The start of science and technology

Chapter 136, the final winner! (Monthly ticket plus more)

"Escape? Where to go?" Lemimog's tone was calmly made a surprise. In his impression, Lemino has been impulsive, but now he is very calm.

"From the female star to the solar system, we escaped the distance of forty light years, escaped for a thousand years!" La Mog said slowly, "the universe is big, but there is no contained place of our marine!"

"Your Majesty?" The sound of the tone heard from his words and heard the meaning!

"You go." La Mog suddenly said, "The giant whale must also support for a while, and wait for the mother ship to crash, we will no longer be human opponents. I know that the captain now, I have begun to escape. "

The screws are shaking in the heart, and Lemino is clear. He knows that no one is really loyal to him.

Including the screws yourself, reminding Leimague escape, because he has already binded with Le Mog. Even if you escape, you can catch yourself by the captain of the marine warship ship, they will also retaliate!

"Don't go?" Lemino looked at him, then sighed, "With you, I have to talk to the human commander."

The giant whale is divided into multiple layers, the outer sideway has been completely crackled, and the inner layer is temporarily intact, but it will also blow it out because of the chain reaction!


"Leimague wants to talk to me?" Du Xingyu was a little surprised. At this time, Laimue didn't want to escape, actually to talk to him.

He did not refuse, but opened the communication device, the image of Lemino appeared in front of him.

"Human, you are very smart." Laimue first praised the admiration, "We are so powerful fleet, you are tattoo! This battle is you win."

"Lai Mo, so are you coming to surrender?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Hahaha, surrender?" La Mo smiled, "I swear when I murmused the fleet, and only war, there was no surrendering!"

"I talk to you, I want to reach an agreement with you."

"You didn't talk to me." Du Xingyu said, "The giant whale will crash immediately, your fleet will not be human opponents!"

"I know, but I am not saying this." Le Mog continued. "Do you think this war is a human civilization to overcome a marine civilization?"

"Isn't it?" Du Xingyu asked.

"No! We are destroyed by senior civilization!" La Mogue angry, "A thousand years ago, in our malar stars, they used unknown weapons, so that our mother stars accelerated aging. In fact, from the sea From the moment of civilization, the real margin civilization has been covered! "

"Although your human beings won us, but it is just a junior civilization. In front of those terrible senior civilization, weak civilization is just prey, playing things! There is no such resistance! As long as they are willing, they can easily destroy the solar system! "

"Humans will protect themselves." Du Xingyu said.

"Haha." La Mog smiled a few words, said: "About the future of human beings, I don't care, you will soon understand what I said."

"My time is not much, I want to please you, don't pull the sea of ​​people. They are not evil, just a group of wanderers who lost their homes."

"The scientists in them have mastered the science and technology of marine civilization, they should help you. They don't like war, but the lack of resources will change humanity. In the journey of a thousand years, if there is no iron blood Coat the suppression, they have already died in the road. "

"If you promise me, I will tell you a message, it is important to human civilization!"

Du Xingyu thought about his words, human beings were called, and people will die. But as a leader of civilization, it is not blindly believed to believe in enemies.

He said: "You are invaders, we will trial prisoners in accordance with human law. But I can at least guarantee that the scientists of the marine civilization will not be sacrificed."

The science and technology of the seafola civilization, of course, to income in the bag, this is the trophy they deserve.

"Okay." La Mog did not require too much. He said directly: "After obtaining our technology, human beings will have the ability to cross the star, become the second-level civilization in the civilization of the universe."

"At that time, you will hear a few space broadcasts."

"This is a high-level civilization that has been over-over-band technology, remember, don't reply to any of these news, otherwise human civilization will be the same as our marine civilization!"

"You have a law, the dark forest law is very interesting. But the true universe is more terrible than the dark forest. This is a great murder, a hunter, and a powerful fighter and hunter, it is also falling. one day!"

The dark forest law believes that the universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun. It is like a ghost, and gently open the branches of the road. Be careful.

He must be careful, because there is a hunter that is as sneak as him everywhere, if he discovers other lives, only one thing you can do: shoot the gun. In this forest, others are hell, is an eternal threat, any life that is exposed to him will soon be eliminated, this is an imagination of a Chinese Liu surnamed sci-fi writer, but the explanation of Laimo, more terrible .

