The Star Knight

Chapter One Twenty-Fourth

"I didn't expect him to be Pope..." Opal whispered across the dining table: "It doesn't seem to have Sid."

Raymond's fork twirled between his fingers, his expression on his face seemed to be thinking, and he asked after a moment: "Did he arrange accommodation for you?"

Opal pointed to the distance and said, "Let me live on the Forgotten Corridor, and I am alone. I asked him if he could let you come, he said yes, but you can only go in during the day, and you have to go back to the dormitory at night. ."

Opal and Raymond are arranged in different places, Raymond said: "Let's watch it change."

Opal said: "He also asked me to call him'His Majesty', I wonder if the pastor is also holding the light now."

Raymond said: "I just contacted Iszul and the teacher in the galaxy once when I went through the procedures."

Opal said: "How to say?"

Raymond said: "I contacted you in your name. Caroline is not in the grip of the optical rotation. She has not returned yet. The herdsman is already in the Meteor Palace."

Opal asked again: "What did the teacher go up to the wind? He didn't plan to stay in Alex's administrative province?"

Raymond said: "He went to find someone named Justin Rodman..."

"Uncle!" Opal said.

Raymond nodded: "Last time we were at the Star of the Falcon, the empire may have been given permission from the upper echelons to allow Justin to enter the military system."

Opal narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

Raymond asked: "When does your homework begin? Am I following you?"

Opal suddenly remembered, glanced at the time, and said: "Oh, time is up, hurry up."

After two or three lunches, Raymond hurried through the garden. When passing the Forgotten Corridor, Opal's footsteps slowed down and came to a door.

"Here is his study." Opal whispered to Raymond.

Raymond nodded, pushed the door open for him, and saw Drummond sitting in a large velvet armchair, Opal said: "Sorry to keep you waiting a long time, Your Majesty."

Grebney didn't care: "It doesn't matter. Tens of thousands of years have passed. It's not less than a few minutes. Let's start today's class."

Opal nodded, and Grebney said: "You can sit casually and be comfortable, don't be too restrained. What are you still standing there for?"

Raymond bowed and consciously closed the study door and stood outside as a guard.

Opal looked around. The study was decorated in a classic style. He remembered the style and the library of the prophet he said.

"I have many questions to ask you, sir." Opal walked to the table by the window, where a coffee maker was placed, with only one cup.

The study room suspended large and small crystal balls with anti-gravity technology. Each crystal ball was filled with water. One or more goldfish were kept in the spherical goldfish tank, reflecting the gorgeous sunlight.

Grebney said, "That's what I prepared for you."

Opal looked up at the goldfish tank and asked, "Send someone another glass?"

Grebney said: "No, I don't drink coffee, I'm going to take medicine later."

Opal's heart moved, drink medicine?Caroline also mentioned earlier that the Pope's time is running out... Will he die?But according to Rector, this person’s soul is truly indestructible, and his physical weakness is just a matter of changing his body.

Grebney yawned and said, "Draw a card, compare the size, who won the question."

Opal: "..."

Opal thought that this was indeed his style, so he used to draw a card, Opal got a K, and Grebney got a 2.

Opal said: "Sir, I want to ask about the wheel of time..."

Grebney: "No, 2 is bigger than K. When playing 13 cards, 2 is the largest. I should ask you."

Opal laughed and said, "Okay."

Grebney said: "Did Caroline mention a phantom star named Igna? What did you say?"

Opal: "!!!"

He did not expect that Grebney would ask questions so straightforwardly, after thinking for a long time, he replied: "Teacher He... thinks Nolan is his mentor, he exists in pursuit of truth in the universe... let me think miss you……"

Opal gave a detailed account of Nolan when he was living with Caroline.The pope just closed his eyes and listened, his young and weak figure shrunk in the blanket, the sunlight was thrown from the window and shone on him, it seemed that he was very thin.

Opal said: "That's probably it."

Grebney didn't speak, as if asleep.

Opal: "..."

"Your Majesty?" Opal felt amused.

Grebney opened his eyes wearily, saying, "You know less than I expected."

Opal was speechless.

Grebiny yawned and scratched his neck dullly. When he was about to say something, a knock on the door rang out. A bishop wearing glasses and a golden robe pushed the door in, holding a silver bowl in his hand, saying : "Your Majesty, take the medicine."

