Lin Shuyu, who had re-applied light makeup, walked back to the martial arts arena with cautious steps. She saw a group of doctors and nurses surrounding Li Junzi, who was as limp as mud. They said, "Look at the bones. They are all rotten to pieces. He is not dead yet."

"Look, the meniscus fracture has healed. It's amazing."

The girl looked around but didn't see any trace of Amanosaki.

"Ms. Lin!" The doctor saw Lin Shuyu and waved, "Are you looking for someone?"

Lin Shuyu blushed as if she was caught cheating. She hesitated.

However, this doctor was only interested in dissecting the human body. The girl's micro-expressions and psychology were not within his scope of interest. The doctor ignored Lin Shuyu's expression and said carelessly:

"Amanozaki was taken to register. Miss Lin, someone has taken over your work today. Isn't it great?! You can slack off in the second half of the day."

As the doctor spoke, his bloody little finger picked at Li Junzi's hamstring, his red thumb stood up high, his face full of envy, and he kept complaining: "Oh, when can I get someone to take over my shift?"

"Doctor..." Li Junzi, who was lying on the ground, felt his hamstrings, and his mouth twitched with his hamstrings: "You can say whatever you want, but don't pick it... Hey, hey!"

"You are so thick-skinned, what are you yelling about." The doctor snapped Li Junzi's tendons, took out the thread and started to sew, "You are such a good training material, I must sew a hundred or eighty times?"

The two of them quarreled and enjoyed themselves.

Lin Shuyu was left alone in the martial arts arena. She looked at the noisy crowd, her fingers unconsciously grasping the hem of her skirt, and suddenly she felt listless.

"Go back to sleep."


"How long are you going to lean on my shoulder? Aren't you afraid of breaking your neck?"

Tosaka Rin, who was 1.59 meters tall, tilted her head and pursed her lips.

Amanozaki, who was more than a head taller than Rin, tilted his head to his shoulder, leaning against Rin's head. From a distance, the two looked like a pair of compasses with their legs apart.

"I'm a patient." Amanozaki said concisely.

As he leaned against Tosaka Rin, he could smell her sweet scent. The ends of her twin ponytails swayed at the tip of his nose as she walked. Every time he glanced over, he subconsciously chased the tuft of black hair with his eyes.

"I've cured your injuries. You're very healthy now. Why are you pretending? Hurry up!" Putting her hands between the shoulders of the two people leaning against each other, Tosaka Rin tried hard to help Amanozaki and straighten him.

Amanozaki simply pressed his entire upper body on her, as if we were just going to stick together.

The staff leading the way in front of him looked straight ahead, lamenting sadly why he had to eat dog food during working hours, and his eyes looking straight ahead were filled with inexplicable grief and anger.

Then he found that Rin Tohsaka held him up with one hand.

"No, this is not true. Rin actually rejected me." Amanozaki sighed desperately to the sky, with sadness in his tone.

"Has no one told you that you are a bad actor?"

Amanozaki reached out and hugged Rin Tohsaka, resting his chin on the top of the girl's head, gently rubbing: "No, when I was in school, I had to perform a skit in the class art performance every year, and everyone said that I acted well."

"I just acted poorly in front of Rin."

Rin Tohsaka felt the pressure on her head like a massage, squinted her eyes slightly, and enjoyed the warmth of Amanozaki hugging her from the back for a few seconds before she gently broke free:


"Because in front of my lover, I have no disguise." Amanozaki said as a matter of course.

Rin's feet suddenly got messy, and the tip of her square-toed leather shoes hit her heels. She twisted her hair and used her elbow to block Amanozaki's prying eyes. A blush floated gently on her face, like the morning sun reflecting a faint red in the pond.

Amanozaki laughed out loud, looking triumphant.

Rin was ashamed and angry, and kicked Amanozaki with her foot. Amanozaki pretended to be in pain and rushed to Rin again, hugging the girl in her arms.

"Don't do this, everyone is watching." Rin complained, her face covered by the broad chest, and her fist gently hit Amanozaki's chest.

Amanozaki's body after exercise had the smell of young people's exercise, the smell of fresh sweat, and the smell of residual hormones, which hit Rin's brain like a heavy punch. She seemed to have drunk several bottles of wine in a row, and the whole person was dizzy, and her steps became light.

Amanozaki looked at the guide who was walking faster and faster in front of him, pointed at him and said, "There are only you, me and that gentleman here, where is the 'everyone'? We are everyone."


Amanozaki put his hands around Rin's slender waist, rubbed his palms on Rin's smooth belly, and spoke with a wonderful power that made people feel hot:

"As long as no one is watching, it's okay?"

Tousaka Rin's jade-like face turned completely red, and the flame-like color spread rapidly under her skin, like white porcelain thrown into a kiln, and the flame burned the glaze bottom with a blush.

The girl whimpered, as melodious as the cry of a lark.

Amanozaki had never heard such a full moan, with happiness, satisfaction, shame and unwillingness.

It made people happy for no reason.

His mouth grinned, then stiffened, and then he cried.

Tousaka Rin finally couldn't stand the teasing, stepped on his toes with one foot, and twisted the heel hard.


Amanozaki forced an ugly smile, "You like this tune, let's do it at home, okay? It's not good to do it in public...hiss!"

Magic circuits appeared on Tohsaka Rin's perfectly trained legs, and the force exerted on Amanozaki's feet became unbearable.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I was joking just now. I would never dare to do it again."

There is no shame in surrendering to your girlfriend.

