
In an instant, Zamasu raised his arm and punched Kamba!

The thick black flames of Kanba swallowed Zamasu in an instant!!!


In the blackness, Zamasu only had time to scream!!!

In an instant, the whole person's eyes were blank, and they stared at Su Bai and others!

A look, I want to kill you in reverse.

"I was demonized by Khampa."

At a glance, Su Bai confirmed the state of the fit tie.

Infected by the evil breath of Saiyan the Evil!

"Hmph!" Haz snorted coldly at this moment!

He didn't say anything, just raised his hand lightly!


In an instant, the demonized Zamasu was directly crushed to the ground!

And Kampa, who was struggling, also had an instant body meal!

Obviously, Hartz has increased his suppression.

"Enough of the fuss, is there any Zero Seven Zero!?" Haz glanced at Kampa and Zamasu indifferently.

I can't beat Su Bai with gravity.

Still can't deal with you?


"Ugh!!!" Kampa was still baring his teeth, wanting to stand up again!

On the other side, Zamasu has been suppressed and unable to resist.

"Still struggling?!" Haz snorted coldly!

This guy, it seems that if you don't teach him a lesson, it will be impossible!


Harz hit it hard again!

In an instant, huge pressure hit Kampa in all directions!!!

"Ah!" Kampa screamed and was directly crushed to the ground.

"How dare you provoke me!" Haz glanced at Kanba indifferently.

"It's amazing!" Aulian and Carmin were both stunned.

Unexpectedly, Haz was so powerful that he could even suppress such a terrifying Kampa.

When fighting against Su Bai before, everyone didn't realize this at all!

In this regard, Haz just smiled slightly.

He proved with his ability that he is not afraid of anyone except Su Bai!!!

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief.


Kamba roared again!!!

The hair started to turn golden in all directions!!!

Super Saiyan!

Everyone realized this instantly.

This Saiyan can turn into a superman!


Haz's suppression was like a broken string!

Kamba immediately stood up! Suppression is useless!

Seeing this, Su Bai was a little surprised.

According to the plot in Dragon Ball Heroes, Kampa of Chaosai seems to be on par with Jiren.

At that time, Harz suppressed Jiren with ease.

Now, it is difficult for Harz to suppress Kampa.

Could it be...

The Seed of Universe hasn't fully grown, is it the same with Haz's power?

His subsequent powerful power is the result of absorbing the seed of universe?

Su Bai understood, it seems that Harz has been using the seed of universe to grow.

"Huh! It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know what respect is!"

Haz threw his leather jacket away!


With a fit of anger, Ha directly fought with Kamba!

He is also full of fire!

bang bang bang bang!!!

The two exchanged punches in an instant, but Hazi fell into a disadvantage!

However, the use of gravity attack is not too embarrassing!

"This Saiyan is so strong!" At this time, Koumas had regained his senses.

He glanced at Kamba angrily.

Aulian and Kamin were also a little worried.

It seems that this Khampa is not something they can deal with.

Could it be that this group of them are going to die before they leave school!?

Zamasu is also a headache!

Is this team really going to deal with Zeno's team?

Randomly encountered a monster in the first universe, and almost wiped out?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Su Bai.

This Saiyan, I haven't shot that yet.

It seems to have sensed Zamasu's gaze [Su Yu responded with a smile.

The next moment, he took a step forward.

He's about to make a move!


Su Bai stretched out his arms and waved at Kamba!


In an instant, Kanba, who was in a super-sports state, was directly knocked out by a slap, and at the same time returned to his normal state!

Ah, this!?!!

Zamasu's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Olian couldn't help trembling too.

Carmin took a few steps back, as if seeing some monster.

Haz looked at Su Bai with a complicated expression.

With a slap, he actually brought Chao Sai Kampa back to normal!?

What are you kidding?!!!

Everyone was amazed!

Su Bai's strength is like a foul!

Is Zamasu powerful?

Kamin and Oren feel that Zamasu is much better than the two of them!

Hadn't he been held down by Haz!

Is Hartz strong?

There is no doubt that he has thoroughly proved his next day by crushing Zamasu at will!

However, he was almost rubbed by Kamba!

And it was such a powerful Kampa who almost wiped them out...

It was solved with a slap by Su Bai!!!!


"What are you looking at?" Su Bai glanced at the stunned crowd.

"Hatz, why don't you hurry up to cultivate and absorb the seed of universe, and then improve your strength?"

Emphatically, Su Bai reminded Haz.

Hurry up and cultivate the seed of universe for me, don't touch the fish!

"Oh." Haz nodded again and again, recovering from the shock!

In an instant, he ran to the side of the Seed of Universe.

He wants to speed up the cultivation of the universe seed, and then absorb part of the power.

In this way, after his strength increases, he will not encounter such things again.

"Even if it's not as good as Su Bai, if you can catch up with Su Bai a little bit, it's fine!"

With this in mind, Harz cultivated the Seed of Universe with all his heart!

Soon, Haz completed the absorption of the Seed of Universe.

"The first universe, the absorption is complete!" Haz smiled as he looked at the seed of universe that had grown to the size of a basketball 0.2 in front of him!

Such a kind of universe is decent!

Haz put his arm on the universe seed, and in a moment, he absorbed part of the power.


A huge aura erupted directly from Haz's body!

The terrifying power surprised Zamasu, Kamin, and Oren!

It's too strong, Haz with this strength, compared to before, is completely two people!

Su Bai is also clear.

Sure enough!

Just absorbing one universe can improve so much, and absorb more than ten universes in the later stage.

At that time, Haz could easily hold Jiren.


Improve yourself with the Seed of Universe!

After all, with this small improvement, Su Bai is not at peace.

However, the seed of the universe can only belong to him!.

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