"Ah ah!!!"

Zhai Kou is violent!!!!

The purple rainbow-colored flames began to rise!!!

"This... this is?!"

Son Goku, who has always been confident, changed his face slightly.

This power is a little scary!


In an instant, Zhai Kou's body rose with a terrifying purple-colored arrogance!!!!

With a strong aura, the oppressive people can't look up!

"Hey!!! Kakarot, get rid of this guy quickly!!!" Vegeta couldn't help urging.

Zhai Kou's current changes are very bad!

How about finishing him before he transforms!

"This guy." Son Goku looked excited.

"It's okay, Vegeta! I want to fight stronger opponents too!"

"Let me see what realm Zhai Kou can reach!"


At this time, you didn't even make a move?

What if Zhai Kou becomes stronger?


"Don't worry, I will defeat him`" Son Goku motioned Vegeta to feel relieved.

Afterwards, I looked excitedly at Mr. Huo, who was getting stronger and stronger.

Such a strong enemy has never been encountered since he surpassed five.

He can finally fight seriously once!!!!

"Ah ah!!!"

Zhai Kou shouted loudly!!!

The purplish red arrogance all over her body soared!!!

Even his hair color turned into a purple rainbow color!!!

"This...is this?!" Zhai Kou looked at his hands in surprise.

He can transform!?

Can he also transform into Super Saiyan like a normal Saiyan?

Didn't his mother say that?

It is said that he has god cells, so he can't transform into a super race?


This purple-colored transformation is not an ordinary super race transformation?!

Su Bai chuckled in the dark.

Sure enough, Zhai Kou, who possesses the cells of God, only needs to use his own method.

Lure out his God Transformation and he can transform into Super Saiyan, Saiyan Rose!!!

Normally, Zhai Kou, who crushes Super Four, has now become Super Saiyan.


This time, it's really interesting!!!!

Su Bai thinks things are getting interesting!

"々. Your breath, I can't feel it anymore." Son Goku frowned.

Why, I can't feel Zhai Kou's aura at all!

The Son Goku of this world, has not yet learned to perceive the breath of God.

Facing the super race god Zhai Kou, he has no clue at all.

"I don't know, but, I feel great." Zhai Kou had a wicked smile on his face.

"It's like a new door has opened for me, I'm...different!!!"

What Zhai Kou said is true, Su Bai gave Zhai Kou the transformation of their world's super race gods with the method of thinking. (Nono good)

Another world, a completely different transformation, was just given to Zhai Kou, and he was naturally different.

"Ah, I can feel it, you have become stronger." Son Goku shook his arm.

"However, your transformation..."

Son Goku scratched his head.

"Is this your Super Saiyan transformation shop?"

"It feels a little different."

"Super Saiyan?" Zhai Kou chuckled.

"Maybe, but...defeating you is enough."

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