Everyone saw various weapons suspended in the sky.

Icarus, who entered [Sky Queen] mode, fully realized all the heavy firepower and weapons. Dozens of air-to-air missiles were gathered together like pine needles. Behind the angel, there was the phantom of a huge warship that covered the sky and the sun. Occupying the sky.

Other parts of the battleship cannot be seen clearly. Only the muzzle of the battleship breaks through the illusion and steps into reality with Icarus's pushing movement.

Icarus's most powerful weapon at this stage is the ultra-high-heat body compression anti-ship gun (Hephaistos), a powerful air combat weapon that can destroy warships in one blow.


By now, no one would think that Amanozaki was joking or scamming.

Everyone scrambled to escape, and within five minutes, the entire construction site was deserted.

"Fortunately, the floor is not high." Amanozaki looked at the six-story building and raised his hand.

Icarus nodded and moved the naval gun vertically downward.

Icarus is the number one among all the angels even in the anime "Heavenly Object", which is full of angels from all walks of life. The reason lies in the mode she is in now.

[Sky Queen] mode.

Icarus who enters this mode can not only gain the authority, warfare ability, and calculation ability to suppress other angels, but also has many weapons specifically designed to restrain angels.

The anti-air missiles gathered by the hedgehogs are a large reserve of weapons in the conventional weapons arsenal.

However, as long as the quantity is sufficient, it is no problem to use anti-air missiles to clean the ground.


Amidst the piercing sound of ignition, anti-air missiles aimed at the construction site and bombed, blowing up all the obstructions on the surface, exposing the wet land.

The halo flashed several times, and energy cannons were fired at the ship's guns.

There was no sound, and the vast light seemed like a second sun rising from the ground.

Amanozaki closed his eyes and covered his eyelids with his hands, but the bright light still shone through his fingers.

He didn't feel any vibration, and the light cannon seemed to exist only in vision.

However, Amanozaki actually saw the effect.

A deep hole with a diameter of nearly eight meters is right in front of you. At the edge of the hole is Gulu's bubbling magma. When it encounters the air, it quickly cools into a black cracked shell.

Regardless of the heat wave, Amanozaki stretched out his head to look, and saw that optical fibers and metal pipes were neatly cut, and molten metal was flowing around the edges.

The entire construction site looked like a piece of cheese that had just been scooped out by a hot knife.

The whole process was understated, without unnecessary noise or explosion, just like my mother cooking in the kitchen day after day, quickly and neatly.

The concrete pipe at the bottom was blasted open by the light cannon in the sewer. He wiped his sweat, held two gems in his mouth, and jumped down with one of them.

Icarus converged his wings, caught up at a faster speed, and hugged the falling Amanozaki. His wings sprayed out cold air and pushed away the heat around him.


"Such a big living person! He just blew up a construction site! You just lost him!?"

The heavy document hit the knight on the head. The knight who was hit did not dare to breathe. He just lowered his head and tried desperately to hide himself in the cloak.

A thick man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a sinewy face stood behind the table, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"We can't blame them for this. We didn't expect the bastard from Yushan Branch to openly bombard Fengdu City. We can only say that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. We underestimated him this time."

A withered figure sat on a chair and said in a weak tone, "Thank you for your hard work, please get off."

When the knights who had received amnesty left the room, the withered man couldn't help coughing and said while coughing:

"This time, after all, we made a mistake and allowed Yushan to take advantage of the loophole. What Amanozaki did cannot be concealed, and the government will definitely report it to the capital."

The man nodded after listening:

"No matter how tough a man is, he will become a sissy if his balls are held. We were pinched by that boy... but it was underground."

"Hey!" The withered man raised his hand to signal the other party to shut up. He coughed for a while and then said slowly:

"When the Fengdu government obtained the sewer system at all costs and settled here, it was because all legends in Fengdu Province are indispensable underground. We have many knights who can exert their full strength in this underground terrain. Therefore, after landing, the Fengdu government gave This project is named [Infinite Land].”

"Liu Dui." The withered man stared at his eyes like light bulbs and looked at him with a serious look:

"It is true that Amanozaki is a young man who is highly praised by Yushan Branch, but only living geniuses have the value of investigation and protection, and dead people are not worth the trouble."

"It's not good for others to interfere in this matter. Please go there yourself."

When the strong man named Liu Nu heard this, he became silent for a while.

"You know that my superpower is called [Ten Palaces of Yama], right?"

"Ahem! If not, how can I be sure that you alone will make everything safe?"

"I hope you can bear the loss."

After Liu Nu said this, he picked up the windbreaker on the table and covered all his explosive muscles.

Also covered are the lifelike tattoos of ghosts and gods all over his body.

After being submerged in the darkness, these tattoos began to squirm strangely and slowly, as if they were alive.

Chapter 89: Nausea

Amanozaki held Icarus's hand and walked in the dull sewer.

Each feather of Icarus's wings exudes a faint shimmer, and together they form a three-dimensional light source.

This sewer is not hot, on the contrary, the temperature is quite low. Amanozaki and his party have been walking for two minutes and have long been away from the entrance they blasted open.

He felt the dullness because this sewer is not used except in the flood season and has been abandoned all year round. The humidity underground has made the air saturated with water. Coupled with the usual strange smell of all sewers, breathing in it will indeed put a strong burden on the lungs.

