boom! ! !

A hand knife hit Caulifla directly on the back of the neck!

In an instant, Caulifla changed directly from a super Saiyan to a black hair!

Caulifla was already in a deficit state after consuming a lot of energy before.

After that, Son Goku basically hit with full energy, although she blocked it, but the power still rushed into the body.

In a state of deficit, and being hit by a strong blow, Caulifla could no longer hold on.

This time, she was directly knocked into a coma.

"Sorry." Son Goku caught Caulifla when she was about to faint.

"If there is a chance, I really want to have a good fight with you."

"Ah!!!" The referee shouted loudly.

"Caulifla loses consciousness!!! Son Goku wins!!!"

However, although Son Goku won, Beerus did not show much excitement.

All because of Su Bai's kick before!

too strong!

He has given up hope of winning the championship!

That being the case, it doesn't matter what the final result is.

Carrying the unconscious Caulifla, Son Goku brought it to the bench of the Sixth Universe.

"Do you have fairy beans?" Son Goku handed Caulifla to Su Bai.

"Then I'll leave it to you, when she wakes up, let her practice hard!"

"Her talent is very strong. If she cultivates hard, she will definitely surpass me."

"I look forward to fighting her next time."

Su Bai took Caulifla and glanced at Son Goku.

"Okay, I'm leaving, looking forward to your next contestant." Son Goku was about to return to the ring.

"Wait a minute." Su Bai held the fairy beans and called Son Goku.

"Huh?" Son Goku turned around.

boom! ! !

An object flew in, and Son Goku subconsciously picked it up.

Then, he looked at the palm of his hand, and found that it was Xiandou!

"This..." Son Goku looked at Su Bai puzzled.

"Eat it." Su Bai took out the fairy beans at the same time and fed them to Caulifla.

"Eh, no, the bean eater fouled." Son Goku scratched his head.

As a martial artist, Son Goku also has his own pride.

It is absolutely impossible for him to foul in the martial arts meeting.

"Our contestant Frost ate fairy beans once." Su Bai said flatly.

"It's still your player, given by Vegeta, I don't want to owe you favors, so let's eat."

"That's it, we're both clean."

"Ah, this..." Son Goku scratched his head.

"This is between you and Vegeta, I..."

"Don't you want to keep fighting with us with all your strength?" Su Bai coaxed.

"I want you to play a good game too, so eat it and get back to full strength."

"Otherwise, this game would be too boring."

"Okay..." Son Goku hesitated.

Normally, he would not eat this fairy bean.

Because this is so unfair to other players!

As a martial artist, how could he do foul things?


He really wants to use his full strength to fight against others, especially Su Bai!

After seeing Su Bai easily kicked away the energy wave.

His desire to fight is even stronger!

In the end, Son Goku gritted his teeth and chose to eat fairy beans!

After all, the opponents are all people from other universes.

If you miss this time, you may not have a chance to fight next time!

If he can't fight against such a strong opponent with all his strength, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Okay, I owe you all." Son Goku returned to the ring after eating the fairy beans.

"Hmm..." At this time, Caulifla woke up leisurely.

"Hey? How can I..."

In an instant, Caulifla realized that she was now lying in Su Bai's arms!

"Why... am I not in the ring." Caulifla stood up hastily.

"You were knocked out, so I held you up and gave you celestial beans." Su Bai smiled and didn't say much.

"Is that so? I still lost." Caulifla was depressed.

"Thank you, give me back the fairy beans."

"It's nothing, you've worked very hard." Su Bai signaled Caulifla to take it easy.

"Hmph, next time, I will definitely beat that uncle!" Caulifla waved her fist!

"Trust you." Su Bai nodded, then looked at Hitt.

"Hit, it's your turn next."

"Yes!" Hitt stood up slowly, and he, who had been taciturn, said the first sentence.

"Go ahead and try to take him down." Su Bai signaled Hitt to compete.

"I will definitely live up to Master Su Bai's expectations!" Hitt nodded, and then flew towards the ring.


Seventh Universe over there.

"Hey, is this purple guy from the sixth round of Universe?" Beerus glanced at Hitt.

"It's not Saiyan. Didn't Gou Kong hit him casually?"

Beerus thought about it carefully, if they can force the opponent's boss to take action, then...

Even if you lose, it doesn't seem to be very embarrassing?

"Master Beerus, you have to know that people should not be judged by their appearance." Whis reminded from the side.

"Saiyan, it's not the standard for judging strength."

"But you have to admit, Saiyan shined in this competition." Beerus glanced at Whis.

"Hmm..." Whis also nodded slightly.

Indeed, this time the competition can be said to be all Saiyan's civil war!

The four Saiyans on both sides staged one wonderful game after another!

Compared with the performance of several other contestants, it is undoubtedly a world of difference!

In this way, there will be a feeling that it is not Saiyan, and it seems that it is not very good.

"However, this guy looks familiar to me." Whis whispered.

"Qi, what can there be?" Vegeta snorted coldly.

"Kakarot will definitely win, as Saiyan, easy victory over the other side."

"No..." Whis frowned, and took out his scepter.

"Oh, I found out, this person is the legendary killer of the sixth universe, Hitt."

"What?! This is the legendary killer Hitt?!" Beerus was shocked!

He had really heard of Hitt's name!

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