The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 24 Frost: I Think You Hit Hitt At Most! (44)

in a blink!

Frost went from being pinned by Piccolo to pinning Piccolo!

"Wow! Player Frost is really extraordinary after using the assault form!"

The host continued to explain excitedly.

"The Piccolo player is in danger! Is the outcome in suspense again?!"

"Qi." Piccolo, who was knocked into the air, spat and then blinked!

In an instant, countless clones appeared!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, the entire arena was filled with Piccolo's avatar!

"Clone?" Frost stopped without panicking.

"Frost, find me, or you will lose." Countless Piccolos said in unison.

Then, Piccolo slowly placed his hand on his forehead!

hum! ! !

The magic penetrating light kills the cannon, charge up!

"Oh! According to our investigation beforehand, this trick is the Piccolo player's trick!" The host quickly explained!

"The longer the power is stored, the greater the power!!!"

"Did you find you?" Frost suddenly smiled.

I saw him slowly closing his eyes, and all the energy in his body was mobilized.

"it's here!!!"

In an instant, Frost appeared in front of Piccolo!

"What?" Piccolo was startled, never expecting that Frost found his real body instantly!


Frost raised his leg and directly interrupted Piccolo's forward swing!

"How is it possible?! There are so many people, you just spotted me!" Piccolo's eyes widened!

"Because I feel angry." Frost explained.

"Don't you people from the seventh universe? That's right, this is our master's unique skill."

"Let me tell you, a clone has no energy. It seems that you have cloned a lot of people."

"However, in my induction, only the main body is alive, so I can lock you instantly!"


The seventh Universe player seat.

"Hey, hey, did he just say he was angry?!" Son Goku's eyes widened.

"Will the contestants of the sixth universe also use Qi?!" Vegeta was also stunned.

Isn't this exclusive to their seventh universe! ?

"Did you hear that? He said he was taught by his master." Son Goku's expression was serious.

"His master, what is it that fell to the ground?"

"I don't know, I think it's time to ask." Vegeta pondered.

The players in the sixth universe can detect Qi, which undoubtedly surprised Son Goku and others!


Sixth Universe player seat.

"Good job!!!" Caulifla jumped up excitedly!

"Defeated the opponent's spellcasting with one blow! It's you, Frost!"

Su Bai pondered.

He remembered that in the original book, when Frost faced Piccolo's fake body, he directly induced energy!

Then the ring exploded, forcing Piccolo out.

Now Frost used Qi directly to find Piccolo.

"This guy can be regarded as a practical application." Su Bai nodded, quite satisfied.

"Looks like he does have a good chance of beating Piccolo."


In the arena.

"You can use your breath." Piccolo took a deep breath.

Frost can sense Qi, which is beyond Piccolo's expectation.

"It's also thanks to my master." Frost said respectfully.

"I wonder what kind of monster your master is." Piccolo bared his teeth.

"If you can beat all of us, maybe you will be lucky enough to see it." Frost said truthfully.

"But I feel that you can defeat Hitt at most, and it is impossible to go further."

"Really?" Piccolo took a deep breath.

"Then I have to work harder to defeat you and let you reduce your staff more."

"In this way, there is a chance to see your master make a move."

"It's not that easy to defeat me." Frost shook his head.

Piccolo was silent and didn't say much.

Because he knew that Frost had another transformation!

It is indeed difficult to defeat Frost.

But he will not give up easily.

"Here I am, Mr. Piccolo." After the chat, Frost assumed a fighting posture.

"Okay." Piccolo replied.

Whoosh! ! !

The two disappeared in place at the same time! ! !

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

Clap clap! ! ! !

The two fought fiercely in the arena!

"Be careful! Mr. Piccolo!"

Frost pops up behind Piccolo and an elbow is about to hit Piccolo in the back of the neck!


Whoosh, Piccolo disappeared in place just as Frost was about to hit him!

"Who is that?!" Frost was startled.

"Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon!!!"

In the distance, directly in front of Frost, Piccolo directly threw the magic light cannon!

The magic gun cannon can be divided into two types: instant shooting and charging.

There is no doubt that the charged magic gun is stronger!

However, the second-shot magic gun is not weak!

Whoosh! ! !

The magic gun directly charged towards Frost!

"Then use moves to decide the winner!!!"

Frost pointed out with one hand, and then charged.

"Death Ray!"

Whoosh! ! !

A red ray shoots out of Frost's hand!

boom! ! !

When the two energies came into contact in the air, they immediately became deadlocked!


Sixth Universe's bench.

"Oh? To Bo?" Seeing this, Su Bai was a little surprised.

Kamehameha and Ultimate Flash can fight against each other, he is not surprised, this is a powerful and heavy move.

As for the death ray and the magic penetrating light killing cannon, they are both very penetrating moves. I didn't expect that they could be able to attack waves like this.

"However, Frost's assault form is really not as good as Piccolo."

Su Bai could see clearly that Frost was clearly at a disadvantage in the confrontation! ! !

Piccolo's moves are gradually devouring Frost's death beam!

"Come on!!! Frost, suppress him!!" Caulifla looked anxiously!

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