"I'm the proof. If you move faster, you might still have time." The head smiled bitterly. At this time, his entire jaw disappeared, and only the mouth on his forehead was still able to speak.

Liu Nu, whose IQ had regained the high ground, almost effortlessly figured out that Icarus was the center of the so-called live broadcast.

He turned his head with difficulty, allowing himself to be torn out a huge hole by the gun of Longinus. His eyes showed no emotion, and he just said to Icarus based on his years of camera sense:

"I am Liu Nu, the guard of the Fengdu branch this year. The ins and outs of the specific incident will be explained later by this boy named Amanozaki and others."

"Anyway, I'm sorry to disappoint everyone."

The light swallowed up all the way to his eyes, leaving only a mouth still chanting:

"I am a sinner, you must regard me as..."

The last part of the mouth began to disappear, and the mouth that had lost its vocal organ opened and closed on its own, but only meaningless whimpering remained.

This is the death of the highest-status knight Amanozaki has ever seen.

There was no gun salute, no grand burial, and no cries from relatives and fans.

There are only evidence of crimes all over the ground, vigilantes taking lives, and cold sewers that never see the light of day.

In the Fengdu branch office, the haggard man sighed in disappointment:

"It still failed. I have to get my things back."

Chapter 99: Cloning Workshop

"Okay, let's change the channel."

The tea room returned to quiet. Before Liu Nu died, he calmly admitted his depravity, and at the last moment, he held Amanozaki's personal safety and the face of Fengdu Branch, which made the old man surnamed Lin lose interest in continuing to tease.

He half-heartedly exchanged tea with Amber Gong for wine and sprinkled it around the sofa. "He whispered something to that bastard before he died. Guess what it was?"

"You still need to guess?" Mr. Amber didn't even raise his head. "Under the extermination order, there is a lot of noise everywhere. Everyone is afraid that they will put too much effort into selling out, and they are even more afraid that they won't be able to exert too much effort at all."

"This time the capital has made up its mind to rely on the extermination order to evaluate the performance of each province and branch. This is no secret. If you do well, you will be rewarded, if you do wrong, you will be punished. If you poke a hole in the sky, you will lose your head."

The old man surnamed Lin nodded: "That's why each branch is unwilling to bring out the elite. They have to clean their own plates first. Only in the Fengdu branch, the duty is a time bomb. A few provocations will not stop it."

Amber Gong nodded, then shook his head.

It is true that Liu Nu himself has problems for a long time, but from the fact that he deceived everyone before, it can be seen that he is not completely unable to hide it.

What was it that made him so rushed that he didn't even have time to digest the negative emotions he had deliberately obtained?


‘Help me. ’

Seeing that Liu Nu was dead, Amanozaki suddenly felt relieved in his chest, and then his whole body went limp.

His back sank into the plump softness, and Amanozaki's tired body shivered and relaxed completely.

Icarus hugged him from behind, and his breasts were pressed against his back, and they were so erect that they were crushed by Amanozaki's weight.

This made Icarus's face red and shy, and he urged in his heart: "There are still people watching, get up quickly." ’

An exhausted Amanosaki didn't even have the energy to open his mouth: 'There is no one left, the live broadcast is turned off, don't try to lie to me. ’

As he spoke, he moved his shoulders slightly to make himself more comfortable.

Icarus's face was red, and his eyes were hazy.

At the entrance of the well, there are still a large number of military brothers waiting. At this moment, they all look at Amanosaki who is enjoying the Icarus breast pillow with complicated expressions. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or envy.

Some of them grinded their teeth gently, and their fingers touched the buckle.

So Icarus bit down on Amanozaki's earlobe, his tiger teeth grabbed the soft flesh of the earlobe, and his tongue slowly twisted and licked, making Amanozaki's pale face instantly red and swollen.

The energy is visible to the naked eye, and even the steps that are as vain as stepping on clouds are much more powerful.

So Icarus took the opportunity to flap his wings, stomp the ground, and jump out of the shaft half jumping and half flying.

With a red face, Amanozaki pulled up the corner of his clothes to cover his crotch in embarrassment under the unexplained gazes of everyone. He coughed lightly: "We are going to the low-level area of ​​​​Wujiang Land next, please lead the way."

The officer was covered in gray. He glanced at the spear of Longinus that had pierced through and fell, and then looked at Icarus:

"I heard you found a large number of Tetrapods in another shaft."

Amanozaki also looked at Ikaros, and after receiving a shake of his head answer, he said: "Don't worry over there, it's been solved."


Amanosaki carefully considered his words: "Just now... um, when the former guard blew himself up, it triggered a lot of negative emotions, many of which were unwillingness and anger. As you get closer to Icarus, these things have been pushed away by her. But there are no evil demons in the shaft over there, and they cannot deal with these emotions, so ordinary beasts will inevitably be dominated by emotions. "

"When we destroy the workshop and kill the queen fish, I can take you to see it. There will definitely be corpses everywhere."

The officer was silent for a few seconds, looking down at the messy shaft, he nodded, "Follow me."

Liu Nu's self-destruction objectively eliminated the four-clawed fish that had fled into the sewers of Fengdu, and also shook the signal shielding system here. Therefore, while leading the way, the officer relied on loud communication equipment to continuously communicate with the surface. Contact and report the situation.

Amanosaki also took this opportunity to carefully check the surrounding environment.