"What is the hunter? Who is hunter?" Du Xingyu continued.

"Hahaha." Lemino didn't talk again, he closed the newsletter.

"Foresters, this is the last thing I can do for you." Lemino closed his eyes, and his mind has emerged in the mother's downtown!

Floating seaweed, colorful fish, thousands of strange plants ...

"What a beautiful deep sea planet ... Endless deep sea, mother, I am back!"

"Booming ..." The atmosphere of Neptune has happened to a super nuclear explosion. The giant whale warship completely burned, stirring the entire Neptune!

All battleships have been escaping, and the shipbag of the sea has received a message that Laimue ordered to surrender.

Some battleships have chosen to surrender, but some are still running.

Wang Yuxi ordered: "Let all the closing battleship defense systems and weapons systems of the Valerian warships, accept captives, escape and resist, and kill!"

"Yes!" The human warship began to clean the battlefield.

There is no threat to the giant whale, plus the marine fighting spirit, the remaining battleship has completely unrestrained power.

Those who escaped the warship, but they also fled the attack, all of which were treated as cork, and buryed together with the giant whale in Neptune!

"We have won?" On the human warship, all human soldiers have a feeling of lifting the rest after robbery.

"The captain, our victory?" On a battleship, the soldiers asked Wei Xuan.

In the case of a few hours, they always swim in the edge of death, and the brothers' warship took a crash. There are also enemy horrible rulers, planet destruction cannons!

That is the feeling of hell, no one wants to experience the second time!

"Yes, we have won!" Wei Xuan said it once, immediately shouting: "Brothers, we have won!"

"We won!" On the entire ship, all the uniforms shouted. They shouted, exhausted, venting all their emotions!

On the Fengyu frigate, a European captain fell to the ground, and the crazy kissed the floor.

On the Shupeng Warship, several soldiers from different countries hug together, shouting!

"Victory, I can finally go home!" On the medical spacecraft, the injured soldiers tears full.

"We have finally won!" On the escape spaceship, Zhu Zhen won the explosive giant whale mother, the steel-like man, and the corner of the eyes became moist.

"How many years? I waited for this moment!" Wang Yuxi trembled, from the first time I knew the news of Shen Shenxing to now, human beings have experienced too much hardship. And they have the whole world, with the future of the whole world, the pressure is more stressed in Taishan, and today, everything is finally over!

The giant whale of the sea civilization is destroyed, and human beings have achieved victory!

"Human wins?" Even Du Xingyu himself, there is a little happening. How many nights, he is in order to overcome the marine civilization. When the target is realized, he has an unreal feeling.

"Total command, we win!" The commander of the next shout is excited.

"Yeah." Du Xingyu took a short breath, and then shouted: "All fleets, we have finally victory, prepare to return, bring our victory to all mankind!"

"Yes! All return!" All Human Battles, returning from Neptune!

The human fleet is won, from the Neptune battlefield, quickly passing back to Mars Base and the Earth Human Guardian Alliance Headquarters.

"Win, we won!" Mars base, Xu Qiuqiu excitedly shouted, she first received a message.

"What?" "The colleague Si Peng stood up and asked:" We win? Is it a victory of the battle? "

"Well, we have won, the Valerian Fleet, the whole army is not!" Xu Yushe said.

Su Peng stunned two seconds, followed by sudden madness: "Hahaha, finally won, finally won!"

"We have won, the human fleet is mighty! Du Xingyu Weiwu!" Yao Feng excitedly hammered the table.

"Ah, ah!" Shen Yan, Jiao Mengyun excited scream.



"Success!" The senior of the league first received the news, Hua Guo's high-rise, I was laughing, "Okay, good, this is too beautiful! With less than a lot, with a soft win, I I really want to know the details of the war now! "

"God did not abandon us! Humans will have freedom!" Francis was excited, immediately sent the news to the high level of North America.

"I have to send a message back to Europe!" Garcia immediately sent the news to European countries, and she can imagine their happiness scene.

"Breeding, use the Frankhaship self-explosion to stop the giant whale mother ship, Du command is a man who truly understands the art of explosion!" Auishka is full of red, "It is a pity that this time is to be guarded, not personally on the battlefield. ! "

Neptune decides the news of human victory, quickly spread throughout every corner of the world!

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