However, he has been "non-human" after taking a medicinal bath, so he can survive freely without a gas mask or respirator, but now his mouth is full of bitterness and he vomits from time to time.

"It will be fine in a few minutes."

Icarus spread his wings to light the way, and did not forget to care about Amanozaki, "Normal people can't smell anything at this time. You can still distinguish the smell because your sense of smell is now comparable to that of dogs."

"Are you saying that I have a dog's nose and indirectly calling me a dog?"

Amanozaki said sullenly, spitting while he spoke. This is the mucus that is automatically secreted by the bronchial tube after being stimulated, thereby isolating any irritating and toxic gases.

"You said that yourself." Ikaros brushed the ends of her hair behind her ears with his fingers, revealing a triumphant smile.

The date with Amanozaki seemed to have opened up her Ren and Du meridians, allowing the consciousness of [ideal type] to fully revive, overpowering the natural Ikaros, and her speech and expressions became richer, and she would also be a little bit temperamental.

'It's just that sometimes I will revert to my old ways and become a silent fool... um, I mean a beautiful girl. ' Looking at Ikaros with dangerous eyes, Amanozaki quickly corrected the thoughts in his mind.


Ikaros said coquettishly and continued to act as a human light bulb.

The sewer was quiet for a while, only the occasional kicked garbage disturbed the mice that made their home here, attracting a sea of ​​green eyes and squeaks.

When Amanozaki walked by with his left hand holding the crystal, the neatly arranged bodies of the whole family were left on the ground.

"I have made an outstanding contribution to the four pests eradication activities in Fengdu City." Amanozaki said as he prepared magic power for the subsequent battle.

After walking for about five minutes, they finally reached the end. Amanozaki threw out a quartz infused with magic power. The quartz emitted a bright light and fell down, revealing a huge and complex structure in front of the two.

This is a vertical shaft about 80 meters deep and 50 meters in diameter. There are dozens of smaller channels than the concrete pipe where Amanozaki is located, and some are dry, while others are constantly spitting out sewage with countless foam.

There are countless metal pipes in the vertical shaft that are sealed and coated with anti-corrosion paint. They are attached to the vertical shaft and spread around like a spider web.

Ikaros scanned and spoke quickly:

"All of these are rainwater pipes. After initial stabilization, there should be a place below the shaft that leads to other shafts. The current purpose here is to transfer wastewater."

"When it rains heavily, Fengdu will be affected by the flooding of the river. These dry pipes will quickly flow into the huge rainfall on the surface and gather here and other places. At that time, we will use the characteristics of water to naturally pass through the pipes where we are, and transfer most of the rainwater to the deep wells for water storage, so as to achieve the purpose of flood prevention."

Amanozaki looked at the dim shaft, listened to the sparse sound of water and Ikaros's explanation, and couldn't help but imagine that all the pipes were roaring and gushing out, and the mighty waves like a dragon imprisoned stirred the water vapor. The scene was so exciting.

"This is the power of mankind."

Amanozaki stood by the pipe and sighed sincerely, "There are countless small beings like me, but they can create such a building that changes the terrain and local climate. Human beings are really great."

"Pay attention."

Ikaros shattered Amanozaki's lyricism leisurely, "This world is not the earth. There is no people's historical view. The popular historical view here is the hero's historical view. The biggest contributor to this project is not the people, but the foundation laid by several branch-level heroes who worked together."

"How do you know that this engineering knight is the biggest contributor?" Amanozaki looked at Ikaros in astonishment.

Ikaros shrugged, picked up Amanozaki, and flew in the shaft: "You have seen this news before, but you forgot, but your subconscious still remembers it, so I remember it."

"Did you?"

"Of course, I also know the name of this sewer project." Ikaros took Amanozaki down, opened an unlocked metal gate, and got into an extremely narrow passage that only allowed three people to walk side by side.

This is the maintenance passage.

In the long, deep, wet and slippery inspection passage that looked like the intestines of some creature, Ikaros' voice was ethereal and melodious.

"It's called [Infernal Land], taken from Infernal Purgatory."

Her voice echoed in the sound of water and the shaft, which was creepy.

Amanozaki asked and answered questions with Ikaros all the way. After several times, he confirmed that he really didn't remember as much as the other person, and couldn't help but sigh that people are really old.

While they were talking, they had passed through three shafts and walked down one level.

Water flows to the lower place. In order to save electricity for the sewer system that stores and purifies the domestic sewage of millions of people, the purification system of the entire Infernal Land follows the mechanism that the later the process is, the deeper it is underground.

Therefore, based on Ikaros's detection of the water quality conditions of the river, she concluded that the queen fish would be near the lowest level of Infernal Land.

Along the way, the two of them passed by the knights of Fengdu several times, and they all hid in advance with the detection ability of the universal war angel, thus avoiding conflicts.

Until they came to a deep well, the smooth journey through the sewers changed.


Amanozaki's well-tested nose finally smelled something again, and he vomited directly.

"What the hell is this smell! Isn't it said that the deeper you go, the cleaner it is?" Amanozaki's face turned green.

Ikaros seemed much calmer in the stench, or she didn't have a sense of taste in the human sense, so no matter how disgusting it was, it wouldn't affect her.

"It's the smell of a rotting corpse." She said, "It's down the shaft."

Ikaros stretched his head out and looked for two seconds, then shrank back solemnly and closed his eyes.

Then the scene that Ikaros thought of also appeared in Amanozaki's mind.

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