"Ahem!" The guide coughed deliberately, interrupting the two of them's intimacy.

Amanozaki quickly got off the slope and put down Tohsaka Rin. One of the girl's hands was hanging down, and the other was grabbing her arm. Her waterfall-like hair fell from her shoulders, covering her face covered in red.

"Here we are."

The guide pointed to the closed door and left the scene as if fleeing.

With a bowl of dog food, I really can’t eat a single grain!

Damn it, watching couples show off their affection during work hours, where in the world is there such truth? !

China doesn’t have it, and foreign countries don’t have it!

Naturally, Amanozaki didn't know about the guide's complaints. He only focused on flirting with Tohsaka Rin, and couldn't even remember the person's appearance.

Only then did he have time to look around.

They now arrived at the central building of the Yushan branch, where all external and daily department offices of the branch are located.

This is also the building where Mr. Amber and Mr. Scabies fell from the sky two days ago.

It's just that unlike the high-rise where the two met that day, Amanozaki's place is actually on the first floor of the building.

Entering the lobby from the main entrance, there are about ten people waiting in line to handle business. A few steps inside along the corridor, you can see Amanosaki who is hesitant in front of the door.

He looked at the door with the words "reception room" hanging on it, and couldn't believe that the dignified helmsman was waiting for him in a place like this.

Amanozaki used to be part of the circle of masters and scholars, and had contacts with many free knights. Everyone usually talked about registration.

The Knights are the most retro and the most ceremonial official organization in China.

In order to give the newly registered knights a sense of expectation and ceremony, and to let them feel the trust of the people's safety and the knight's sense of honor. Even if you register as an official knight in front of the hall, it will still be a grand event.

Needless to say, there were firecrackers and red flowers, and the crowds of farewells were also accompanied by banners and loudspeakers blasting loudly. The new knights who are valued by the authorities are even featured on the local news, receiving a wave of free official publicity and directly gaining their first fans.

As a result, now that he, Amanozaki, has become an official knight, he signs and pledges his name in the reception room of the service hall?

You can not give me the face of Amanozaki, but you can’t give me the face of Mr. Kohaku, too?

He looked back at Tohsaka Rin, who was crossing her arms and looking away from him angrily, obviously still a little angry.

"Forget it, I'm not going for the red flowers anyway." Amanozaki shrugged and pushed open the door.

With the plain hard leather sofa and coffee table, pale walls and dazzling incandescent lamps, the whole room really contained no surprises.

There was only a balding middle-aged man standing behind the pothos on the coffee table. Opposite the sofa sat a skeleton wrapped in amber. The amber looked like a sculpture by a famous artist, and the eyebrows, eyes, hands, ears, clothes and pants were all lifelike.

"Let me introduce, this is Hu Zhun, the deputy section chief of the branch's intelligence department. This is the young hero of our Yushan branch, the new knight, Amanozaki, who calls himself the substitute messenger."

Hu Zhun, who had known Amanosaki for a long time, nodded. After the young man sat down obediently and moved aside to make way for Tohsaka Rin, Hu Zhun silently opened the document bag and took out a thick stack of contracts.

Amber's citrine-like mouth opened slightly, and his voice was mellow: "Before signing, I want to..."

"I want to say one thing before signing."

The young and energetic Amanozaki was afraid that he would not have the chance to speak clearly, so he quickly raised his hand to speak.

Amber Gong raised his hand without any concern.

Amanozaki scratched the back of his neck nervously, and quietly grabbed Tohsaka Rin's small hand with one hand. Rin's fingers trembled slightly, and then in turn covered the back of Amanozaki's hand, comforting him gently.

"Mr. Amber, I appreciate the kindness of you and Mr. Scabies Bin, but please forgive me for refusing. I will not be anyone's apprentice. Rin and I have our own plans."

Hu Zhun looked at Amanozaki in surprise.

Lifting a green peak three feet high and going to the country with a sword is the most traditional chivalrous spirit.

Many young people in China love to practice swordsmanship. As a master of swordsmanship in China, Scabies Bin can even be called the pinnacle of existing Chinese swordsmanship.

Amanozaki refused like that?

Did he take any medicine? Do I need to see a doctor?

Not only him, but even Mr. Kohaku was silent for a long time. Looking at Amanozaki who was getting sweaty on his cheeks and getting more and more nervous, he burst into laughter and pushed the contract over:

"After signing the contract, you will be an official knight certified by Yushan Branch. We will arrange for your course to start the day after tomorrow."

Amanozaki quickly took over the contract, fearing that Mr. Kohaku would regret it, so he signed it with his name.

"Okay, you can go." Mr. Amber said after confirming that the contract was signed.

"Ah?" Amanozaki was stunned. "You, don't you want to say something? If you just want to sign, you can find anyone."

"You've said what we wanted to say, what else do I have to say?"

Mr. Kohaku looked at Amanozaki calmly. When Amanozaki's expression changed from blank to enlightened, he nodded gently:

"Yes, I am here to persuade you to give up becoming Mr. Scabies Bin's disciple."

"Amanozaki, you have been a master scholar, you should know the status of the scabies guest among the knights."

"The best swordsman in the world, the best swordsman in the post-natal sect, the scabby guest known as the Flying Sword Immortal."

"Actually, I came here in person with many conditions to make an exchange with you, but I didn't expect you to give up on your own."

"Ah?!" Amanozaki screamed, scratching his head in annoyance, "Is it too late to regret now?"

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