Opal saw the dark green potion in the bowl, just like the body fluid of the acid beast. Grebney put the bowl over with one hand, and his eyes signaled Opal to draw.

"It's up to me to ask." Opal holds a Q and the Pope's card is 7.

The pope drank the medicine and gave the silver bowl to the bishop and nodded.

I don’t know why. Opal glanced at the bishop and changed his question. He wanted to ask about his father. However, there were other people on the side. He didn’t want to discuss it in front of others, saying: "Shepherd A surname with you?"

"Yes." Grebiny's eyes expressed admiration and nodded. "He is in some sense his adopted son, or he would have been another me, but the timing was wrong, and he touched There was another thing that forced me to withdraw and leave without occupying his body, so in the end I adopted him."

Opal nodded slowly, he remembered that Rector said that Pope Drummond's life continued in different shells. According to his understanding, this continuation should be to cultivate a fetus and enter the body of the fetus...

The archbishop bowed to leave, and after leaving, Opal remembered the question just now, saying: "The teacher didn't tell me anything, he knew a lot."

Grebney touched a cube of sugar and put it in his mouth, said: "Collorin? I suspect he knows almost nothing about what he is about to do, but just insists on using force, destruction and other means to solve all problems. ..."

Opal said: "No, your majesty, I think the teacher's conviction is stronger than anyone..."

Grebney said: "Faith is the thing of the Star Knights. Only Rector believes this thing. Even Igna, the founder of the Star Knights, never mentioned the word "faith". It is only five-dimensional. The soul in the world is just a projection in our branch universe. Are you sure that there is this thing in the world?"

Opal: "Yes... I don't understand what you are talking about."

Grebney said: "Forget it, you have it, the next question."

Opal said: "Wait, can you explain it in detail?"

Grebney said: "Wait, I will answer your questions when it's your turn."

The two drew a card and Opal asked.

He raised the most important question on this trip.

"My father's name is Logan." Opal said: "Your Majesty, I don't know if you remember him, he is related to the wheel of time."

"Remember." Grebenny said: "Others may forget, but I have always remembered about the wheel of time. You are the son of Logan, and Colleen sent me to send it in five years. A letter. I mentioned your life experience. I think why you were discovered by Colleen, this should be a very interesting story."

Opal said: "The teacher also wants to ask this question, where is the wheel of time now?"

Grebney shook his head.

Opal asked again: "What mission did it start with? Is it just exploration?"

Grebiny closed his eyes, and said after a long time: "It can be said, to explore the origin and meaning of the existence of our world."

Opal said: "I know that it brought back the Phantom Star on the first return. What does this have to do with the Star Knight? What did the teacher do not tell me, is it related to the Phantom Star? They are from 5D. Spatial?"

"Yes." Grebney said: "Strictly speaking, the world where the phantom star is located is originally a four-dimensional universe that is almost the same as ours. It is one of many parallel universes. You can assume that In another mirrored universe, there are people like us who have passed time faster than this universe, have a longer history, evolved slowly, and finally become a phantom star without a shell and only a soul."

Opal narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then? How much do you know about the wheel of time and the migration of fantasy stars?"

Grebini snapped his fingers and said, "Then, these intelligent life began to explore the five-dimensional world, and some changes occurred in the process, wandering in the gap between the four and five dimensions, was found by the wheel of time, and brought Back to our universe."

Opal nodded, and keenly felt that his father’s third exploration must be related to this matter, and asked: "What happened?"

Grabenny suddenly calmed down, winking at Opal.

Opal: "?"

Is someone eavesdropping?

There were only two of them in the study, while Raymond was standing outside. Opal's heart thumped, only to feel that Grebney's move seemed to have some kind of deep meaning.

However, before he even thought about it, Grebney said: "I will give you a homework. There are three questions in it. Take it back and think. Of course, you can also ask your bodyguard for help. When you get these three Answer to this question, I think you will understand many things."

Opal knew that there must be some kind of eavesdropping mechanism here, and even Grebney would be inconvenient to talk about, but who can install wiretapping devices in the Pope’s study?Has it been so serious?

He nodded thoughtfully, and Grebney said: "The first question is that there are a group of monkeys living in a greenhouse where special restrictions are imposed..."

Opal: "?"

Grebney: "?"

Opal heard a noun that had never been touched and asked, "What is a monkey?"

Grebney: "..."

