In the steaming clouds and mist, a vigorous man emerges with swirling light, truly unparalleled in his elegance.

He was greeted by thunderous cheers and high-spirited whistles from the men in celebration.

Then Amanozaki put down the children and watched them return to the arms of their parents. The goddess-like Icarus behind him let go of his hand, and the floor of the second floor collapsed.

She covered her body with her wings, brushed away the flames on her clothes, and covered her exposed thighs and arms, her eyes cold.

She was very angry because her date was ruined. The clothes she bought, the makeup and hair she put on were all affected by the explosion, losing their original beauty.

Moreover, the watermelon she was attracted to was gone and turned into a lump of mud that was no longer perfect.

Amanozaki was not happy either.

Anyone who has a bomb thrown at their head by a passerby, bursting their eardrums and suffering burns, will be very angry.

He chewed his teeth, grinding his teeth against each other, like a large beast looking for prey.

Then, he strode into the crowd, reached forward with his right hand, and grabbed the head of the Fengdu knight in the crowd like an iron pincer, allowing the opponent to struggle no matter how hard he struggled to escape.

Amanozaki twisted his waist and slapped him with his right hand.

The knight spun around in the sky and then hit the ground, breaking the cement. His head was stuck in the ground, and blood was flowing out.

"Say! Who did it!"

Chapter 87: Flying in anger

The news that Amanozaki pressed the Fengdu knight's head into the ground spread like flying throughout the entire Fengdu provincial government hierarchy.

This means that the Fengdu sub-rudder also knows about this.

The door to the living room opened with a bang, and men and women dressed in undercover clothes came out angrily. Inside the door were A4 papers flying in the air.

The officer pressed his head with a frown on his face and kept shaking his head. Li Junzi, who was dozing next to him, woke up from a dream, stretched himself and asked: "Is the meeting over? When can my elder brother and I go into the sewer? What are you talking about? This thing is going to torture me to death.”

"That big brother of yours is causing trouble! This is Fengdu, not Yushan!"

The officer accused, unable to stop the scowl on his face.

Unlike Yushan Province, which was established based on economic, cultural, and administrative considerations, the original intention of Fengdu Province was to implement various ideas about supernatural powers. What they wanted was to cultivate knights in a targeted manner with the help of the strong local ghosts and gods culture and legends.

Therefore, Fengdu's branch is extremely powerful. When competing with the government in the province, it has always been between five and five.

Now Wu Changwei has stabbed Lou Zi in front of the whole country, and some knights are being bullied in the street by people from other provinces. It just so happened that the initiator was Amanozaki.

Even if there was something dirty behind these things, Fengdu Branch was found out.

But at least on the surface, the face of a branch must be maintained.

Therefore, the negotiations that were about to achieve results fell through.

But after Li Junzi listened to the officer's account of the causes and consequences of Amanozaki's action, he nodded seriously: "I think my elder brother did the right thing."

He raised his hand to the stunned officer:

"If my date with Jiajia is blown up by some idiot with a bomb, I'll be anxious too. What's more, we are not allowed to enter the sewers. The fault lies with Fengdu. Someone bombed the area where Fengdu Branch is located. Naturally, we have to look for them. Settlement."

Li Junzi responded seriously: "Sir, to be fair, even if we take this matter to the chief helm tea pavilion, it would be reasonable for us at Yushan Branch Helm. Don't forget, it is the knights of Fengdu who are standing by and watching. "

"You, you, you!" the officer was furious. He pointed at Li Junzi who was leaving and cursed: "This is a major matter related to the conflict between the knights in the two provinces and the safety of the people in the two places! Are you so reckless?"

Li Junzi didn’t even look back:

"This is an extermination order from the capital! In ancient times, we were imperial envoys ordered by the king to take people under orders, behead them first and report them later. Are you kidding me?"

Li Junzi parted ways with the people from the Fengdu government. Outside the fresh food store, Amanozaki impatiently rejected the police captain who arrived first:

"I said, Mr. Police, I have nothing to talk to you about. Let the people from Fengdu take the helm."

"My good brother! Just raise your feet, this man will be trampled to death by you!"

The police captain advised earnestly.

At this time, Amanozaki was eating half a piece of mango that was still intact. His hands were free, so he stepped on the knight's neck with one foot. Half of the knight's head was buried in his own blood, and he was taking in less air and more outgoing.

"Lift his feet? Okay. Don't say lift his feet, just let him go."

Amanozaki swallowed the mango and said vaguely: "Who ordered me to blow up? Tell me what trick Fengdu sub-rudder is playing."

The police captain's face turned into a bitter gourd and looked frighteningly green.

Fengdu City is not allowed to spread the news about Queen Fish sneaking into the sewers with her descendants without permission, and all actions to suppress evil heretics must be restrained to prevent irritating the people.

This is the consensus between the branch and the provincial government.

Now that Amanozaki is openly attacking the Fengdu knights, coupled with the momentum of the bombing, the rules on both sides have been broken.

As a captain, how could he have the right to talk?

Here, Amanozaki slowly finished the second piece of fruit in his hand, licked his fingers, pulled the captain over, and whispered to the other side tremblingly:

"I won't embarrass you. Tell me everything. How much do both parties know about the explosion? I'll let him go immediately."

