The start of science and technology

Chapter 123 Vast Civilization

"Is this a giant whale ship? Too much than our Dragon 6!" Some people were shocked.

"Great, meant to be more powerful, weapons should be very strong." Du Xingyu said, "If this is the main body of the alien fleet, then this giant whale warship should be their mother carrier, Francisco level!"

"I also see if they also have a stronger battleship than the giant whale warship. I watched the war without playing." He Jingcheng reveals a smile.

As far as the current information, the enemy is strong, it has indeed more than the human fleet. And they don't know how many space warships are hidden in the Kieb belt.

"The number of battleships is much, the size is both the advantage and is also a disadvantage. This will lead to the energy and material of their run." Du Xingyu said, "From the picture, these battleships are in the Mission of Pluto, it seems they Not ready yet. "

While discussing, there is constant new information from afar.

One of the information has attracted their attention, and the detection satellite of the alien fleet is captured by the alien fleet!

Its signal is blocked, but in the last picture of the back, the aliens have not destroyed it.

"They took our detection satellite." Everyone looked at each other, and the detection of the satellite itself secret, the enemy does not need to study it.

The other party took their detection satellite, and the purpose should only be one, and the satellite is liaison with the Earth.


The outer space of Pluto, the alien fleet is still moving out of the mining spacecraft to land in Pluto.

The largest giant whale warship, human detection satellite is sent here.

In a short period of time, they cracked this detection satellite and acquired the information, and the signal transmitting device.

In the huge whale ship, it is full of liquids. All organisms, machines and intelligence systems here are soaked in liquid.

"The detection satellite has been cracked, and the human beings have been sent back. (Outer Stars)" The Battle Warcraft, a full-length white fish scales, flat head, vertical long creatures.

In the study cabin, all are similar to it. They are similar to the marine organism on the Earth, but it is different.

"Must report immediately to Laimue." A operator said.

This information was sent immediately to the ship length.

The ship's room, this is a space in the middle of the tall whale battles, just like the heart of the giant whale, it is connected to each of the warships.

At this point, in the space of more than a dozen gymnasium, it is filled with pink turbid liquid. After these liquids appear, it was quickly filtered off again and filtered system.

When the pink liquid disappeared, the ship's long room recovered its original appearance.

Here is that it is a ship's long room, it is better to say a giant "entertainment cabin". Restaurant, aquarium, virtual game cabin, weapon shooting field, theater ... etc.

Various alien creatures and intelligent robots are available here, they are different, dressing, and the occupation is different.

From the source of the fan liquid, a giant, a body length is more than 18 meters, as the octopus-like monster is in the same way as a group of female creatures.

Pink liquids are those females secreted.

After a while, "giant octopus" was completed.

"Give me a roll!" It took all the female creatures who had just finished with his joy, and started to view the newspaper of the study.

"Golder tongs, give it to me." The giant octopus will move, soon, there is a crustal creature that is full of crustles climbed in its feet.

It has five pairs of feet, four pairs are more slender, one pair is a golden tiny.

The gold quad is one of the senior commanders of this civilization. And the giant octopus in front of it is the highest leading leader of the whole fleet, the Leimo Sagrah, but this is a self-calling for hundreds of years ago. Now, everyone should call it to Laimue.

"The great Leimoge King." Said the Golden Power respectful, "human detectors have discovered us."

Lemino is a huge head, and the face is a small, peristalized software tentacle. When it talks, it is like a sea snake, and it is not awkward: "Human is really unclear, I have given them the opportunity to survive."

"They did not stop developing space weapons, actually dispatched satellite came over to reconoctifying information. How long does it take to add resources?"

The gold tongs extend out of the big, the smart device installed on the cladding projection of the fleet in the scene of Kiebury.

"The great Leimoge King." Golden pliers said, "the last complement of the substance, we sailed the three hundred Earth in the speed of 5%, the energy and substances on the fleet have arrived extremely scarce Mining boat, carrier and battleship have lost a lot. "

This civilization is sent to the Earth because of the dispatch of spies, so it knows how human culture is learned. When they near the solar system, they convert the standard units such as time and distance to human beings in order to fight with humans.

"Now we will explore meteorites and asteroids, make new ships. Energy and material supplements are currently 30%, at least ten earth months can be completely added."

