Amber shook his head, grabbed the contract, and tapped his fingers: "You have already signed it."

"Fuck..." Amanozaki grabbed his hair, thinking that if I had known that you also wanted me to quit, I would take the opportunity to ask him for a few small goals, or at least a few happy buyers to settle down!


This is a big loss!

Amanozaki frowned and looked at Rin Toosaka miserably for comfort, but found that Rin Toosaka was biting her lips at this time, one hand was clenched into a fist, and the emotion called anger was brewing in her chest.

It's bad!

Amanozaki suddenly thought of Rin Toosaka in "Fate". Because she lost her parents when she was young, she was very sensitive to money because she used gem magic. This made her lose a big business, and she might suffer a lot!

"What a sin I have committed!"

He was not defeated by the time travel, the evil, or the provocation of the Yushan Branch. This time, with tears in his eyes, he fell on the sofa with his back facing up, like a deflated swimming ring, dry and numb.

He lay there with his spirit drained, letting Rin Toosaka pinch and twist his waist.

It's all sin.


More than ten minutes later, Amanozaki, who looked like a bereaved mother, was taken away by the angry Rin Toosaka. They didn't even drink a sip of tea. Amanozaki, who looked like a walking corpse, didn't even have time to say goodbye to the two of them, and was carried by Rin Toosaka like a rag doll.

Only Deputy Section Chief Hu Zhun was left sitting opposite Amber Lord.

"Amber Lord, according to the original process, we still need him to provide detailed information about his superpowers so that we can develop a course for him and help Amanozaki quickly adapt to the life of a knight." Hu Zhun said as he sorted out the contract.

Lord Amber sipped his hot tea and shook his head: "No need, let him choose all the courses, he can learn whatever he wants."

"Isn't this a bit..."

"The Flying Sword Immortal is looking for a disciple, can you give up without any compensation?" Lord Amber asked without thinking.

Hu Zhun lowered his head and thought for a long time, then shook his head slowly: "Even now I can't. If Mr. Scabbers agrees to accept me as a disciple, I am willing to give up my current position to serve him tea and water."

"So he is destined not to be a spy. Whether it is a spy from a foreign knight group or a spy from the evil demons, no one can give up the opportunity to move up a level. Kendo is an acquired path, and we innate people can also learn a little, but Amanozaki refused. Why?"

Amber asked himself and answered: "Because he doesn't need a teacher at all. Hu Zhun, this kid's ability is wise. I watched the video repeatedly. Did you hear what the girl said to Amanozaki?"

"She said, 'It will be much easier when he starts to learn', learning, do you understand? Amanozaki doesn't need to learn any acquired paths at all, his ability will teach him, what do you think of?"

Hu Zhun 's face immediately became interesting. He swallowed his saliva and recited the knowledge he had learned in middle school textbooks:

"Sun Wukong, a great hero in the Ming Dynasty, called himself the Monkey King and had supernatural powers as the [Great Sage]. He told everyone that he was a disciple of Bodhi Patriarch of the Three-Star Cave of the Slanting Moon. At that time, the emperor summoned the world's sorcerers and fortune-tellers to divine the traces of the extraordinary people who could teach Sun Wukong."

Amber Gong gently continued Hu Zhun's words:

"But the hexagram shows that there is no Three-Star Cave of the Slanting Moon in the world, let alone Bodhi Patriarch. Sun Wukong's abilities were all created by himself."

"Amanozaki is the second Sun Wukong. Regardless of whether what he creates in the future can be learned by others, he cannot and should not accept any personal education."

"The only one who can teach him is himself."

Chapter 30: Everything is based on pyramid schemes

Amanozaki originally thought he would have a wonderful half day.

With his beautiful girlfriend, he enjoyed the jealousy and curses of everyone in the cafeteria. Under the contempt of the cafeteria aunt "identified as scum", he sat opposite the black silk beauty for lunch.

After dinner, in the park-like greenery on the surface of the Yushan Branch, with a soft and smooth silk stocking knee pillow, I took a nap surrounded by the softness and fragrance of the girl, which made me reluctant to wake up for a long time.

In the afternoon, I used the 10,000 yuan I earned to enjoy the prosperity of Yushan City with my girlfriend.

