The start of science and technology

Chapter 122 finds an alien warship

Dragon Balls are served, Du Xingyu did not release any new video this time. In fact, since the last time I published a video of the silver wing, Du Xingyu stopped updating on social accounts.

The press conference was taken in several games, and he also participated in a newly completed Space University of Space Science and Technology.

All of the actions of the Human Guarding Union have been more than two years, all scientific and technological achievements are all confidential.

Because they can't be sure, there is no alien spy on the earth!

Nowadays, large cities and important facilities on earth are installed, and there is a new detection device. If there is a spy robot such as "Motley", it will be detected in the first time.

At the same time, their information network has also been transferred to transfer to a higher confidential quantum communication network.

All everything is prepared for "battle"!


After half a year, the solar system.

The distance from the Earth is about forty-five astronomical units, here is a Kieb belt area.

Meteorite, comet, and asteroid are covered here. Asteroids in diameter more than one hundred kilometers more than 100,000!

The previous human, it is difficult to know the true situation of the Kiebury belt. For more than a decade, the development of human space technology and the implementation of the solar satellite network plan, and now there is a large number of detection satellite flying into the Kieb belt, exploring the situation here.

Light from here to the earth, about five o'clock delay.

Because the Kieb belt is too big, even more than 100,000 exploration satellite in the years have fly into the Kieb belt, but the situation of human beings is also very little.

Ke Ib is somewhere, a human detection satellite is flying at high speed, and it takes the situation here.

By detecting an astronomical telescope on the satellite, a thing that does not belong to the Kieb is observed!

That is a jellyfish spaceship, or the warship.

It floats next to a giant meteorite, under the battleship, similar to the pipe of the jellyfish tentacles is absorbing the material of giant meteorite, and transporting it into the spacecraft.

In another tentacles, there is a large amount of waste substances being discharged.

5.5 hours later, when the Human Guardian Satellite Satellite Monitoring Network Department received this photo, they also received a picture before the laser attack.

Obviously, this detection satellite quickly found and destroyed!


In the Mars base, Du Xingyu is accompanying the autumn to do physical examination, the kind.

"How?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Very good, there is nothing uncomfortable." Xu pity autumn is rolling, the skin is smooth, and the state is a young girl who is cardamom.

"Miss Miss's cell state is very young! Self-repairing ability is also supercompanic." The female doctor responsible for inspection said that "there is no such thing in history."

"It seems that it is not small." Xu pity autumn reached the palm, and the Clay was left there.

"Don't understand, in short, it seems to be a good thing." Du Xingyu said.

At this time, the smart glasses in his pocket slightly vibrate, reminding him to have new news.

At this time, human chip technology, electronic technology and display technology have been improved, and the lightweight smart glasses can replace the function of the previous smartphone.

Du Xingyu is wearing glasses, and there is a view of He Jingcheng on the lens. He said: "Emergency news, we found the trace of the alien fleet!"

"Really? I am going to!" Du Xingyu immediately took the secret meeting room of Xu Qiuqiu and head to Mars base.

He Jingcheng has already waited for him in the conference room, and an important alliance member is over here.

The alliance on the earth, also endured a few minutes of information latency, and it is a long-range meeting.

"Look at the video." He Jingcheng played the satellite.

In the conference room, everyone was surprised.

"It is definitely the spacecraft of the alien civilization did not ran!"

"Are they here have come to Kieb? That's the speed, can you come to the earth within half a month?"

"This small spacecraft looks in mining, where is their main fleet?"

"And more information?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Temporarily only this. But this has made us lock a target area, and we will set up more area of ​​detection satellite reconnaissance." He Jingcheng said.

"This should be just a mining spacecraft." Xu Qiuqiu Analysis Road, "Since the mining spacecraft is here, it is not far from the real fleet."

"Maybe they have long arrived at Ke Ib belt." Du Xingyu said, "Even if we now, our battleship is only more than 20 days from the Earth to Kieb belts, they must be faster."

"But the detection satellite did not find a battleship to fly towards us. This has a few possibilities."

Everyone listened carefully, Du Xingyu continued: "The first possibility, they have advanced battleship stealth technology to avoid our exploration satellite. If so, we will immediately prepare for defense!"

