Chapter 100: My intuition tells me that you are the villain!

The continuous sound of bullets bursting, as if a large cloth tearing machine was installed in the laboratory.

The gun flames of more than ten centimeters long spewed out flames, and in the crisp sound of glass breaking, two missiles emerged from Ikaros's curled wings.

She had no melancholy at all, and the anti-aircraft missiles were launched directly!


The officer cursed and quickly hid behind the incubator and covered his ears.

Launching missiles in such a narrow environment is simply not dying fast enough!

He squatted on the ground for a while, only hearing the continuous sound of rags tearing, and the expected explosion did not happen.

The officer boldly stuck out half of his head.

In the meantime, Ikaros used his wings to protect Amanozaki, and blocked the broken French window with a gloomy face, with shells all over his feet.

What's outrageous is that the thousands of bullets fired by Ikaros and the two anti-aircraft missiles did not cause any harm to the withered man.

Not only that, there was no trace of Gatling guns in the deep pit outside the French window.

"Take a break, little girl. Your man just finished a fight and can't hold on any longer. This place is not like the surface. You can't absorb the power of the sun to maintain your combat effectiveness."

The man's mouth drooped, and his lips folded five or six layers of wrinkles while he spoke.

Ikaros really stopped when he heard this.

Amanozaki leaned on the gun and whispered, "I'm fine, you continue."

Ikaros shook his head and pointed lightly, and Amanozaki realized that a goat had appeared next to the tall and thin man at some point.

The goat looked old and frail, as thin and woody as the man, with dim pupils and a lot of hair falling off, revealing bare soft flesh.

The goat's beard was lush, and its chin swayed from side to side, as if it was chewing something.

Amanozaki took a closer look and saw the goat's tongue wiping its teeth, revealing the appearance of food.

He could see clearly that the goat was chewing a brass bullet.

"How is it? Very strange, isn't it?" The man touched the goat's head with his hand after taking out the fish eye, staining the goat's head with blood and unknown liquid. "I want to transfer the supernatural power to the animal without letting it become a demon, but it took me a lot of effort."

Amanozaki's eyelids jumped.

He pretended not to hear the man's words and spoke directly:

"No matter who you are, you'd better not stop us from blocking this place. This place belongs to the Fengdu branch. I was entrusted by the former guard to seal this place. This laboratory and workshop are suspected of illegal human cloning and illegal human experiments..."

"Let me help you finish it."

The man's hands were bloody. He carried the shuttle-shaped heavy object on his shoulders, and he was bored. "Illegal human cloning refers to large-scale cloning and slaughter."

"Illegal human experiments refer to comprehensive testing of the physical fitness of clones before the slaughter, letting them hold various weapons and kill each other in this deep pit."

"The most excessive of them is to try to use this extreme method to stimulate clones, try to explore the laws of superpowers, and cultivate brainwashed fanatical knights."

Amanozaki pursed his lips and said nothing. The officer hiding behind him looked darker and darker. There was only the rustling sound of white noise in his headphones, and there was silence for a while.

The officer then knew the real reason why Liu Nu asked Amanozaki to burn down the place quickly, and also knew why Amanozaki didn't dare to be arrogant and insisted that he follow as a witness.

Cloning is already a dangerous act that has caused public opinion to explode, and human experiments are unforgivable acts.

Amanozaki can't bear the responsibility of destroying this laboratory and covering up the secrets from the public, so he needs someone else to bear it.

So he went to the Fengdu government.

"From your tone, it seems that you are very familiar with these things."

Amanozaki uttered this sentence after a long while. He held the Spear of Longinus and gently adjusted his posture.

The man covered his mouth and coughed a few times, not disdaining his hands stained with fish blood, "Of course, I taught him all these things."

Amanozaki clenched his teeth and didn't speak.

The only news that Liu Nu secretly told him before his death was that there was a complete set of human experiment sites and materials underground, and he begged him to destroy the site and hand over the experimental data.

Apart from this, he didn't say anything else.

From his calmness before his death, Amanozaki had reason to believe that the operation of this laboratory did not require too many people.

And the laboratory actually verified his conjecture. Highly automated equipment filled the laboratory, and artificial intelligence could perform most data collection projects.

So the appearance of this man was quite suspicious.

What's more, he brought a goat with him. This goat ate thousands of bullets and missiles and had goat dung all over the floor.

But the inside of the laboratory was clean.

