The Star Knight

Chapter 125

"Not at all." Raymond said helplessly.

Opal gobbled up the dinner on the plate, he always felt that he was hungry recently, I don’t know whether it’s the relationship between the growth of the body, or the environment of the country of the light arc is very good, it is quiet, I eat too much and sleep well .

Opal said: "It can be seen that you are not a teacher, are there any more? Baked noodles, come again, thank you."

Raymond thought for a while and said, "But there is one problem I have thought about, and I have thought about it more than once."

Opal: "The second question?"

Raymond nodded, and Opal knew he couldn't want to. It was Raymond or Caroline's question. He must have troubled Raymond more than once in a while.

However, Opal never cared about theoretical things, and he only relied on a simple intuitive judgment on Raymond's soul.

"I think." Raymond said: "My soul existed before I opened my eyes. At that time, I didn't have any memory of Caroline, nor did I have any special ideas. My mind was completely blank, It’s like waking up suddenly from the darkness, and knowing nothing after waking up, it feels strange..."

Opal couldn't remember that he was still a baby, no, the state of the fetus, but Raymond knew!

Raymond must remember!

"How is it? Describe it." Opal stopped looking at Raymond.

Raymond said: "It was dark all around, I... felt very quiet, how to say, very strange, I..."

Opal said: "Isn't this time driven by survival instinct? For example, if you are thirsty, you need to drink, and when you are hungry, you need to eat..."

Raymond frowned slightly, as if considering wording.

"No." Raymond said: "It's the feeling of being first, not the perception of the outside world. It's a very hazy consciousness. Know yourself first, then wake up and feel the surrounding environment."

Opal said: "Where is it?"

"For the first time," Raymond said, "when in the laboratory."

Opal said: "You have known your surroundings before opening your eyes?"

Raymond said: "No, I know I am human, nor can I say that I know that I am human, I know myself..."

Opal immediately grabbed the center and said, "You are aware of your existence."

Raymond said: "Yes! That's what it means! Then I opened my eyes and the training compartment opened. I felt that when my first thought came into being, my soul was born at that time, which may be the case. Later I I often think, am I part of Caroline? I think it is because this idea was created from nothing..."

Opal was a little confused and said: "When a fetus can realize its existence, does it have a soul? Later? When you come to life a second time..."

Raymond said: "The second time I felt like this, I drove the mech to Collorin's side, and my eyes were dark. At that time, the surroundings quickly became dark. I moved, and the thought that I died was What? It’s just a short moment, and when I open my eyes, I see you who became a child and myself."

Opal captured a sentence, and he fell into a short shock, saying: "What did you say before?"

Raymond said, "When you open your eyes..."

Opal said: "No, not this sentence! The previous..."

Raymond: "The second time I felt..."

Opal: "Before."

Raymond said: "This idea suddenly occurred? I think it feels wonderful, was created from nothing..."

Opal said: "Yes, it was created out of nothing, consciousness."

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Opal thought vaguely, but he couldn't say clearly. He remembered a long and long time ago, Colleen said to him.

At that time they were forced to land on an unknown planet. The primitive forest and the ancient lake reflected the moonlight. Caroline took Opal back to the old castle with his childhood and told him that the universe was created from nothingness. Root believes that the forerunner to ignite the fuse for the universe is the intelligent life gestated in the universe-this is obviously not in line with causal inference.

There was a confusion in his mind, as if through this question, he understood what the soul was born from nothing. Even a sleeping fetus would know his existence. The moment of consciousness of his existence, survival instincts Will be excited.

Is that true?Opal answered this when he decided to face the pope, but how does this relate to his father’s journey of exploration?

While he was still thinking, Raymond's communicator rang.

Opal said: "Teacher?"

Opal couldn't wait to eat, got up and returned to the room with Raymond, and turned on the projector.

Rector wears a baseball cap and leans halfway on the front cover of a suspended car and says, "Opel, Raymond, how is your situation?"

Opal described the pope once, and Rector held his arm and pondered for a moment, saying, "I will talk about my situation first."