He has worked hard for so many years, can't he enjoy it?

He has been single for decades, can't he take his girlfriend out for a stroll?

Having a girlfriend but not showing off is like walking in the night in brocade clothes!

"You have no money, how dare you go out?"

Thinking of the loss of money, the money-minded Toosaka Rin was furious.

"Find all the things on the list and go home. I will make up for you. If you can't complete it, just wait to be cut into pieces!"

The full-powered Toosaka Rin's voice was like a whip, whipping Amanozaki's heart, shattering his beautiful dream.

So he could only hold the list and consult the uniformed ladies at the front desk office of the branch building. Although the front desk ladies were all young and beautiful, he was too worried to flirt with them.

However, the footprints and palm prints on his face had not disappeared until now, and the front desk lady might not be willing to talk to him more.

In fact, Amanozaki didn't know how Amber and the deputy section chief surnamed Hu could remain serious under his slightly funny face today.

"But it's not a big problem. Yushan City and the neighboring Shuzhou are famous for producing henpecked people. I'm not particularly outrageous. I can only say that I'm taken at a young age."

Amanozaki pushed the same shopping cart as the supermarket, holding the newly bought vegetables in his arms, and took out his mobile phone from his butt pocket with a curled finger to open the door.

Thanks to the huge underground space in Yushan Fenduo, the living area is equipped with canteens and supermarkets, so anyone living underground in Fentuo can push their shopping cart home.

The heavy alloy door slid aside, and the rich aroma of food hit your face.

The sound of the aluminum pot simmering, the crackling of cooking vegetables, and the roar of the range hood came over me like a symphony.

Rin Tosaka took off her red windbreaker and wore a light-colored apron outside her black shirt. The hem of the skirt covered the absolute realm, but perfectly preserved the curves of the long black stockings.

In order to facilitate cooking, Rin put on a smart high single ponytail, with her hair falling over her shoulders and hanging on her chest.

At this time, the girl no longer has the youthfulness of a student. Wearing an apron, she has more of the tenderness and endless maternal nature of a housewife.

Rin Tosaka, holding a spatula, conducts the kitchen symphony orchestra, controlling the entire scene with full special effects of flames, smoke, and aroma.

"You're back. Put the things on the table. Go wash your hands. The food will be ready soon."

Amanozaki put down his things, slipped into the toilet, washed his hands, and wandered out.

Tohsaka Rin's hands stained with vegetable oil were wiped casually on her apron, her movements full of fireworks, like a married woman.

The girl who picked up the plate looked at Amanozaki who was standing in the corridor a little dull, her delicate nose wrinkled slightly, she put down the plate, and stepped on the floor with her feet wrapped only in black stockings without shoes, as quietly as a cat. near.

Putting her hand on Amanozaki's forehead, Rin touched it for a while and said, "You don't have a fever, and you haven't been cursed. What's wrong with you?"

Amanozaki's nose twitched, and the girl's hands were filled with the scent of Kung Pao Chicken and Mapo Tofu. He tightened his throat and asked, "You, you know how to cook Shu?"

"What's this?"

Tohsaka Rin said matter-of-factly: "I've been cooking Chinese cuisine since elementary school, but I don't know how to cook Japanese cuisine. Hey, you forgot that my senior brother is a fake priest. That thief likes to eat Mapo tofu so much that everyone calls him Mapo." man?"

Amanozaki swooped down and hugged the girl's waist, then hugged her sideways, letting the girl's hands leave the smell of oil on his face and body. He jumped onto the bed in three steps and then pressed Tosaka Rin under him. Down.

"What are you doing!" The girl blushed again. She didn't know how many times she had blushed today. The blush seemed to be used to it. As long as Amanozaki flirted a little, it would easily appear.

"Eat first... at least let me take a shower first, I'm covered in oil... Ouch!"

Amanozaki bit Rin's lip, stuck out his tongue, put his hands into the apron, opened the collar of his shirt unfamiliarly, and slid it down from his collarbone.

The wrinkled apron, which had been tested for a long time, was now crumpled into a ball and being pinched by Tohsaka Rin.

