The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 188 Su Bai: It's Time To End This Matter

As soon as it appeared, this cube trapped the destructive energy in its own body!

With destructive energy, this block shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the blink of an eye, the blocks and the destructive energy disappear together!

"You humans, do you all like sneak attacks?"

Haz patted the dust off his body and walked out.

"Qi, is destruction useless?" Vegeta snorted and rushed towards Haz!

"Since destruction is useless, I will solve you myself!!!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Harz rushed to Vegeta.


In an instant, the two were fighting together!

Vegeta punches, Hazz dodges!

Before Vegeta had time to retract his arm, Haz threw countless cubes at Vegeta!

whoosh whoosh!

Vegeta dodges continuously, dodges precisely, and avoids every block!

"The action is very fast." Harz didn't finish his praise, and Vegeta had already rushed in front of him!

"Gamma Burst!!!" Vegeta gathered power directly in front of his hands!

"Such an attack, don't even think about hitting me"!" Haz spread his hands, and a transparent protective shield appeared in front of him in an instant!


The huge energy was completely blocked!


Before Vegeta is surprised, Haz an Instant Transmission!


Haz disappeared in place!

"Behind you!" Haz kicked Vegeta in the waist!

"You don't need to remind me!" Vegeta blocked it with one hand!

Turned around in an instant, followed by a kick, and kicked directly at Haz!


Haz disappears in place, Vegeta kicks in!


Vegeta threw his fist upwards in an instant!


With one punch, he hit Hazi's arms hard!

Fortunately, Haz reacted quickly and blocked this move in an instant!

Otherwise, Vegeta has hit it!

After a fight, it can be seen that the difference in strength between the two people is not due to the difference!

For a while, it is difficult to tell the winner!

bang bang bang bang bang!!!!

The two fought more fiercely together.

Below, Son Goku looks scratching his head.

"Oh, I really want to participate in the battle, it's so fierce."

Son Goku's heart is tickling!

However, looking at the surrounding energy walls, I felt a headache.

How to break through that?

"Why don't you try increasing your energy?"

Son Goku suddenly thought of this, which is to push the energy to the limit!

Let's see if we can break this barrier!

"々․Okay, let's go!"


In an instant, Son Goku directly promoted the self-satisfied and insane energy!

"Not enough, so..."


"ten times!!!"


The white gaseous flames entwine the red gaseous flames, instantly distorting the energy wall!

It seems that with a little more force, it can be broken!

"Sure enough, it's just that the energy is not enough..."


"Kaio-ken, twenty times!!!!"

(Qian Zhaohao) Boom!!!!

After Son Goku boosted Kaio-ken to twenty times, the huge energy destroyed the energy shield in an instant!

"Sure enough it can be done!!! I'm here!!! Haz!!!"

With tremendous energy, Son Goku charged directly at Haz who was fighting Vegeta!

Meanwhile, the planet Sharada of the sixth universe.

Su Bai sat up from the sofa.

"Okay, stop now, I'm going to the Seventh Universe."

"This matter, it's time to end!".

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