Raymond hugged Opal, and the two sat by the bed. E7 shot Rector’s holographic projection. Behind him was a very beautiful city. From here, Rector seemed to be on the mountain road and was able to overlook the city.

"Justin and I took the head and came here from the ring winds, the sub-galaxy." Rector said: "Justin, through the shepherd, was instructed by the pope to come and test Alex's meaning. And I am a follower Accompanying him in action, in contact with Alex, I read some of his thoughts, Carters is about to abdicate, and Alex is very promising to become the next emperor. The Rotman family’s After a long time of suspicion, they decided to unite the Queen of the Empire, Inni, to support her youngest son Alex."

Sure enough, Rector can get the most important news.

Raymond asked, "What about Ledgerson?"

"This interest group involved a lot of people." Rector's expression was a little tired, saying: "The representative of the Alex camp has a long string, and with their own purpose, most of you are not I know, I will make a long story short. Ledgerson is Alex’s mentor. He has considerable influence in the Holy See. After the end of the dark age, he used his influence to cultivate many cronies, including five years ago. Lorraine implanted Bishop Kane, the head of the anti-hypnotic galaxy."

Opal: "No wonder! I know who the pope is talking about!"

Raymond said: "I think of that guy. He competes with us for the star debris of Igna's eye and falls from the sky."

Rector shook his head and did not speak for a long time.

After millions of light years, Opal seemed to be able to feel his disappointment with Ledgerson. He weighed it again and again, somehow he said to Rector, but Raymond said: "What about Baroque? I think he Don’t be so mixed up."

Rector said: "Baroque has support from the entire Milky Way Republic. They contacted him through the ambassador of the Republic Kashtlan and made observations. Tirgat fell and the new parliament leader Geng Wen formulated a peaceful diplomacy. New strategic goals for development, peace talks with Caroline. They believe that Baroque will reduce armaments within a period of time after taking power. But Baroque lacks military support, so Justin is his only reliance."

Raymond said: "Is Justin sure to support him?"

Rector said: "Yes, after talking with Alex, I think Justin will indeed support him, because Alex's philosophy is not in line with him, and the power of Innie as the faction unites the Rotman family. , Intending to weaken the influence of the Holy See and gradually expel the missionaries of the Star Holy See in the Lion Galaxy."

Opal said: "What about Carters?"

Rector said: "The attitude of the lion star emperor is very difficult to understand. He let Justin enter the army, give him a position with real power and appeal, and let Alex do what he does. No one knows that he is in What to think. Sometimes there is no attitude is an attitude, I guess he also regards the pope as an opponent, both sides negotiate the conditions, put pieces on the chessboard, and then wait for the right time to play the game. Let Alex represent himself, Let Baroque represent the pope."

Opal said: "It's so stupid... isn't the pope in charge of him too? I even doubt that he has some unknown arrangement and conspiracy."

Rector said: "Don’t forget that Drummond still has a lot of influence in the empire. Even the adventurers have a lot of stellar believers. If Carters does not follow the rules, it is very likely that Drummond He will also use violent means to solve it, according to your description, he is likely to do so."

"Yes, yes." Opal agreed: "He is a little bit nervous."

Raymond laughed and said, "What about the pirates?"

Rector said: "It was the Rotman family that contributed to the alliance between Mars and the Big Astronautics Association. This plan was already proposed when Azeroth was in power. Azeroth agreed with Rotman's proposal. In the next 100 years, it is planned to gradually merge the martial arts and the big aerospace association by peaceful transition, and finally merge into the empire."

Opal: "..."

Rector said: "But Caroline launched an aggression against the star, and Azeroth had to interrupt the negotiations and return home immediately. I found in the Big Astronautics Association that Rotman had started six years ago. Glory Plan."

Opal said: "Actually, I think Azeroth was right, at least the star can..."