"Ten Earth Month?" Lemino is a bit impatient, and it is a hint of tentacles, with huge eyeballs, saying: "Say:" Do you need so long to deal with the backwardness of a scientific and technological? "

"Great Laimo Shi." The Golden Pinter said: "Humanity has built technology outbreaks, which also has space warships and weapons. In order to make our losses, it is the most appropriate."

Said, it projected the three-dimensional image of the earth.

That is a blue planet, most of which is covered by the ocean.

When I saw this moment of the Earth image, the Lemino suddenly relaxed and put the golden caliper. Its eyes are obsessed, muttering: "One thousand years, fast for a thousand years!"

"Yeah, Wang, we left the mother star for a thousand years. Leaving the sea, it has been one thousand years!" The Golden Tong also emotionally.

"Earth, will be our new home!" La Mog shouted, "Since human beings have found us, then they will declare war directly, let them make the earth!"

"They violate my orders, I want to make all the people feel desperate!"

"If you are willing!" Golden clamp.

Since humans have found them, there is no need to continue hidden. Directly declare war directly, but can apply pressure to humans.

According to their intelligence, human civilization is more than ten years ago, or has multiple countries and races, and form a complete uniform civilization. As long as the pressure is applied, they will make themselves, and they will improve their winning rate they conquer the earth.

Through the human detection satellites they captured, a message from the giant whale ship, the human civilization.

The signal has passed about 5.5 hours in space, which is coming to Mars.

"The missing detection satellite appears again!" Since the discovery of the alien fleet, Du Xingyu and other human alliances have been in the base, and always pay attention to all the trends of the alien fleet.

"It sent a new message."

In the headquarters, He Jingcheng opened the message received and a holographic video. And not to detect satellite shooting, but the alien civilization is sent.

The holographic projector opened, a horrible octopus strange appeared in front of everyone.

"Long seems to octopus!" A senior commander immediately spit.

"This guy is too big!"

"Good ugly!" Xu Yiu Qiu Tong Road. This octopus is full of huge tentacles, red skin, and there is a cockroach. If it is an animal, it floats in the liquid, surrounding a variety of smart devices, and you know that it is a wisdom creature, giving people a very means of feeling.

"Human!" The octopus wonder, they have already mastered the human language.

"I am a leader of the marine civilization, the great Laimoger!" Said La Mog, "We will bring you civilization and technology from the distant planet."

"But!" Lemimog expression changed, increased the volume: "You refuse my kindness, actually want to make weapons to resist our advanced maritime civilization!"

"Your stupid behavior will bring people to the disaster!"

"My fleet has come, any resistance and attack will be regarded as a signal against the sea! In this regard, our habits are destroyed!"

In the picture, the giant battleship of several mariners, the horrible modeling and the sign of various unknown weapons, which are extremely threatened.

"Only obey, human beings can live. My conditions, robots Motley have already told you ..."

"If you are alone, do it to be destroyed, this will be your end!"

At the end of the holographic projection, a horrible picture appeared.

The grand huge whale warship is moored in the space, a thousand miles of a thousand kilometers in front of the battleship.

The giant whale warship has risen to the black lacquered super gun, and a very strong energy is flying out of the gun. The small planet of one thousand kilometers in diameter, in front of this unknown super-weapon, is directly bombed, focked into countless meteorite fragments!

"Is that their weapon?" Wang Yu stood up and didn't dare to ask.

A few kilometers of a thousand kilometers diameter, that is, one of the meditationtones, actually stabilized under the attack of the giant whale!

You know, in the past ten years, human beings take the strength and resources of the whole society in order to deal with a small planet in diameter, it takes the strength and resources of the whole society!

If this video is true, the combat power of the alien civilization can make human civilization!

The video is over, there is no one in the entire command room.

This is the enemy's declaration of war, also demonstration!

"But it is the set." Du Xingyu broke the silence in the command room, said: "Dear, video is a truly. If the enemy is so powerful, there is no need to declare war, directly to drive the warship Just, why bother to hide in Kiebeli mining? "

"The war has not started yet!"

"Yes!" Wang Wei quickly adjusted his mind and said: "Now the most important thing, can't you blamed!"

"This video is not too fast." Xu Qiuqiu Analysis Road, "At least we can see that the enemy is also carbon-based life, not what we have unacceptable species."

"They look like a marine life." He Jingcheng Tong.

"Their warship is also full of liquids, not air. Maybe they are really from a marine planet." Du Xingyu guess the road.

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