The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 222 Su Bai: How About Adding Something Fun!

Boom boom boom!!!


When these gas bombs were about to approach Son Goku, they all exploded suddenly!!!

And it exploded in the air!!!

There is no way to touch Son Goku, let alone do damage!!!


In an instant, Son Goku rushed in front of Zhai Kou!!!

"Ah!!!!" Zhai Kou roared and punched Son Goku directly in the face!!!


With this punch, Son Goku was thrown back a little.

"It was a hard punch, and it hit me...

"It's so itchy.

Son Goku took a few steps back and wiped the place where Zhai Kou hit him.

"Is the gap that big?" Zhai 31 Kou felt a tremor in his heart!!!

The fifth level of super saiyan is too strong!

"It's still too late for you to apologize now." Son Goku looked at Zhai Kou calmly.

"You are my son too, I can give you a chance."

"But you have to apologize to everyone, you know?"

"Apologize? You want me to apologize to those ants?!" Zhai Kou clenched his fists!



He believes in the strong!

This is what his mother has always instilled in him!

The strong should not apologize to the weak!!!

"I will surpass you!!! Son Goku!!!"


Zhai Kou's crazy anger, his breath also increased several times out of thin air!

"It's useless. In front of the fifth level of Super Saiyan, your strength is not enough." Son Goku just shook his head.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!!!" Zhai Kou rushed directly to Son Goku with his mighty power!!!

bang bang bang bang!!!

In just a few fights, Son Goku put his foot in Zhai Kou's mouth.

"Look, my son, you are no match for me."

"Even if I only use my feet, I can defeat you!"

Zhai Kou:...


Zhai Kou was furious, and instantly distanced himself from Son Goku!

What a shame!!!

As a descendant of God, I was so humiliated by Son Goku!!!

Simply unforgivable!!!

"Amazing fifth level of Super Saiyan. Son Gohan, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but make a sound.

"Zhai Kou, who beat us so helplessly...

"It was defeated by Dad's Super Five at will."

"That's too strong."

"This guy Kakarot can always perform miracles." Even now, Vegeta has to admit it.

Kakarot, really reassuring!

"It's a sure win, the picture is amazing." Xiaofang also breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good.

Everything seems to be developing on the positive side.

However, Su Bai stroked his chin.

This Zhai Kou, is he too weak?

In this way, the picture is meaningless.

How about adding something fun?


bang bang bang bang!!!!

Zhai Kou's crazy attack was blocked by Son Goku's two legs!!!

bang bang bang bang!!!

Zhai Kou's shooting speed has been increasing, but!!!

Son Goku can easily keep up with his speed, block all again!!!

Super Five's Son Goku is like a big mountain, Zhai Kou can't breathe!!!


"NO!!!! I'm definitely more than that!!!"

"Mother is right, I have the greatest bloodline! I am the real number one in the Universe!!!"

"I won't lose!!!".

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