Rector said: "It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. The late mercenary king has his own considerations. On the one hand, the mercenaries can collectively wash ashore and no longer need to be a lawbreaker in the universe. On the other hand, they are lost. From his standpoint, the Mars after joining the Big Astronautics Association must abide by the laws of the empire and will no longer retain the original characteristics. If Azeroth also has ambitions, I guess he might have thought about letting the Mars to annex Big Astronautics Association, not simply hand over the mercenary kingdom to the empire."

"I always thought that the appearance of Sauron was Caroline's advice, and now it seems that this matter has nothing to do with Caroline." Rector said: "Sauron interfered with the star through a youngest son of the pirate family As for whether he has colluded with Baroque, further investigation is needed. It is your turn."

Opal said: "We just arrived one afternoon, the pope gave me three questions."

He raised the question to Rector, who answered him after a short consideration.

Rector: "The Pope’s first question, Nolan also once proposed, that the greenhouse represents a four-dimensional space, and the world outside the greenhouse represents a higher dimension. Nolan believes that this is a choice that must be faced by the evolution of natural populations. 1. Native life has evolved into animals, animals have evolved into intelligent animals, and intelligent animals have evolved into intelligent life, and after a long evolution, intelligent life has begun to find a new way out."

"The current situation and the situation after leaving the greenhouse represent the life and death of mankind." Rector said: "When it is alive for a short time, it is a restricted area in the greenhouse, and the long death represents no boundary outside the greenhouse. Space."

The shock of Opal's heart was indescribable when he heard this question.

Rector said: "What is life? What is death? Nolan found the answer in their parallel universe. The death of human flesh is the process of the soul's transition to a higher-dimensional world. After death, it leaves our universe. You can’t come back, so you can’t tell whether the world of death is good or not, and you can’t get the situation of another world. You don’t even know if that world exists. This is the worry of the monkeys.”

Opal said: "So the phantom star from the five-dimensional world...God, the information I saw mentioned the break between the ivory tower and the joint research organization...after Nolan's father...after the report meeting? "

Rector said: "Perhaps it was the fantasy star who brought the answer to this ultimate question. Nolan did not mention it to me because I didn't understand it at that time. Of course, I still don't understand it now."

Raymond said: "This is too ridiculous, meaning that if you want to explore the five-dimensional space, everyone will have to commit suicide?"

Rector said: "Suicide is the only serious philosophical question, but I don't think he means it. The pope might tell you another answer. Apprentices, the teacher has limited time, I told Justin I just walked out. He is I am not a good student of Tifeng, I don’t want to let him know that I am in contact with the pope too early. Opal, you need to convey to the pope a very important thing, the situation may not be completely under his control, I as Natasha Friend of mine, will provide some assistance to her in due course, but not necessarily on the Pope’s side. We all need to rethink and position on the differences in relations with Caroline. We can only temporarily put aside.”

"What about the second and third questions, teacher?" Opal realized that there was still a chance to contact Rector in the future, and he consciously switched.

"The second one, I don't know. I haven't been in touch with it." Rector shook his head and said, "As for the third one, I think, maybe the rule itself is the creator who restricts everything? Justin?"

Justin's voice came from there, and his voice was very kind, saying: "Sir..."

Rector cut off the communication.

Opal lying on the bed, seemed to understand something, and seemed even more confused.

Raymond said: "You figured out the first two questions?"

Opal said: "The pope asked me not to use the teacher's answer. I don't know how to answer him. Go to sleep first, maybe get a new idea tomorrow."

When the Star of Light Arc fell into the night, Raymond packed up things, and Opal didn't go back. He simply lay on Raymond's bed, and the two of them hugged and slept.

On the first day of coming to the Holy See, Opal was very sleepy. He had not slept well before, and soon fell asleep confusedly.

In the darkness, he felt Raymond touching his forehead, and when he opened it, he instantly realized that he was slowly getting smaller!

Until he was twelve years old, he was a little overwhelmed and lifted up the quilt.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Opal." Raymond's voice sounded. When Opal looked up, he saw that in the dormitory room still in the Holy See, Raymond was holding his arm and sitting halfway at the desk.

