Isn't the new third shareholder in her group called Ye Yi?

It is said that he will attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow. He is mysterious and very low-key.

Even she, the chairman, has never met him!

But Cao Meng thinks it is definitely not such a coincidence.

So just treat it as the same name.

How can it be such a coincidence.

Since Ye Yi refused to compensate.

She couldn't say much.

It can be seen that Ye Yi is not short of money.

So the two cars said goodbye.

Ye Yi and Meng Yi went back to the hotel.

They returned to the hotel very quickly.

It is worthy of being a presidential suite.

It is simply luxurious to the extreme!

Meng Yi was stunned.

Where has she seen such a good hotel?

Of course, she was shocked.

But after being shocked, Meng Yi was a little disappointed.

I thought Ye Yi would take the opportunity to do something to her.

Meng Yi was still very entangled.

As a result, Ye Yi actually opened two rooms.

What a straight man cancer!

Of course, she was embarrassed and angry.

At the same time, she was extremely shy.

Of course, shyness is shyness.

Meng Yi quickly came to his senses.

After coming to his senses, Meng Yi took a break and of course started the live broadcast.

She is a live streamer.

Of course she would live stream if she had the chance.

With such a good opportunity, she would live stream even more.

"Hello everyone, this is the anchor Xiaoyi. Now Xiaoyi is an outdoor anchor and takes you to the luxury hotel in Shanghai, the five-star presidential suite."

"Let's take a look at what the legendary presidential suite worth 300,000 yuan a night looks like."

Meng Yi is indeed a professional.

He immediately turned into an outdoor anchor and started live broadcasting.

The presidential suite worth 300,000 yuan is full of gimmicks.

In addition, Meng Yi is now a big anchor with 6 million fans.

The number of viewers immediately reached hundreds of thousands!

Meng Yi introduced the presidential suite to the audience.

Introducing it here and there.

The audience also liked it very much.

There are constant gifts!

After all, people don't have the opportunity to see such a luxurious hotel normally.

"Hey, they actually went to the hotel? Could it be that Xiaoyi was taken to the hotel by the rich man?"

"Is that the happy fat house water?"

"He must have been taken to the hotel by the fat guy Shui."

"It's over, it's over, Xiaoyi is going to fall"

"Is our Xiaoyi going to be finished?"

"Xiaoyi is about to fall"

"I'm so overwhelmed."

But Meng Yi had just finished speaking.

The live broadcast building was crooked again.

Fans were keenly aware of many things. They immediately swiped the screen and fell.

Meng Yi's pretty face turned red when she saw this scene.

How could she not be?

She was indeed with Ye Yi.

But these were two rooms!

She wanted to fall for Ye Yi.

But this straight male cancer didn't know anything.

Meng Yi could only evaluate Ye Yi like this.

She didn't know if it was because she was not pretty enough that Ye Yi was not interested at all.

Thinking of this made her even more disappointed.

Disappointment aside,

Meng Yi could only pretend that she didn't see the crooked wall.

Continue to broadcast live to everyone.

It's a pity that the audience is not stupid.

They kept swiping the screen.

Meng Yi's pretty face turned red.

She could only quickly turn off the live broadcast...

Magic City.

Jia Family!

Jia Family is also a family in Magic City.

Assets are nearly 200 billion.

No However, as a super city, there are many noble families in Shanghai.

After all, Shanghai is the economic lifeline of China and the most developed city.

It dominates the entire Chinese economy.

Almost all forces have industries here.

Therefore, a huge circle of noble families is formed.

Even super noble families are there. It is a city where real dragons and crouching tigers are hidden.

With 200 billion in Guangzhou, it is definitely an amazing noble family!

But the Jia family is just an ordinary noble family in Shanghai.

Not to mention compared with super noble families, even compared with many first-class noble families, there is an unknown difference.

It can only be regarded as a very ordinary noble family.

In the Jia family, Jia Ding is the head of the family at this time.

Jia Ding is the contemporary head of the Jia family. He is also the second largest shareholder of the Annuo Group, with 26% of the shares.

It is precisely with the 26% shares that the Jia family can become a noble family.

This It also occupies most of the assets of the Jia family.

And 26% of the shares created a noble family.

You can imagine how huge the Anno Group is! Not to mention the Anno

Group that has not fallen behind.

In fact, when the Anno Group was at its peak, it once had trillions of assets, and the Cao family once relied on the Anno Group.

It became one of the super families in the Magic City!

Unfortunately, the chairman passed away later.

Jia Ding was short-sighted and began to seize power, which led to constant internal friction.

So the Anno Group declined later.

The Cao family also declined from a super family.

Now the Cao family is not a super family.

Even a first-class family can no longer stand firm and has fallen from a first-class family.

It has fallen to a second-class family.

And the Cao family is only supported by Cao Meng.

Next to Jia Ding, there is another person sitting.

He is also a middle-aged man.

The four shareholders of the Anno Group Bingchun, who has 11% of the shares.

Bingchun is also a scum of the Anno Group.

He and Jiading committed crimes.

The two of them joined forces to cause chaos.

That led to the rapid decline of the Anno Group.

It can be said that both of them are villains.

Not only did they betray the trust of Cao Meng's father, but they also repaid kindness with hatred.

They are also rubbish.

But fortunately, the two of them only have 37% of the shares together.

A little less than Cao Meng's 38.

So Cao Meng has been able to sit in the position of chairman.

At this time, Jiading and Bingchun, the two major shareholders, met.

Of course, they were conspiring for a big thing!

Yes, it was a big conspiracy.

That is to usurp power.

They have always wanted to usurp the throne and hold the Anno Group firmly in their hands.

As long as they hold this behemoth in their hands.

What money do they want?

This is a super group with a market value of 600 billion.

Wouldn't it be crazy to suck blood at that time?

Of course, they don't care what happens to the Anno Group.

They just want money and benefits.

Unfortunately, they have never succeeded.

The shares have never been as many as Cao Meng, so Cao Meng has always been the chairman.

Although it has always caused trouble for Cao Meng.

But there was no way to become the chairman.

But now it is different.

The two finally have a comprehensive plan and have the opportunity to become the chairman.

Jia Ding bribed the other five shareholders.

Gained the support of the five shareholders.

The share exceeds Cao Meng.

Just wait for tomorrow's shareholders' meeting, and you can replace Cao Meng and become the chairman directly.

This is also the reason why the two conspired.

It is to conspire on how to become the chairman.

Thinking of this moment, both of them are proud.

How can they not be proud?

It seems that they have seen the moment of surpassing Cao Meng!

The moment of becoming the chairman.

In this way.

Wouldn't the entire group be theirs?

"Brother Jia, how is your inquiry with the fifth shareholder going?"

Bingchun asked at this time.

Hearing this, Jiading was very proud.

He directly assured Bingchun

"Don't worry, the five shareholders have already agreed. They own 5% of the shares, and together we will completely surpass Cao Meng."

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