitated, "...Mother concubine, I have a question, I don't know what to do. Shouldn't ask."

"You said." Jiang Shining reached out and stroked Fu Jingxuan's slightly tousled black hair.

"You... are you not the original Xiaofei of that world?" Jing Xuan said nervously, "I read that book. Originally, the fate of the three of us was extremely miserable..."

But what they experienced was not so. Obviously, Jiang Shining subverted the entire plot with his own power-even Xiu Lingfei in here was even more brutal and mediocre than the one they had experienced. At least in the world they experienced, Chu Hao was very ashamed of the harem concubine and children, but was very dedicated to the world.

Jing Xuan is really smart.

"That's true." Jiang Shining said calmly, "The voice you hear is a book-piercing system. And I am a member of the correction."

Obviously, this is not what Jing Xuan cares most about.

"The mother concubine...has been to many worlds?"

"Plus your world, there are five in total," Jiang Shining said.

Jing Xuan hesitated, he felt that he was not decisive at all, he didn't look like a man. But asking this question seems to be a bit shameless.

Finally, Jing Xuan pursed his lips.

"The mother... is there any heir in other worlds?"

Jiang Shining was taken aback for a moment, and he was really dumbfounded—how could he still feel sorry for his second son?

Yes, the world of Gong Dou was the first world Jiang Shining traversed, but she had trained in the book-piercing system for a long time before starting the mission. Jing Yuan adopted other concubines, so in a way, Jing Xuan was her first child.

Now he looked at her pitifully and blankly, looking at Jiang Shining helplessly.

"Jing Xuan..." She stretched out her hand and stroked the back of her hand on Jing Xuan's cheek. She used to comfort him like this, but...

Jing Xuan's eyes darkened with disappointment.

"Therefore, in the future, someone will come to grab my mother and concubine with me and the emperor brother." He said softly, "Mother concubine, you...how many children do you have, how many children do I think of my mother and concubine?"

Jiang Shining couldn't answer this question. Her situation is too special. How can emotion be explained so easily in the fifth reincarnation?

"Jing Xuan, your words like this really embarrass me." Jiang Shining said helplessly. "No matter who you say, it's unfair to others, isn't it?"

"...Mother taught that the child is childish." Jing Xuan was sluggish for a while. Jiang Shining was trying to comfort him when he saw his eyes suddenly flashed, "Then I have a sister? Brothers too. Forget it, fight anyway, but sister-sister I can accept it."

"You will be satisfied." Jiang Shining said helplessly.

She has two daughters, one is the mutated little girl she met in the end of the day, and the other is a daughter in an aerial similar to the Republic of China-except that she also has an older brother.

Jiang Shining believed that if she could really find all the children, Xiaodian Guoguo would definitely be the little sister that everyone liked.

"By the way, Jing Xuan." Jiang Shining looked at him, "What is your identity in this world, do you just help me look at this company?"

Jing Xuan shook his head, and he said embarrassedly, "I have a company myself, but it's not big. You know I have always had no ambitions. I tried to delve into the market and barely maintain it because I didn't feel too shabby when I met you."

Jing Xuan did not have any professional ambitions. Jing Yuan was six years older than him. He brought him up and protected his innocence, like a brother and a father. At that time Jing Xuan was not interested in the throne. Jiang Shining knew that he liked painting and horse-riding archery if he wanted to.

This is the reunion of the two in the afterlife. They talked about various matters for a long time before they stopped.

"Mother concubine, do you want to take over this company?"

"Yes." Jiang Shining said, "Do you know who is the big boss of Longteng in the world?"

Jing Xuan naturally knew that, except for people like Jiang Shining who squatted at home and never watched the news, everyone actually knew about Xiu Lingfei more or less, and his personal entry was hanging on the Internet.

Jing Xuan really made a lot of determination to hide himself, and didn't go to him to settle the account-he had no feelings for his cold-hearted father, and he still hated Xiu Lingfei and Jiang Shining. But he finally endured it. The general did not fight an unprepared battle. According to the rules of the new world, it was impossible for him to kill Xiu Lingfei. After meeting, he had no other choice but to question, so he endured it. .

In fact, even one fight is good. But this revenge was too light. He couldn't imagine how Jiang Shining, who had taken poison pills for half a year, died in slow pain.

Jiang Shining knew what he was thinking at a glance, and couldn't help but comforted, "You can't fight, we will beat him upright this time."

"You mean, defeat his company and family?"

Jiang Shining nodded.

The two were talking when the door rang. Jing Xuan turned his head, after the dependence and happiness on his face disappeared from his mother, he really looked calm.


A female employee's head stuck out through the crack in the door.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Gu Haotian and his agent are here again. They want to negotiate a breach of contract today."

Jing Xuan frowned slightly. It's fine for this artist to switch to another company. He is going to go to Longteng World. Thinking of this, Jing Xuan immediately became dissatisfied.

Jiang Shining patted his arm comfortingly.

"I'll take a look." She said.

The author has something to say: the first moth appeared

I have a fever and my head hurts. After a few days of dripping, I feel like I have become stupid_(:з」∠)_


By the way, I would like to push the pre-collection "Rich Female Protagonist is not easy to mess with" (you can click into my column to collect!)

Xu Weimiao is the most beloved youngest daughter of the Xu family.

With the spoiling of her parents and brothers and the protection of her family, she lived the most luxurious life, making enemies as she pleased, and playing the wildest little wolf dog without being aggressive, and finally it was ridiculous for a long time.

It wasn't until after being reborn from a vendetta that she suddenly discovered that she was the heroine in a female companionship, and she would definitely be cast as a villain.

After rebirth, Xu Weimiao vowed that she must seize the opportunity this time, remove obstacles, solve the enemy, and restore her family's prestige! Let everyone know that the heroine is not easy to mess with! ...And continue to enjoy life by the way.

—As for the wildest little wolf dog, uh...

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