"Teacher?" Opal recognized Colleen almost instantaneously, and now found that Collolin has many small details that are exactly the same as Rector, maybe it is a habit that has been around for thousands of years.

"The pope sent me a newsletter." Collorin said in the dark: "Are you coming to the base of the ship?"

"Is this a dream?" Opal looked around and snapped his fingers, the blue light of the stars lit up in the room: "Well, I saw the pope, please ask him to gather news about my father. What about you? What are you doing? local?"

"I am a female star, tracking Kyle's whereabouts." Colleen said: "Sauron and he are a gang, Sauron is an old lover of the mother of a prince of the Empire..."

Opal said: "Barok?"

Caroline was a little surprised, and then smiled: "You are also investigating this matter?"

Opal nodded. He wanted to ask something else, but he was distracted by one thing and said, "Sauron is very old..."

Caroline said: "Do you think he should have a genetic surgery? After all, not every old man is as attractive as a teacher."

Opal laughed, and Caroline said seriously: "The Pope's troubles are coming soon. Carters is planning to deal with him. Now I will give you a task. If something happens, I suggest you take Drummond away. Valuable possessions, run quickly, I will collect the Stellar Basilica collection from you at the auction price..."

"Oh teacher." Opal said: "You are too inhumane, his apprentice is still in your hands."

Colleen was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking. Opal suddenly remembered that their communication in the dream was completely free to move. Both of them could read each other's thinking, and they directly read Colleen's consciousness.

In his mind is the kingdom of the light arc that became ruins, and the throne of the monks and soldiers led by the shepherd.

"It's so serious?!" Opal said: "But the teacher's inference is... he thinks that Cartes will follow the rules, let Alex represent himself, and Baroque represents the pope game, because Cartes does not Dare to challenge the authority of the Pope..."

"No." Colleen shook his head. "If I were Carters, I wouldn't do it. After all, he was bullied by the pope for too long. He wanted to overthrow the battle. This is the only chance."

Opal said: "But both are his sons, no matter who wins, the empire can continue."

"No," Colleen said: "Teacher, he thinks it's too simple. He underestimated the role of a man, who is very important."

"Who?" Opal said.

Colleen was silent, and Opal went to read his heart, but the thought was fleeting and flashed past.

Caroline said: "Just think about it, what did the psychic pope tell you?"

Opal laughed, Colleen said: "Now you have your wish, I and Mr. Rector are in a group, you have to explain the information clearly, otherwise I think Natasha may take a fork to the empire to poke someone, she Very angry now."

Opal said: "I haven't asked the Pope these things yet. He seems to be under surveillance and only asked me three questions."

Colleen frowned: "Surbed? Impossible, who can monitor him? His consciousness is not in his body at all. As long as he wants, no one in the Holy See can know what he is thinking."

Opal Road: "What?"

Colleen seemed to explain this problem to Opal when he had a headache, and then pressed his palm directly on his forehead, transmitting the image of a person.

That was a girl holding a black cat.

Opal recognized her, she was a prophet on the Scarlet Star!

Colleen let go of his palm and said: "Dramon and the old witch exist in the same way. You can't understand now, just remember."

Opal nodded slowly, Colleen said: "What three questions?"

Opal talked about those three questions.

Colleen was silent for a long time, and finally said: "The first question is Nolan’s answer, but I don’t agree with his ideas. Teacher Rector never questioned Nolan’s point, because he thinks Nolan is better than us. Higher creatures, and I think there is still some common factor between us and the phantom star. Do you remember the "common knowledge" form I mentioned to you in the source of floodlight?"

Opal: "Remember, in the entire civilized society, you can read my heart, and I can know what you are thinking. Everyone has no conspiracy, no frame, and no desire to conquer and power. I always feel that there is something in it. wrong."

Colleen said: "Yes, there is no sensibility, only reason. Sensibility is born from physical experience and the pursuit of pleasure, and rational civilization is the ultimate destination of the human spirit after leaving the body, beyond the limits of the body, leaving the four-dimensional world, just like The phantom star group pursues a new way of life. This is a trial, and the trial is near. The first trial was stopped by Nolan, and now Nolan is dead, the wheel of time is missing, and the ivory tower says that humanity has no future, Do you believe it, Opal?"

