quick! ! ! too fast! ! !

Beerus and Vegeta are all dumbfounded!

Because, Angel Whis and Vados hadn't reacted yet when the energy beam hit the auditorium!

Su Bai actually appeared directly in the auditorium!

It's really fast! ! !

Although I know that Su Bai is very strong, the speed shown just now is too exaggerated, right? !

"Hey, Whis, is he really faster than you?" Beerus bared his teeth!

If the opposing player has a speed beyond Angel!

Then, what do you think, they will lose this match! ! !

"It seems to be Instant Transmission, not self-moving." Whis commented.

"Human speed alone shouldn't surpass our Angel."

"That's good, that's good!" Hearing Whis' affirmation, Beerus heaved a sigh of relief!

It's not that exaggerated on the other side, it's good! ! !

"No, Lord Beerus, you forgot one thing." Whis pointed to the protective shield in the sky.

"Chao Lan's full blow, which was enough to break the shield, was easily bounced off by him."

"His strength is probably not weaker than Gods of Destruction! In terms of combat power alone!"

"What?!" Beerus slammed and stood up straight away!

No way, he can't sit still!

"Whis, don't tease me!!! Humans can reach Gods of Destruction level?!"

"Even if it's not, it's probably about the same." Whis whispered.

Beerus:  …

What are you kidding? !

Don't tease me, okay? ! !

"Master Beerus, don't forget, he is still Saiyan." Whis continued to attack from the side.

"Saiyan, everything can transform..."

Having said that, Whis didn't continue talking!

Because, what he wanted to express couldn't be clearer!

Saiyan can even transform, his normal state is so strong, what happens after transforming? !

"That's impossible!!!!" Beerus' eyes widened.

A Saiyan can reach this level unexpectedly.

"Hmph, our Saiyan has no limit, if it is Saiyan, nothing is impossible." Vegeta snorted softly.


Beerus looked sullenly at Vegeta.

"Vegeta, you boy, why are you so weak when you are also Saiyan?"

"I..." After hearing what Beerus said, Vegeta, who was still somewhat proud, stepped down in an instant.

That's right, I am a majestic Prince Saiyan, why is it worse than others?

Is it because my blood is not strong enough?

However, he is still proud that Saiyan can rival Gods of Destruction!

But, this time, I can only be proud in my heart and dare not express it.

"Damn Saiyan, if I knew thousands of years ago, I should have gone to the sixth universe, so Saiyan will be wiped out." Beerus muttered.

"Master Beerus, you can't afford to lose, right?" Whis chuckled from the side.

"Stop being sarcastic, Whis." Beerus glanced at Whis unhappily.

"These damn sixth Universe Saiyan, I lost the game and lost face in front of Champa."

"When I think about hundreds of years from now, Champa will be embarrassed in front of me, I'm not happy!!!"

"Oh ho ho ho, has Master Beerus already lost by default?" Whis laughed.

"Otherwise? That guy's strength is comparable to Gods of Destruction!!!" Beerus bared his teeth.

"Who on our side can beat him?"


In the arena, Caulifla hit with all her might! ! !

Son Goku directly gave an Instant Transmission and ran behind her.

"Damn it!" Caulifla clenched her fists as she saw that her full attack was deflected!

Damn it! If it hits, the winner will be decided! ! !

Then, she staggered and knelt down on one knee!

No way, too much physical exertion! She couldn't hold it anymore.

"Sorry, I beat you this way." Son Goku appeared behind Caulifla.

Seeing Caulifla, who was gasping for breath and nearly losing her strength, Son Goku apologized a bit.

"Although it's a bit despicable, it consumes a lot of your physical strength."

"But I have to win, I want to play against two other guys."

After saying this, Son Goku directly punched Caulifla, who was panting!

boom! ! !

Caulifla stepped down with one hand!

"Hey, uncle, what is there to apologize for?" Caulifla took a deep breath and stood up with some difficulty.

"You obviously relied on your own strength to avoid it. If it were someone else, you would probably be blasted to pieces, right?"

"Since you have this strength, it means you are stronger than me."

"Besides, we are fighting! Since we are fighting, let's fight hard, don't be wordy!"

Seeing Caulifla struggling to block his attack, Son Goku smiled.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely fight you once."

"Qi, next time, I will become stronger and I will definitely blow you away!!!" Caulifla curled her lips.

She blocked Son Goku's attack with her left hand, and wiped the corner of her mouth with her right hand.

"Your strength is quite strong, it makes my body a little bit unbearable."

"That's because your previous move consumed too much." Son Goku explained.

"I'm basically at full strength now, you can't stop my attack."

"Of course I know. Qi." Caulifla curled her lips.

"However, it's not that easy to defeat me!"

Caulifla's left hand instantly threw Son Goku's fist down!

Then, he punched Son Goku straight in the face with his right hand!

boom! ! !

Son Goku stretched out his other hand and easily blocked him!

"You don't have much power left, admit defeat."

"I'm not a coward like Gabe, it's impossible for me to admit defeat!" Caulifla said with full fighting spirit.

"Uncle, if you continue to grind like this, I will beat you!"

"Alright." After saying this, Son Goku disappeared in place.

"Damn it, who?!" Caulifla wiped the corners of her eyes.

"The injury is so severe that you can't even see clearly?"

Whoosh! ! !

Son Goku appeared behind Caulifla. This time, he didn't talk too much, and just slashed with one hand!

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