'So, he came here either for experimental data or to take something away. 'Amanozaki's eyes moved to the man's back.

'Is it this thing? '

The man twisted his waist silently, hid the thing wrapped in scarlet bandages and bleeding behind him, and narrowed his eyes.

Amanozaki felt great pressure, his knees were weak, and he was about to lose his balance.

The last time he felt this helpless was when he was facing the sword master.

'Ikaros needs a wide terrain to fully deploy his abilities. It is not good for us to fight here. 'Amanozaki thought.

Besides, he was already exhausted...

‘You can’t let him go. ’ Icarus’ thoughts pushed through Amanozaki’s increasingly complex thoughts, like a bucket of ice water being poured on him.

‘He has admitted in front of the army that he is the mastermind! ’

Amanozaki was shocked.

yes! The Fengdu branch was worried that no one would come forward to reduce the negative impact of Liu Nu. Now someone has come forward to admit that it is not a case of drowsiness and looking for a pillow?

Icarus may not have meant this, but Amanozaki interpreted the relationship.

So he was determined.

Fengdu Province will not just watch this man escape. Now both the helmsmen and the government personnel should be on their way.

So he half-smiled but said, "What do you call me, old gentleman?"


The man who looked like dried meat chuckled: "My body is only 30 years old. Is it very old?"

"Okay, this big brother..."

"Hey! It's been 300 years since I started practicing. I'm an older person than your grandfather."

Amanozaki raised his face: "Who are you sending it to?"

This man didn't care about Amanozaki's provocation. He stepped on the queen fish's body and climbed higher and higher, shaking the fat sleeves of his gown and shaking his head:

"Don't ask for help when traveling. The south has been searched all over. You have to take care of yourself. Your heart is not his."

"I am a Taoist."

Self-proclaimed Taoist?

Amanozaki frowned and immediately remembered the black water where the Karma Fire Bhikshuni burned to death yesterday.

At that time, she also named herself Taoist.

"Who are you Guishuiyin?"

"It doesn't matter who she is to me. My little friend named Tian, ​​if you want to delay time, I happen to have the same plan. How about we stop here and chat about family matters here, and take a bet on whose goal is achieved first? How about that? "

The man sat down cross-legged on the fish carcass. He was full of blood, his beard and hair were dry and split, but he had an inexplicable elegant temperament.

Amanozaki was convinced that this person must be the villain.

Chapter 101: Today’s consumption is all paid for by the sub-rudder


Amanozaki smiled and nodded, looking for a seat to sit down.

But Taoist Zizuo stretched out his hand: "Hey! Our time is precious, so let's not chat. Let's chat while we fight."

As he spoke, he took out two bamboo tubes from his wide sleeves, poured them out, and two slender chopstick-like pieces of dried meat poured out.

He threw it to the ground and stuck it into the metal plate.

Only then did Amanozaki see clearly that what the Taoist priest had thrown out were two dried meats of some kind carved into human shapes.

The carved man holds his hands behind his head, twists his hands upwards like a twist, and twists his legs into a spiral shape.

‘Nozaki, that’s either jerky or a human being. ’

Icarus frowned and looked at Taoist Taoist with slightly disgusted eyes.

For Icarus, this was a rare and annoying look.

"The girl has good eyesight, and she is worthy of being the assistant to the God of Creation in the only religious religion in the West." Taoist Zi Jie looked 'flattered', "I am a living figurine, I wonder if I can withstand three or five moves under the girl's hands?"

He clapped his hands gently, and the two meat shafts swelled with a tooth-piercing deformation sound, turning into two macho men with magnificent muscles.

"Have fun?"

Amanozaki didn't reply.

He looked at the two living figurines with purple skin covered with black tattoos, like two giant gay men. He looked at each other's spans and found no dirt, only a smooth patch.

I couldn't help but feel discouraged.

Don't get me wrong, he is not gay or closeted, he is just trying to find the other person's weaknesses.

When he heard the words "living figurines", his first thought was "people are still alive", and he subconsciously targeted the physical weaknesses.

The dead feel no pain, and the living may have been cut off, but the living body will still respond.

He never expected that this guy who claimed to be a Taoist would be so cruel!

Icarus took a step forward and thought slightly: 'Two living figurines are not easy. This terrain is not good for me. Be prepared to evacuate. ’

‘Why are you so cowardly? ’ Amanozaki winked, with a look of reluctance, “Just now we told him to get out, and now we have to crawl away. This is not okay.”

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