The tunnel they are in now should be a real working tunnel. Unlike the inspection pipeline that the two people drilled before, the entire tunnel has a flat oval structure, and there are several large equipment inside that he cannot understand.

In the middle of the tunnel is a five-meter-wide concrete steel plate passage, and on both sides of the simple wire mesh guardrail are densely packed honeycomb-like vertical shafts.

It seems that the domestic sewage of the entire city will be purified again here after preliminary filtration.

"Very professional."

This is Ikaros's evaluation.

"The elevator is out of order and can't be lowered." The officer said to Amanosaki with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I have guessed it. In fact, it's not just the elevator. The equipment here has more or less problems. Large precision instruments are very fragile. With the explosion of that level just now, the equipment nearby can still operate. I'm afraid that only the strong and durable mechanical structure can operate."

Amanosaki said, raised the Spear of Longinus and pierced the elevator door, pushed it open, revealing the dark and deep elevator shaft with a whistling cold wind.

"How about we wait for you here?"

Amanozaki squinted at the officer.

The officer scratched his head: "I think my only role is to show you the way. The lowest floor is one floor down the stairs after exiting the elevator shaft. That floor is the water quality monitoring and analysis center."

Amanozaki didn't move his eyes.

"Well, actually I want to collect the bones of Liu...the former guard, and then record the scene in detail. This is the request from above."

"First of all, the former guard has turned into ashes, and there are ashes everywhere there, you can't take a picture of it. Secondly, no one in the world is interested in a pile of bone fragments, including evil demons. Finally, if there is really what he said down there, then I need you to be a witness. It is of great importance, I must be cautious."


Using the zipline, the soldiers descended one by one, and Amanozaki and Ikaros took the lead in opening the elevator door on the bottom floor. What they faced was a magnificent underground structure that could be called a palace.

Four people hugged a thick concrete pillar supporting a space tens of meters high. Emergency lighting was hung on the top of the pillar. The bright light reached the ground and it was already dim and dim to see the surroundings.

"The sewer connects the entire city. It is more time-saving to go underground than on the congested ground. It was originally planned to station several teams of knights and troops here to deal with sudden evil demons. It also serves as an emergency shelter, but now all equipment and supplies have not been brought in."

The officer explained while leading everyone down.

He obviously got the authority from the government and led everyone to the bottom without any obstacles.

What came to us was a bright and dry room of different sizes cut with tempered glass and anti-peep film. The shadowless lamp and floor had a strong laboratory atmosphere.

But for some reason, there was no one in the laboratory on the entire floor.

Amanozaki had no interest in the instruments and water quality data in these rooms. He just checked them one by one, looking for the clone production workshop.

"I think it should be over there."

Ikaros pointed to the end of the road, a plain room marked "Entertainment Room".

The officer quickly stepped forward and swiped the card to open the door, and then his breathing became heavy.

"Someone has been here!"

He took out his gun, his voice a little hoarse.

Amanozaki pushed the officer aside, and the Spear of Longinus in his hand trembled slightly.

This entertainment room was full of things, from wall-to-wall bookshelves to electronic games, table tennis and musical instruments. It seemed to be for the entertainment of long-term stationed personnel.

The billiard table placed in the middle of the house was roughly opened, revealing the passage below, the alloy door handle was crushed, and the bookshelf was casually knocked down.

The outer layer of the passage was a metal-pasted wall, but going down, the granite wall was exposed, showing rough excavation marks.

The group walked down the narrow stone steps, and within a few dozen seconds, the front was suddenly open.

Rows of spherical culture chambers were spread out in front of everyone, neatly arranged, with more than fifty of them.

The walls were inlaid with glass cabinets filled with nutrient solution, in which were fetuses of all sizes.

In the underground area full of technology and avant-garde medical atmosphere, these things brought people an indescribable smell of filth and blasphemy.

Even though they were mentally prepared, everyone still felt dry mouth and stomach churning.

These cabinets were filled with developing people.

And the culture chambers were not unexpectedly full of people.

"Ah... please wait. Let me finish this big guy, and then I will entertain you."

A dry voice sounded in the laboratory, and Amanozaki raised his weapon cautiously and approached carefully.

He came to the wall made of floor-to-ceiling windows and saw the scene below. His heart was instantly grabbed by the raging anger.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was a natural cave, sealed by metal on all sides. There were bloody scratches and scratches everywhere on the rock and metal walls, as well as traces of flames and blunt impacts.

A large hole was broken in the grid-like floor, and below was the black river water.

A huge fish with two short, wide, claw-like fins was lying on the edge of the hole, flapping its tail feebly.

A tall, thin figure as thin as a bamboo pole was soaked in the smelly blood.

The man grabbed a large object wrapped in white cloth and faintly oozing blood with one hand, and inserted his other hand into the fish's eye and dug something out.

‘He was clearly outside, so how did he get the sound in? What supernatural power?’ Amanozaki began to think about his opponent’s trump card.

In a flash, the figure turned his head, revealing a face covered with wrinkles and cracks like a mummy, two protruding eyeballs bulging out of the eye sockets, and the toothless mouth "ho ho" smiled at Amanozaki miserably.

“Fire, fire!”

Amanozaki’s hair on his back stood up, and he almost screamed.

The soldiers subconsciously raised their guns, but Ikaros was faster than everyone else. She had already drawn the Gatling gun and shot at the weirdo through the glass without thinking!

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