Opal said: "Wait... I don't quite understand, what is the way?"

Caroline said: "The way to evolve from a four-dimensional life to a five-dimensional life, and then continue to shift in dimensions, and finally..."

He stopped the conversation and his thoughts appeared in his eyes.

Opal asked: "How is it going?"

Colleen said: "No one knows because there is no precedent. If it succeeds and replaces the existence of the highest dimension, then perhaps all dimensions will collapse layer by layer, disintegrate, produce a new big world, or maybe everything will return to zero and disappear. , From'yes' to'no' again, maybe also open up a new dimension, increasing in the eleventh dimension..."

Caroline pressed Opal's forehead again with his palm.

It was dark all around, there was a light spot in the distance, and the next second, it circled in place, Opal saw the white shining star line burst, and then turned into countless faces, and then expanded into a body, Countless individuals were created layer by layer, creating a magnificent and magnificent world.

"After the evolution of the four-dimensional life form to the five-dimensional." Colleen said: "They will exist in all parallel universes at the same time, and each soul dominates the projection of the body in all the world. But they failed, which proves this Nowhere, the Pope is the second person to receive this news. This is my answer to the first question."

"Why failed?" Opal said: "Is this your belief? What does it mean to judge?"

Colleen thought about it and looked at him seriously, saying, "These popes will tell you, but now Opal, I also want to ask you a question. If you don't understand, you might as well ask the pope, see See how he answered."

Opal nodded and Caroline said: "Assuming there is a'you' in complete darkness, you have no contact with the outside world, there are no five senses, you can't see, you can't hear, you can't touch... there is no'environment' at all. The concept of'world', can you realize your existence at this time?"

Opal thought for a while and said, "Yes, maybe. Because my past memories are still there."

Caroline said: "What if you are just a fetus? The memory given to you by the past experience has not yet formed in your mind, a solitary brain that has grown enough to think, there is a blank in the brain, no memory has been added, Exist in an endless void, can you realize the existence of'I'?"

Opal thought for a long time and said, "Yes, I think it is still possible."

Caroline said: "What if there is no brain?"

Opal said: "This is too difficult to imagine, teacher, I have never experienced..."

Colleen said: "This is my answer to the second question. The third question, Raymond has already answered you."

Opal Road: "What?"

Caroline said: "The world is a soul and a consciousness. It was created from'none'. You can think of the world including all dimensions as a consciousness that is completely different from our human form. The process is the journey of infinitely close to this great consciousness. Assuming that our world is a greenhouse where monkeys live, then this greenhouse may only account for 4/11 of the world. The intelligent life is constantly evolving, and the purpose is to strive to integrate itself into the complete world. , Or make yourself a complete world."

Opal said: "I... don't understand, what will happen after evolution?"

Caroline said: "For example, I exist in the four-dimensional world. If you decompose the four-dimensional universe, you will find me in every moment of the three-dimensional universe. I also exist in the three-dimensional world yesterday, the three-dimensional world the day before yesterday. , The three-dimensional universe of the day before yesterday..."

"When you rotate these three-dimensional worlds through an axis that passes through my body and rotate them into plane slices that span the entire universe, you will find that each piece has a part of me...Similarly, when you are in my Set a circle center in the center of the slice, and decompose this plane into countless radius lines. You will also find that each line has a part of me-I am everywhere after stepwise dimensionality reduction. But this is only limited to 4D, 3D , Two-dimensional, line descending order of the world."

"And we don't exist in the fifth dimension, only the creatures that exist in the five-dimensional world-let's say it first, assuming there are creatures, such creatures will exist in every dimension below the five-dimensional. Reason, the existence of six dimensions is also tolerated downward layer by layer-up to the highest dimension, it is the root of the world. The existence and designer of all rules."

