The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 23 It's Better To Transform Into The Golden Form Directly! (34)

"Frost, I'm going to attack!"

Perhaps it was Frost's politeness that made Piccolo follow suit.

Before attacking, there was a special reminder.

"Come on!" Frost signaled Piccolo to attack!


Immediately after speaking, Piccolo rushed directly in front of Frost!

"Speed ​​up so fast?!" Frost was surprised in the second stage.


Sixth Universe's bench.

"Wow, this Piccolo became so strong after dropping the weight!?" Caulifla's eyes widened.

"Frost wants to defeat Piccolo and transform into the final stage." Su Bai pondered.

Although Frost is much stronger than in the original book, Piccolo is not weak either.

It is comparable to Cell's Piccolo, and it can even be said to be slightly stronger than Cell.

In this way, it is impossible for Frost to win without transforming into the final form!

"However, can a few loads really improve so much?" Caulifla was puzzled.

"Actually, wearing a weight-bearing Piccolo can crush the second-stage Frost with full force." Su Bai explained.

"It's just that Piccolo didn't take it seriously at the beginning, and with these loads, he fell into a disadvantage."

"The current Piccolo, seriously adding and throwing away the weight, is equivalent to raising two levels, understand?"

"This Piccolo is quite well hidden!" Caulifla widened her eyes.

"He is a smart man, he knows to keep more cards in everything." Su Bai smiled.

"Look, by surprise, didn't you hit Frost right?"

"If Frost was weaker, he might not be able to react, and he would be kicked out of the ring before he transformed."

He could tell that Piccolo had a plan, and wanted to take advantage of Frost's negligence and make a sudden attack with all his strength to knock him out of the ring!

If Frost is the strength in the original book, Piccolo might really succeed!

It's a pity that after practicing with Su Bai, Frost became much stronger.

Although the second stage is still not as good as Piccolo, it is not so embarrassing.

"Wow, so insidious!" Caulifla scratched her head.

"For the group arena, you should pay more attention, don't be careless." Su Bai shook his head and didn't say anything.


The seventh Universe player seat.

"Okay! Come on Piccolo! Frost is suppressed!" Son Goku stood up and kept cheering Piccolo.

"Frost hasn't transformed yet, so Piccolo shouldn't underestimate the enemy, right?" Vegeta pondered.

"Don't worry, Piccolo won't be careless!" Son Goku motioned Vegeta to feel relieved.


When you say that, I just remembered that Piccolo was carelessly killed by Dapra.

Is this guy really okay?

On the auditorium side, Son Gohan also clenched his fists.

"Come on, Uncle Piccolo!"


In the ring!

boom! ! !

Piccolo seized the opportunity, hit a knee, and directly knocked Frost out!

"Wow! Player Piccolo broke out suddenly! Frost fell into a complete passive!!!"

The referee explained excitedly.

"Is the result of the first game coming out?!"


Piccolo was not careless in the slightest. After knocking Frost into the air, he followed immediately! ! !

He will not give the enemy a chance to breathe!

boom! ! !

Piccolo's hit! Was single-handedly blocked by Frost!

The smoke dissipated, and Frost had transformed into the third form!

"Qi, is it still transformed?" Piccolo spat.

He wanted to keep putting pressure on the opponent so that he would not have time to transform and eliminate him directly.

As a result, it still failed.

"Oh oh oh!!! Appeared!!! Frost's assault form!!!" The referee was excited!

"Let me explain to the audience!!! As a universe hero, Frost always uses this form to fight at the forefront!"

"I have been assaulting at the forefront, so it is called the assault form!!!"


Seventh Universe Auditorium.

"Assault form, Universe hero." Kelin scratched his head.

"Frieza from the Sixth Universe, what a nice guy."

"I hope Uncle Piccolo can win." Son Gohan continued with emotion.

Clint: ...

Why are you thinking about your Uncle Piccolo?


Sixth Universe player seat.

"Frost's assault form." Caulifla's eyes lit up.

"Using this form, it should be possible to suppress that Piccolo, right?"

"Whether you can stop for a while depends on you talking." Gabe felt helpless!

Caulifla is such a talker!

"What?! Do you have any objection to what I said?" Caulifla glared at Gabe.

"No problem." Su Bai smiled.

"It's rare to come out to play once. It's good to dial a little bit alive."

"Look, Master has no objections, what are you talking about?" Caulifla made a grimace.


Forget it, I don't care about children.

"I estimate that Frost is almost the same as Piccolo after transforming into the third form." Su Bai calculates.

"Or, maybe a little stronger, or a little weaker."

"In short, without transforming into the final form, it is difficult to tell the winner."

"That's right." Caulifla nodded.

"It's really boring, why don't you just transform into the golden form, and let the opponent be eliminated."

"He can't change now." Su Bai shook his head.

After removing the guardian bit, Frost's ability dropped across the board.

Among them, there is the transformation of the golden form.


In the arena.

boom! ! !

Frost punched Piccolo back and charged after him!

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