"The monkey is..." Grebney was a little bit difficult to say, and then changed his mouth: "There is a group of poms."

"Oh." Opal said.

Grebney said: "Forget monkeys. A group of monkeys live in a greenhouse. They can eat the food produced in the greenhouse every day. It is not too rich, but it can barely survive."

Opal nodded slowly, Grebney said: "And the rule of existence of this greenhouse is: only out, not in. The outside world after leaving the greenhouse may be a desert, or it may be a richer orchard with richer food, Of course, there may be nothing. The monkeys do not know what is outside. Occasionally, some monkeys leave the greenhouse to go out, but without exception, they have not returned."

Opal asked: "Do monkeys know this rule?"

"Very good..." Grebney's voice seemed to have hypnotic dreams, saying: "They don't know any rules of the greenhouse area itself, or even know why the boundaries of the greenhouse exist, only one thing-leave The companion in the greenhouse disappeared."

Opal yelled, and Grebney said: "This is the monkey's perspective, but from our perspective, the experimenter's perspective, there is a wider living space outside, and you don't have to worry about any danger. Suppose you are a monkey One of the members, you learned about it from a certain channel, and you think what method is needed to make the monkeys live a better and happier life? Is it necessary to do this? And the motivation to do it. This is first question."

Opal: "..."

"The second question." Grebney asked, "Do you believe that man has a soul?"

Opal nodded: "Believe."

Grebney said: "What is the soul, now answer me, don't teach you with Colleen, tell me with your own understanding."

Opal thought for a while and said, "The soul is gradually formed from birth... A sign that distinguishes a person from another individual. I think that is the case. It is the spirit of a person's independent existence."

Grebney said: "So do you think animals have souls? For example, a monkey."

Opal said: "I still don't know what a monkey is."

Grebney: "That's not important, like a pom?"

Opal said: "Should there be... right? Yes."

Grebney said again: "So a bird?"

Opal: "Yes, of course there are birds."

Grebney: "Does the earthworm have its soul? Or ants, insects?"

Opal: "..."

"It seems... there is." Opal said: "Do ants have brains? Do they think and move things? Yes, how about earthworms? I don't know, Your Majesty."

Opal remembered the earthworms that had attacked him and Raymond. Earthworms also seemed to know something. There is always a difference between one earthworm and another earthworm. If two earthworms are copied, then the number of replicas is equal to two. Ontology?impossible.

He simply defined the soul, saying: "There is a soul for something that has life."

Grebney asked, "What about microbes?"

Opal stunned.

Grebney said: "What about viruses?"

Opal: "..."

Grebney said: "It's too far, now I ask you the second question-when did people have their own souls?"

Opal also knows a little bit about the formation of life in the knowledge I have learned before, but this problem seems to be more complicated. Is it the first second that the newborn is leaving the mother and coming to this world?What about babies in the training cabin?Open your eyes and see the first moment of this world?It doesn't seem right.

Does sperm and egg combine to become the moment of fertilized egg?

No, the fertilized egg was not conscious at that time.

"The third question." Grebiny separated his hands with his fingers, facing each other in front of him, thinking thoughtfully: "Human life is made of carbon."

Opal said: "Yes, I know that carbon-based life is the most common life form in the universe."

Grebney's fingers moved slightly, and asked, "Why is the carbon base giving us the wisdom to think about all this, and nothing else?"

Opal Road: "This...because the number of carbon's peripheral electrons...only four? It can be combined with many elements..."

Grebney interrupted Opal's explanation and asked: "Why is the number of carbon's peripheral electrons four?"

Opal said: "It was when the universe was was born."

Grebney added: "Atoms, electrons, molecules, and photons have their own characteristics and laws."

Opal Road: "Right, right!"

Grebini: "Why is there such a complicated law that the world just started like this, and evolved like this, and eventually reproduced life as complex as humans?"

Opal: "!!!"

Grebney said: "Where do the laws come from? They existed in this world from the beginning? Four basic forces restrict the operation of all particles. These rules are naturally generated? Sociology, economics, Physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc... why are there such complicated laws?"

Opal Road: "The laws are actually summed up by people."

Grebney said: "But even if no one summed it up, these laws still exist."

Opal: "..."

"Yes." Opal suddenly felt a bit numb.

"Three questions, take it back and think." Grebney said: "I believe you will soon know what your father thought."

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