"I have notified the fleet." Wang Wei said.

"Well." Du Xingyu is analyzed, "if they don't attack, but stay in the Kieb belt, I suspect that they may be supplemented with energy and materials."

"Yes." A military expert said, "their warship is just a planetary level, and after a distance of one light, it will inevitably consume a lot of energy."

"When coming to the Kieb belt, their energy supplies must have a scarce situation. So they are not eager to attack, but in Keybs, supplement energy and materials, then attack us!"

"We must learn more." Du Xingyu firmly said, space war, the same information station.

On the earth, a war only needs to defend terrestrial, water and sky. But in a vast space, the enemy's attack will come from all directions!

Senior civilization war, attacks will even be launched from all dimensions, let people be defeated!

At this time, there are many information that you have, who will take advantage of favorable conditions.

"I now immediately let the fleet launch five million exploration satellites!" Wang Yu said, "Fully search for the area!"

The manufacture of satellites has been very industrial, and it does not need too much, and the manufacturing capabilities of human beings can create 100,000.

"In addition, it can be announced in the state of war." Du Xingyu stood up and cautiously said to all members.

"We found the enemy while the enemy will also know that he exposes the position."

"The enemy's technology is higher than us, can't give them too much development time. So once you look at the enemy, we have to attack it directly! Now you have to start the battle ship, go to Kieb!"



"I agree!"

"It's been ready for so long, it's time!"


Kieb belt, more and more detection satellite began to fly to the area, a few days, really investigated more information.

"In the five days, we have discovered seventeen jellyfish mining spaceships."

"Three shell-shaped foreign warships, I don't know if it is a detailed purpose, guessing may be transportation and replenishment ship." In the Allied Space Military Command, Du Xingyu looks at these five days of satellite findings.

"In addition, there is also a suspected space cruise ship," "Because I don't know the name of the enemy's battleship, these battleships are made by human beings look at its shape and get the name.

"The flag warship, the flat is long, the length is more than 1500 meters, almost twice the length of our space cruise ship! The back of the battleship is 'Fin' installation, we suspect that it is space radar. Found it, its speed exceeds it Two thousand kilometers per second, and almost instantly destroy our detection satellite. "He Jingcheng said.

Du Xingyu brows wrinkled, and it is not optimistic on the situation of probing.

"The biggest discovery, or this is also a new news we received three minutes ago." He Jingcheng said, "Since it is speculated that they are collecting substances and energy in Kieber, we have touched the satellite to search for the small planet belt with Kieb "

"I didn't expect this to shoot this!"

He opened the video, a bleak asteroid appeared in the "view" of the satellite.

This is a famous asteroid in the Kiebury, which was once considered to be one of the nine planets in the sun. But later scientists found that it had only 2,300 kilometers, so it was kicked out of the ranks of the planet.

Pluto was mainly composed of rock and ice water, and the surface temperature was between -238 ° C and -218 ° C. It has very thinner carbon monoxide and methane, and the surface has some solid nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide.

In the Kiebs, Pluto is undoubtedly a very good "energy supplement station", so the alien fleet will soon stare it, start to mining Pluto supplement energy.

In the visual screen of the satellite, a battleship group is floating in the outer space space of Pluto.

From a fuzzy perspective, there are at least two hundred boys in these battleships, and there are more viewing blind spots.

"So many battleships!" Wang Yu couldn't help but shout.

"The jellyfish mining spacecraft, there are dozens of ships, but also a battleship like our silver wing shape. The huge sea turtle ship is working in the homework Cancer ..."

The enemy's battleship is dazzling, but it is not very clear from the distance, and the satellite is not very clear, otherwise everyone should analyze half a day.

"The most terrible, and we think this biggest discovery is the middle of this. We call it, the giant whale!"

The computer enlarges the parts in the image, and everyone can see that in the battleship group, the stars archprints surrounded a super giant space warship.

And other battleships can be calculated, it is at least 15 kilometers or more, the height is also around ten kilometers, the volume is comparable to a small planet!

At the beginning, you must hit the earth of the earth, thirty kilometers in diameter! The battleship can reach the size of the asteroid, which gives the psychological shock, no additional!

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