Rin was hugged by Amanozaki and sat on the edge of the bed. He gently tapped the tired Amanozaki on the head and cursed angrily: "It's all your fault, the food is cold... Let go, I'll heat it up again. "

Amanozaki, who was lying on the bed, opened his hazy eyes and pointed to the newly bought vegetables on the table: "I bought two kilograms of oysters. Please help my wife cook them too."

Tohsaka Rin and Amanozaki had the same thoughts, and the man's beast-like thoughts could not be scolded by her. She stood up and looked angrily at Amanozaki, who tilted his head and looked at her like a fool.

The young man's handsome face showed fatigue after hard work, and his pleading expression was playful. He really looked like a melancholy handsome man.

Normally, she would have sat down gently and stroked her lover's hair quietly.

But the aftermath of Amanozaki's passion turned into a cherry blossom-like blush on his cheeks and forehead, and there were several strawberry marks on his exposed neck and hands, but Tohsaka Rin couldn't calm down.

So she stretched out her bare feet, pinched Amanozaki's nose between her thumb and index toe, and shook it gently: "You're going to sleep when you're done and leave all the work to me? How can such a good thing happen? Get up quickly!"

So Amanozaki raised his head, opened his mouth and bit the girl's pink and plump big toe.

As the girl screamed in surprise, he bit it empty of course.

So after briefly regaining his family status, he waved his hands and looked like he was leaving the court without incident. He buried his head in the pillow again and spoke in an extremely lazy voice:

"Call me during dinner."

Rin Tosaka was angry and angry. He was angry that he had timidly pulled back his foot. Now that he had lost momentum, he was angry that Amanozaki was so shameless and dared to bite his foot.

She jumped onto the bed with a "yeah" sound, hugged Amanozaki, straddled her as if riding a horse, and reluctantly picked up the stockings to strangle Amanozaki's neck.

Amanozaki was caught off guard and was restrained. He felt a ball of warmth and the girl's softness on his back. Black silk covered his face. He obviously wanted to strangle himself, but after thinking about it with his young body, he became even more lustful. stand up.

"Playing for fun? I like it!"

He raised his buttocks with a roar, really imitating a horse, just rocking. He was facing Rin Tosaka's bright eyes and blushing face, watching the rise and fall of the single ponytail. How could Amanozaki be able to control it? , started moving again.

"You, you, you, you are a pig!" Tohsaka Rin quickly stood up, but was a step too slow. Amanozaki grabbed his hand and threw it on his chest.

"Hmph, don't underestimate the anger that has been keeping you alive for more than 20 years, Rin." Amanozaki stood up and took charge, screaming again and again.

"Look at my mighty Tianlong!"

By the time we sat down at the dining table, it was already past lunch time.

Amanozaki moved his chopsticks like flying, sweeping everything on the table like a glutton, especially taking chopsticks frequently on the oysters. Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Rin's already fair and rosy skin made his face even more rosy.

The glutton finished two bowls of rice, and only slowed down for the third bowl, savoring Rin's cooking skills and nodding with satisfaction.

Not bad, it's the authentic Sichuan cuisine.

Really good.

"Rin, why did you ask me to buy these things?"

Amanozaki poked the shopping cart beside the table with chopsticks, his mouth full of greasy food.

Rin Tosaka specifically asked him to buy, mostly chemical instruments, beakers, measuring cylinders, droppers, pipettes, test tubes, glass rods, alcohol lamps, everything.

In addition, there were salt, herbs, iron nails, lead blocks and a small piece of silver.

Fortunately, since modern times, with the maturity of new mines and electrolytic aluminum technology, the prices of silver, which was originally a general equivalent, and aluminum, which was more valuable than gold, have plummeted, otherwise Amanozaki's little ten thousand yuan would not be enough.

Amanozaki remembered that the history textbook in middle school also recorded that after Napoleon became emperor, when he feasted with French nobles, everyone used gold bowls, but he used aluminum bowls.

Rin Tosaka knocked away Amanozaki's hand that was secretly picking up the Kung Pao Chicken with her chopsticks, and took away the last piece of chicken aggressively, leaving a piece of green lettuce.

Seeing this, Amanozaki quickly poured the lettuce and the soup and oil on the plate into his own bowl, smiled triumphantly, and leisurely mixed the rice.

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