"The original consciousness is everywhere, and the world of all dimensions has its projection. As the ancient philosopher said, deities exist in every place, and our highest can only exist in four dimensions. The intelligent life needs to be integrated or replaced, layer by layer. Go up and fuse it, and you will be rejected by it. This is the end of the Phantom Man. Goodbye, Opal, I have to go, the water is boiling. The beauty chairman of the Plant Promotion Association is waiting for me to drink green leaf coffee with her."

Opal: "Wait, teacher, I seem to understand a little... Isn't the chairperson Caesar's lover? How do you grab Caesar's...don't go!"

Caroline smiled at him and said, "We will meet again."

Opal said: "Finally! One more thing! I won't become a child after I wake up!"

"You have grown up and left me." Caroline left Opal's dream, and the last sentence still echoed in his mind: "Only in my dreams and memories, you are a child."

Opal opened his eyes and Raymond whispered: "What's wrong?"

Opal stared at Raymond staring. Raymond leaned over to kiss him. Opal burst into a strange feeling. He pulled Raymond's head and looked at it for a long time.

Raymond whispered: "What's your dream? Are you okay, wife, you will smoke from time to time recently when you sleep, are you growing up?"

Opal laughed, nodded, hugged Raymond's neck, and kissed him with confidence.

The next day, Opal had many things that he never wanted to understand, but he knew it was not important, and the Pope would tell him something.After all, Drummon asked him to come here and needed an assistant.

Raymond sent Opal to the pope's study room. When Opal pushed in, he found that there was something invisible in the room.

Grebney didn't look at Opal, and said to the air: "I promised this condition, but I'm running out of time. You better do it as soon as possible."

There was a slight change in the study room, three phantom stars appeared, and Opal felt awkwardly and found that it was the phantom star's body form-the core with arc and the blue light lingering around.

He felt that the three fantasy stars were paying attention to him.

"This is Wagner, Lord of the Illusion Stars, this is Caroline's disciple, Opal." Grebenny said.

Opal fell back slightly, and Wagner directly concussed in the mind of the two through the communication of consciousness: "Goodbye, Drummond."

The three phantom stars disappeared, and Opal knew that these higher creatures had extraordinary abilities. Will they not read Grebney's thoughts?

"Sit down." Grebney said: "Do you still drink coffee today?"

Opal said: "I come by myself, do you have to take medicine every day?"

Grebney nodded, brewing coffee in front of the Opal window sill, watching the fish swimming in the spherical goldfish tank, and hearing Grebney's voice saying behind his back: "When I was a kid, I always had a strange idea. "

"Huh?" Opal said carelessly.

Grebney said: "I would like to think that the people around me can read the mind, everyone can know the mind of anyone in the world, and I am the only one born with this ability. So although everyone knows what I am thinking about at all times, no one debunks me, acting every day to cooperate with me, pretending that everyone does not have this ability, so the whole world is unreal."

Opal laughed: "So the one who occasionally reveals this ability is the Star Knight? Is everyone also cooperating with the Star Knight?"

Grebney nodded and said, "But I finally got it out. Do you want to try reading my heart?"

Opal snapped, thinking of yesterday's analysis with Caroline and Rector.

"I haven't read people's hearts very often." Opal said: "Unless it's a moment when my life is at stake with my friend."

"Ah, no problem." Grebney said, "Come on, try to read my heart, I allow you to read, you can look at me thoroughly and see what ghost ideas are playing under my unsmiling surface. ..."

Opal: "..."

Grebney repeatedly urged: "Come, try."

Opal then inadvertently invaded Grebney's mind with the power of faith, and read a blank.

This is the first time he has encountered the power of faith in his life. The strong people’s beliefs are like copper walls and iron walls, and it is difficult for them to invade their hearts, but their ideas still exist.

But Drummond has no soul!

His consciousness is not there at all, what is going on here?!

Opal said: "What about your consciousness? You have no consciousness at all, you..."

Grebney made a boo gesture to him with a smile and said mysteriously: "Of course I have a soul, but I'm not here. In fact, I hide in a place you can't see."

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