The start of science and technology

Chapter 137 World's turning point (plot conversion chapter)

Huaxia Space Bureau.

It is already the highest leader Cao Liang to announce the excitement of the people who can't hold it: "The news that I have just came down, we destroy all the enemy's Francisco, human beings, this war victory!"

"Twenty years, finally dreams!" He Jingcheng clears the fist, looks outside the window, where, more young people are busy, struggling for the space cause.

"This day, I have been waiting for too long!" Zhang Wei sighed, "finally don't have to suffer!"


"We won ... helped me." On the bed, Liu Yuan said.

"Yeah, teacher, we won!" Dong Jiangbo a sixty old man, it is difficult to cover his emotions at this moment, the nose is heavy.

"You can also see this day, dead, no regret!" Liu Yuanlu had a happy smile.


"Dive! He did it!" Du Xingyu's parents embracing together.


On the way returned from Neptune, Du Xingyu sent a message to the executive of the floating company, only one sentence, let them post on their own account.

After nearly four hours of delay, the operation of the floating company finally received this message.

"Boss!" Operations report news to Director Jiang Lei.

"This ..." Jiang Lei saw that immediately shouted: "Immediately, immediately, give everyone, manage him is a male and female, domestic, foreigners, as long as our users, all enforce this news!"

If this move, this move will be killed, but at this moment he knows that no one will blame him, but will be grateful to him.

Soon, all the world's float users have explored a message, no picture, no background music, only one sentence: "Human civilization and maritor's decisive battle in Hemato, our human beings are victory!"

The publisher of the news is "Earth Observation", Du Xingyu's account!

This is a simple sentence, but it makes hundreds of millions of netizens instantly!

"Neptune decisive battle, human beings win!"

"Praise, I am crazy! I am too happy!"

"How many years are it today? I know the alien invading from Xiaoyong, and I will live in their shadows in my life."

"Long live in humans! Du Xingyu Weiwu! All soldiers, thank you!"

"Today is the most happy day in my life!"

"@ doesn't eat melon, @ ... Come on!"

This news, praise, comments, and forwarding have reached the highest peak in the history of online!

All news is forwarding, the Human Guardings also released the latest news, confirming human victory, and said that the world press conference will be held in detail the results of the battle.

"Celebrate the victory of human beings!" Hua Guo's street alley, someone has cheered loudly.

"I sing for you, I bless you ..." Tens of thousands of people, everyone stopped, singing with singing together.

Male and female, rich, staff, student or service workers, at this moment, tears, look at the sky, sing, melodious songs are full!

"Value!" In Space Technology, Fang Jiayou laughed a few times, sleeping, he has not slept for a long time.

"Cup!" Wang Wei, Lu Liang and other classmates, colleagues, to celebrate!


North America, people have used the streets and shout loudly.

South America, countless people start carnival, dance singing in the street!

Europe, every country is a carnival day today, and joy is full of world.

Australia, Asia and other countries, celebrate will not be different because of speech, at this moment, all human mood is the same.

The haze sweeping in the top of the human head is approaching, and the light is shining in everyone's heart, the war with the vast civilization, finally declared the end!


There are still many jobs to do at the end of the war, but Du Xingyu has pushed most. The captives of the marine civilization, their technology, Du Xingyu also did not have an urgent study.

The Human Guardian Alliance announced another thing, and the war was released.

People cheer with the names of the heroes, give gifts, singing. And the warriors who pay for life are also remembered. People remember their heroic deeds with a memorial hall and huge monument ...

Du Xingyu finally returned home.

"Dad, Mom." Du Xingyu's appearance is still so young, but his parents have already whitening, the corner of the fish is deep, and there are many old.

"Come back!" Li Rong immediately stood up, pulled the Du Xingyu, and his heart is too much: "suffering."

"It's good, this time I can live a few more days?" Duzekang's voice did not have a strict.

"Well, this time I live for a long time." Du Xingyu nodded.

"Dad, Mom!" A look of a look, the body, the skin, such as a newborn, soft woman, shouted.

"Is the Qiuqiu? Quickly enter the house, I have long been looking forward to you!" Li Rong welcomed the housing in the passion, "Just waiting for you to open a meal, our family is hard to gather!"


Du Xingyu took a while to visit his teacher, Liu Yuan.

"Teacher, I am here." In the special ward of the Aerospace Hospital, Du Xingyu carefully sat in the side of Liu Yuanbo.

The old man in the bed describes the dryness, the breath is weak, and he is now nothing to sit up.

Du Xingyu and the nurse carefully put him, and Liu Yuan was weak, but his face was still kind.

The nurse whispered: "Mr. Du, Liu Lao hasn't laughed for a long time. When you see your old man, you have a good mood."

"You are very good." Liu Yuan praised.

"It's all teachers to teach well." Du Xingyu said.

"I am not so big." Liu Yuan did not finish the words, he wanted to breathe for a while, he continued: "I can see human beings in the death, I have no regret."

"Teacher, you will be fine." Du Xingyu comforted.

"Don't comfort me." Liu Yuan said, "I don't have to get a terminal illness, it is my life that has come to an end."

"I am not afraid, I am having a lot of things, and I have so many students, go continuing my ideals and career ..."

Du Xingyu quietly listened, Liu Yuan said: "In the last time of life, I have been thinking about a problem."

"What is the teacher thinking?" Du Xingyu asked.

Liu Yuan took a break, and he said: "The Valentine's longer life is more than human life, I heard that their average life is more than one thousand or five hundred years old. Among them, there will be more than two thousand years. "

"Such life, after forty tourist travel, I also arrived."

"For an intellectual civilization, this is absolutely deformed. How can a StarCraft, how can it be exhausted for a long life because of a trip?"