The police captain gritted his teeth and glanced left and right. Seeing that more and more people were watching, it seemed that he could no longer bear the pressure. His heart skipped a beat and he stamped his foot:

"I don't know anything else. Anyway, as soon as there was an explosion, we immediately reported it to the capital."

Amanozaki nodded. The subtext of this sentence was that the Fengdu government did not conceal anything and did not report it. They did it openly and without fear of investigation.

"As for the knights, cough! Anyway, there was a lot of movement, and it doesn't look like there was a plan in advance. One group of people got entangled and said they wanted to arrest you, and the other group refused to let you go. The two groups were quarreling, so we Come first."

Now Amanozaki understood.

There are other forces in the murky waters of emotion.

At least for now, the government has no clue.

So he raised his feet, picked up the vigilante from the pool of blood, reached out and used magic to stop the bleeding, and then pushed it to the captain: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

After saying that, he put his arm on Icarus's shoulder, flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

"Nozaki, why don't you wait until the person who shares the helm arrives? Let's talk about it then and the misunderstanding will be resolved."

Icarus hugged Amanozaki like a princess, with red circles in his eyes appearing and disappearing as he searched Fengdu City. There was a drone hanging behind him in the distance and he didn't dare to get close, so Icarus ignored him.

Amanozaki stretched out his hand and pulled the cloth on Ikaros's chest, pulled it from his armpits, and tied it with the cloth on his back:

"It's weird to say so. Fengdu Branch is obviously hiding something. If I keep it, I will act as a hostage on behalf of Yushan Branch. I'm not stupid."

"Besides, politics, scheming, etc., just thinking about it gives me a headache. If I had the potential to become a politician, I would have taken a car to negotiate with Mr. Li."

The handsome young man raised his head and enjoyed the beauty's embrace. The cold wind felt particularly comfortable on his face:

"Politics is like playing with fire. I stay away from it anyway."

"Let Yushan Branch worry about these matters. We are now under an extermination order to attack the four-clawed fish. As long as we don't go off topic, nothing will happen."

Ikaros nodded. Her memory came from Amanozaki. Things that Amanozaki couldn't understand were also difficult for her.

‘It’s still easier to kill people. It’s easier to destroy a country without slaughtering a city than politics. ’ the angel thought.

Amanozaki sensed Icarus's thoughts and quickly added: "We are good citizens now and knights. Knights cannot kill people and set fire like gold belts. They are bandits!"

"Ah, I found it."

Suddenly, Icarus stopped, pointed at a construction site, and said in a positive tone;

"From here, you can open a twenty-meter-deep opening and you can touch the sewer. This should lead to the flood storage well. It is dry now and there will be no sewage backflow."


Amanozaki cheered up and pointed at the construction site with high spirits:

"Kabuda... Icarus, enter the super transformation form!"

Chapter 88: Pinch your big crotch

"Friends at the construction site below! I am the knight from Fengdu Branch! Now an evil spirit has been discovered below your construction site! For the sake of your safety, please evacuate the site quickly within ten minutes!"

Amanozaki roared in the sky, and the sound waves spread throughout the construction site as the magic strengthened.

The workers looked up at the foreman and saw the smoking foreman scolding him with disdain: "You're bluffing! How can any knight in Fengdu not wear underworld uniforms when doing business?"

As she spoke, her mother urged the surrounding workers to start work.

"Okay, I'm done, Icarus, you can prepare to charge up your energy."

Amanozaki said.

So Ikarus let go of his hand, and Amanozaki, who was being held by the princess, fell freely into the construction site, raising a large cloud of dust.

"Queen of the Sky mode activated."

Icarus said this, and a halo symbolizing holiness, divinity, and purity emerged from Icarus' head as if out of thin air.

Icarus's wings began to skyrocket, reaching an astonishing fifteen meters in wingspan, making it difficult for workers on the ground to ignore it.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Several people wearing suits that were completely inconsistent with the style of the construction site came out of the office, pointing at Icarus in the sky and yelling.

"who are you?"

Amanozaki asked, dusting himself off.

The leader of the man in a suit frowned: "I am the project leader of the project and I am here to inspect today."

"Okay, the person in charge, I am issuing an order to you as the execution knight of the "Extermination Order". This construction site has been temporarily requisitioned. I will fight against evil spirits while preserving the integrity of the construction site as much as possible."

"Are you kidding me! What are you..." The person in charge was furious, and he was so excited that he was spitting.

However, the next moment Amanozaki interrupted his words with action.

Amanozaki took action directly, threw a piece of broken gemstone, and used magic to blow up several excavators and road rollers that were not around.

Then the cement mixer was blown up, and the wooden house where no one was staying was blown up.

The person in charge watched the tall and handsome man in front of him holding the dangerous gem and aiming it at his head. His whole body looked as if he had just been fished out of the water and was wet.

"After all the good things have been said, let's say bad things. You are recording, right? You recorded it clearly. Now I am requisitioning this construction site forcibly. All losses will be compensated separately, and everyone will be asked to leave here within five minutes!"

"Now." After finishing his coherent speech, Amanozaki took a deep breath and yelled at everyone: "Get out of here!"

The six-gun Gatling gun fired a bunch of bullets, hitting the steel bars and sending out huge sparks.

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