The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 160 Zamasu: I Can't Beat Su Bai, And I Can't Beat You?

"Ahem, it should be our companion. Haz is also a little uncertain.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask him."

Harz walked up to Zamasu.

"Do you want to overthrow Zeno too?"

Haz's ability is only to perceive the existence that may become his teammates.

Therefore, he can accurately locate each planet.


Specifically, he didn't know what kind of human being the other party was.

Therefore, he also wondered, can this Zamasu really become his teammate?

"Overthrow Zeno's rule?!" Zamasu-'s eyes lit up!


After overthrowing Zeno's rule, no one can stop me from carrying out the human plan.

very good!

Seeing Zamasu's slightly excited expression, everyone nodded.

No problem, it looks like this Zamasu could indeed be their teammate.

"Can you really overthrow Zeno's rule?" Zamasu asked Haz puzzled.

"Of course, but..." Haz's expression became serious.

"Tell me first, why do you want to kill these humans?"

"Because, I hate humans." Zamasu didn't hide either.

"I'm executing the human plan!"


Haz and the others gasped!

Humanity Plan Zero, what a scary thing.

Haz also pondered secretly.

It seemed that after his plan was successful, he had to kill this guy.

This Zamasu, can't really be a companion!

Su Bai, on the other hand, let out a low sigh.

As the lord of the universe, watching the entire planet of human beings being exterminated, he also sighed a little.

From a certain point of view, these are his subordinates and subjects.

This is also the consequence of the invasion of the whole universe, if Gods of Destruction and Angel cannot arrive in time.

These ordinary people are about to suffer.

"This Zamasu, he will be exiled to the realm of nothingness someday." Su Bai pondered for a while.

He intends to deal with both Zamasu in the same way.

At the moment, Zamasu, who thinks this overthrows Zeno's rule, doesn't know yet.

In this team, there are already two people who are thinking about how to kill him.

"This Saiyan is our companion, you can't shoot him." Hazi reminded before letting go of Zamasu.

Prevent him from taking another shot at Su Bai.

"If you want to overthrow Zeno, follow our lead."

"Okay." Zamasu chuckled.

After overthrowing Zeno, I will destroy you humans again, the same.

does not affect.

Soon, a few of them formed an alliance temporarily.

"Very well, our team has been formed." Haz chuckled slightly in relief.

"Next, the Seed of the Universe plan is officially launched!"

"Just start with the first Universe!"

Su Bai was taken aback.

Because he remembered that in the original book, Hazi’s companion obviously had the evil Saiyan Kampa!

Has Haz not planning to look for Kamba now?

Anyway, it's good that they can quickly collect energy to play the Seed of the Universe.

Save them wasting time.

So, Su Bai didn't say anything, but nodded in approval.

So, Harz led the crowd and directly made an Instant Transmission!


First Universe, some unnamed planet!

Hazi and Su Bai and others appeared on this planet.

"Let me observe first." Haz scanned around and made sure there was nothing wrong.

"So, everyone, step back."

Haz stretched out his arm, motioning for everyone to retreat.

Su Bai and the others also took a few steps back together.


Haz activated the energy, and a small universe seed appeared in his hands.

"This... this powerful energy?" Zamasu couldn't turn his head!

This energy is too strong!

He felt that if he devoured this ability.

You can definitely improve yourself several levels!

Facing Gods of Destruction, I'm afraid you won't be afraid anymore!

"Hmph." Haz snorted triumphantly.

"Everything has just begun, the seed of the Universe hasn't grown yet!"

Harz put the Seed of Universe on the ground and began to let the Seed of Universe absorb energy.

Mas was shocked by this!


Is such a strong energy just the beginning!?

Is it too exaggerated?


The seed of the universe emits clusters of transparent light waves, affecting the entire universe.

...asking for flowers...

At the same time, Su Bai felt something in his heart.

The energy of the first universe is slowly absorbed.

However, fortunately, this universe energy is renewable, not the origin of the universe.

Give the seed of universe to absorb a little, and it can grow again in the future.

After realizing this, Su Bai was completely relieved.

In this way, he has absolutely no objection to cultivating the seed of universe.

After Haz has been trained, he will grab it by himself.

While everyone is waiting for the Seed of Universe to absorb energy!


A terrifying aura came from the other side of the planet!

"It's so evil, but it's quite strong." In an instant, Su Bai caught this breath.


"Same as Broly, very wild.

At the same time, he immediately realized that this guy is the evil Saiyan, bah!

Unexpectedly, Kamba hid in the first universe.

It was Haz they met in the first universe.

"Who?" Zamasu and Haz looked over there warily!



Kanba's eyes were blank, and he rushed over directly!!!

"Aw!!!!" Kampa roared, and rushed towards the Seed of Universe!

As if, encountered something delicious!

"Bastard!!!" Haz was shocked!

How can I let him eat my own universe seed!?


In an instant, Haz directly activated the gravity and smashed it to Kumba!

However, the supergravity that is enough to crush the combined Zamasu operates on Kamba!

It turned out that it only slowed down Kanba's actions!!!

"What!?" Haz was shocked!

What the hell is this Universe!?

Why so many monsters!?


It seemed that he had sensed the suppression, and Kampa, who was upset in his heart, roared again!

His aura suddenly soared several times!

In an instant, Haz's suppression was completely released!

"Damn Saiyan!" Zamasu charged straight at the kamba!

He could tell that Kampa had a tail and was Saiyan.

He is very upset with Saiyan!

If I can't beat Su Bai, won't I beat you?

With such a mentality, he rushed to Kanpaxi!.

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