The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 189 Haz: Su Bai! Watch Out For These Two Humans!

With Son Goku at full strength and Vegeta at full strength, Harz can't handle it!

This matter is coming to an end!

"Ah? Are you leaving?" Vados waited for Angel to look at Su Bai dejectedly.

So fast, I didn't serve Lord Su Bai well.

Is this going?

"There will be plenty of time in the future." Su Bai smiled at the six people.

"Okay, see you tonight."


Su Bai disappeared in Sharada, he went to the seventh universe!

The seventh universe, the earth, has tens of thousands of western cities!

bang bang bang bang!!!

Son Goku and Vegeta besieged frantically, 773 beat Haz all over his body!


Son Goku kicked Harz into the air.

"Bastard Kakarot, the guy you said was handed over to me?" Vegeta glanced at Son Goku unhappily.

"Ahaha, it was agreed at first that I will take care of it." Son Goku responded.

However, Vegeta took advantage of the gap between his words and rushed directly in front of Haz, and beat him hard again!!!

bang bang bang bang!

Beat Haz into a mess!

"Damn it! Vegeta, you are too insidious!" Only then did Son Goku realize that he had been cheated!

Vegeta, this (dbde) guy, actually attacked the enemy while he was explaining!

"I'm coming!" Son Goku was furious again, and rushed forward to besiege Haz with Vegeta.

bang bang bang bang!

Haz was beaten too weak to resist!

I can't stop crying in my heart!

what happened?

Why does the power of this universe seed feel so weak?

How does it feel, I didn't fully absorb that?

Logically speaking, after fully absorbing it, dealing with two weak humans is nothing!!!

Haz doesn't know yet, his Universe Seed has been tampered with by Su Bai!!!

Now he is just using his own body to cultivate the seed of universe for Su Bai!

bang bang bang!!!

After another round of fights, Harz was finally defeated by the joint efforts of Son Goku and Vegeta!

"Cough cough."

Hazi was knocked down to the ground and knelt down on one knee in embarrassment.

"I actually lost?!"

Harz couldn't believe it.


At this time, Son Goku and Vegeta landed in front of Harz.

"Tell me, why did you come to Earth to attack us?" Vegeta coldly glanced at Hazi who was in poor condition.

"Qi." Haz turned his head.

He didn't want to say anything more, although it was difficult to accept this reality, but losing is losing.

He didn't want to say anything.

However, what is strange about him is, what about Su Bai?

If you agreed to come later, why don't you see anyone else?

Just when Vegeta and Son Goku were still arguing whether to kill Hazi or let Hazi go.


A wave of energy strikes!

A wormhole suddenly appeared beside Hazi, and Su Bai walked out of the wormhole!

"Su Bai!?"

The moment they saw Su Bai, all three were overjoyed!


You two are so excited!

Su Bai is my partner, what are you excited about?

Son Goku and Vegeta are also in the circle, what is this Haz excited about?

Su Bai is our friend.

"Su Bai!!! Watch out for these two humans!!!" Hazi yelled at Su Bai!

Forget it, never mind!

Su Bai is my companion, I must remind him to be careful of opponents!

You must not be careless! The glory of our Haz team is entrusted to you!!.

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