Du Xingyu also thought, he said: "The Vast life of more than a thousand years of life, but also to spend more than half a generation to carry out a star travel, and human life is more short."

"Yeah, it's too short." Liu Yuan said, "Briefing to unable to travel, even could not learn more knowledge."

He seized Du Xingyu's hand, said with a weak voice: "Even if it is the smartest child, learn from a small, learn to be old and dead, he can be an expert in his own segment. And when he wants to learn more His life is ended when you have more knowledge. "

"What is the development of technology, how to improve civilization?"

"If the life of human beings is not excellent, human beings will always be low-level civilization!"

"Xingyu ... cough ... I have no time, you still have a chance!"

"Teacher." Du Xingyu understood the meaning of Liu Yuan, if human beings are still developing, civilization will not only make progress, will be "locked", even the seafas civilization did not meet!

"I know, I will pay attention to other scientific and technological development." Du Xingyu said.

He also wanted to develop other directions, the crisis of the marine civilization has been forced him to study space technology and must not breathe.

"Ok ... good!" Liu Yuanlu gave birth to the expression.

He slowly closed his eyes and said: "I am tired, I have to sleep ..."

His voice is getting thinner, on the electrocardiogram, the fluctuations are gradually flat.

"Liu Lao!" The nurse exclaimed.

"Teacher." Du Xingyu So, Liu Yuan, said his respect.


Du Xingyu attended the funeral of Liu Yuan, as well as students of the Academy, Space Affairs, and the Aerospace University attended the funeral.

The students have given flowers, write a sacrifice, pray for their teachers.

Qiu Yuan's grave, Du Xingyu quietly stood.

"What are you thinking?" Xu Yifu's voice came from him.

"The teacher said to me before leaving ..." Du Xingyu said, "How do I think, how can humans can break the limit of life?"

"Perhaps my cell can be studied." Xu Yifu reached out and said: "The information of high-dimensional civilization makes my cell activity exceeds normal human."

Du Xingyu shook his head and said: "This does not solve the problem, and the biotechnology of the entire humanity is too weak. It is nothing to find."

"We can invest biotechnology." Xu Pity Autumn proposes.

Du Xingyu smiled and said: "Of course, but this is not the best practice."

"What is the best practice?" Xu Qiu Qiu is so secluded.

"I don't know, I am still thinking, but there should be answers soon." Du Xingyu said.


"The best way, temporarily leave here, open new tests!" Science and Technology simulator reminds, "this world, the main research direction of human beings is in space technology. This is not a soil of biotechnology, you are here Biotechnology, you can get some achievements, but you will never reach the peak of biotechnology civilization! "

Du Xingyu said: "This world has just begun! Human civilization has just started, there is no threat of marine civilization, and the technology will develop faster!"

"You are right." The technology simulator said, "But this is not the first time. Remember, I am from the parallel time and space of human civilization technology crystallization. In other time and space, human civilization has failed a lot The time, if you don't make a change, the final ending is still the same. "

"Parallel time and space? Do you really exist?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Of course!" The technology simulator said, "The so-called time of mankind starts from the universe, then what is the starting point of the time before the universe?"

"At that time, the universe was an unlimited quality, now all the materials in the universe exists in this singular point. When the universe is bombing, these substances will fly out in the unique way, form a fixed universe?"

"Not necessarily, they have countless ways." Du Xingyu guess the road.

"Yes, countless ways, every way will open a new universe time. Your time and space, only one of the countless three-dimensional universe, most of the parallel time and space is like a flash of foam, will go quickly End. Only a few parallel universe maintain a long time. "

"The mystery is too much, only a higher latitude civilization can know. And I can do it is exhausted all energy, let you or say your thinking enters another parallel time and space, open a new test! "

"And I have to remind you, you have been forty years old. Even if I make your life more than human average life, I have been in decades, if this world does not develop technology, you Will usher in death. "

"You said, can you let me cross?" Du Xingyu is very famous.

"I can't get enough, but now I have accumulated enough energy." Science and Technology simulator persuaded, "Single scientific and technological development direction can indeed be a senior civilization, but it will eventually avoid inexpensive, you should also discover this problem."

Du Xingyu is meditation, now this world, although space technology is relatively developed, but has already encountered a bottleneck.

Humans can't break through the speed, that is, it is not very fast to reach other galaxies. A space sailing even will cost a few generations of life; in addition, human life also limits its technology development and knowledge learning.

"This is the world I born ... Let me go to new time and space ..." Du Xingyu's heart is difficult to receive.

The technology simulator tells the road: "I don't let you give up here, but let your thinking 'cross". You can freeze your body, wait until the second world will develop new classification technology to a certain level, then Go back to this world. "

"The world still exists, and your first test, but only started, StarCraft, but not only just want to go out of the solar system! It will also go farther, just need small suspension. Waiting for you to come back, you can Take it farther! "

Du Xingyu recalls the first test project established on the science and technology simulator from his university, which is written in "Star Times."

Until now, this test is not completed, or just started!

"This is the journey of you must." The technology simulator said, "One day, when you have high-dimensional technology, you can freely cross parallel time and space. Every super science and technology civilization will become your help!"

"Do you want to do this?" Du Xingyu, who has been decisive, is also entangled at this moment. This is not to travel to a new city, travel like a new planet, but a new time and space!

What will happen in new time and space? When I come back, is this world or like this? Will what he is familiar with?

If you don't leave, he may still see that human beings go to other galaxies will step into death because of the life of life!

When I was thinking in Du Xingyu, I suddenly received an emergency news. It is a department specializing in the department of Vastly, and they find very important things.

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