"With the support of the five shareholders, our share will exceed Cao Meng's."

"We just need to wait for tomorrow's board meeting, and then we will be able to become the chairman of the board. Then the group will be ours."

"I wonder what that little bitch Cao Meng has to fight us with."

Jia Ding heard Bingchun's words.

He smiled triumphantly.

How could he not be proud?

It was as if the whole plan was in his hands.

It was as if he had seen the scene of being the chairman.

Hearing this, Bingchun was completely relieved.

In this way, everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

So how could Bingchun not be happy?

Of course, after being happy for a while,

Bingchun thought of the third shareholder tomorrow!

It is rumored that the third shareholder is an unfathomable young man.

The third shareholder will also attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow.

What if the third shareholder supports Cao Meng?

Wouldn't it be a futile effort?

So of course he was worried.

How could he not be worried?

It is related to interests.

He immediately asked about the third shareholder.

"Rumor has it that the three shareholders sold their shares to a 22-year-old young man."

"At the age of 22, he can acquire 120 billion shares. He is quite powerful."

"What if this new third shareholder supports Cao Meng tomorrow?"

"How can we run for chairman then?"

"If he supports Cao Meng, then Cao Meng will have 58% of the shares, which means he is the largest shareholder."

"By then, all of our shareholders combined will not have as many as Cao Meng and the third shareholder. How can we compete for the chairmanship?"

Bingchun expressed his concerns.

What Bingchun said was indeed the truth.

This new third shareholder is unfathomable.

No one knows who the third shareholder is.

We only know that the third shareholder is Ye Yi.

What if this new third shareholder turns to Cao Meng, it will be over.

Cao Meng will have 58% of the shares in total.

How can they compete with Cao Meng for the chairmanship?

The so-called shareholders' meeting is entirely based on who has more shares. Whoever has the most shares will be the chairman!

58% is terrifying.

How can they fight Cao Meng at that time?

So it's no wonder that he is worried that the third shareholder will turn to Cao Meng.

If this really turns to Cao Meng, then their hard work will be in vain.

Not to mention fighting Cao Meng.

Bingchun doesn't want to prepare for so long.

In the end, it will be disrupted by a third shareholder he has never met.

Jiading is obviously much more shrewd.

After hearing what Bingchun said, he was not worried at all.

He just sneered.

After sneer,

Jiading naturally spoke.

"Don't worry, my dear brother. The identity of the third shareholder is mysterious and no one knows it, but I just happen to know it."

Jia Ding's face was full of the smile of an old fox.

Obviously, he was much more skilled than Bing Chun. Bing Ding was surprised when he heard it. No one had seen the new third shareholder. Even the chairman didn't know him, only his name. But Jia Ding actually knew who the new chairman was? This... He was extremely surprised. How could he not be surprised?

"You actually know who the three new shareholders are?"

"What is there that I don't know? Just because the chairman doesn't know doesn't mean I don't know. I have already spent a lot of money to find out about the three major shareholders."

"The three shareholders just arrived in Shanghai today and have checked into the hotel."

"I have sent my daughter there."

"As long as my daughter takes action personally, how can the young and energetic man control himself?"

"By then, won’t the three shareholders turn to us?"

"We don't even need the third shareholder to turn to us, as long as he doesn't support Cao Meng, that's enough."

"Then Cao Meng will die miserably."

Jia Ding immediately smiled triumphantly.

He was telling the truth.

He was much more skilled and shrewd than Bing Ding.

He could play against Chairman Cao Meng.

Jia Ding was shrewd and capable.

Otherwise, he would not have been so successful.

He was much better than Bing Chun in this respect.

Jia Ding, who was shrewd, had already figured out the third shareholder named Ye Yi.

So he spent a lot of money to get Ye Yi's information.

Then he specially asked someone to investigate the hotel where he stayed.

After the investigation, he directly sent his daughter to win him over.

As for how to win him over,

Jia Ding already knew his daughter's character.

Anyway, he didn't care.

As long as he could get the third shareholder in his hands, it would be ok.

Bing Chun was shocked..


Jia Ding is so amazing that he has already obtained the information of the three largest shareholders.

Even the chairman didn't know this.

But he is an old fox.

Relying on his status as the second largest shareholder, he fought back and forth with the chairman.

He was not so surprised.

After being shocked.

Bingchun was even more convinced.

Jia Ding had actually sent his daughter over.

This move was so fast!

Bingchun completely admired Jia Ding's shrewdness.

But thinking of Jia Ding's daughter.

Bingchun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he already knew what means Jia Ding's daughter was going to use.

In the wealthy circle of Shanghai, Jia Ding's daughter is actually quite beautiful.

She has a great reputation.

But this reputation is not a good reputation.

Instead, it is notorious.

Because Jia Ding's daughter has made friends with Countless boyfriends.

Young masters from aristocratic families, and even those guys from wealthy families, have been the boyfriends of Jia Ding’s daughter!

What’s up with this boyfriend?

Everyone knows it.

Jia Ding’s daughter changes boyfriends every few days.

So she has a bad reputation.

The older generation in the aristocratic family circle will not allow their sons and grandsons to have an affair with Jia Ding’s daughter.

Once they find out, they will definitely break her legs.

The key is that Jia Ding can’t control his daughter.

Over time, he just doesn’t care.

Now Jia Ding’s daughter suddenly rushed to the hotel.

He is not stupid. He knows that Jia Ding is going to use the beauty trap! He was immediately at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

He didn’t know whether to be happy for Ye Yi or to mourn in silence.

But it should be said.

Although she has a bad reputation.

But Jia Ding’s daughter is really Beautiful...

Bingchun was completely relieved soon.

Since Jia Ding's daughters have rushed over.

Then this matter is definitely settled.

The chairmanship will definitely be theirs tomorrow!

So Bingchun was of course overjoyed.

It was as if he had seen the scene of the three shareholders turning to them.

Even more proud...

In the hotel, Ye Yi didn't know what happened to the Jia family.

Where was Ye Yi at this time.

He was chatting with Meng Yi.

The little girl seemed to be particularly attached to him.

He didn't care about being alone with a man or a woman.

But Ye Yi cared!

Meng Yi has a devil's figure and an angel's face.

Ye Yi felt several times that the wildfire could not be extinguished.

But Meng Yi didn't notice anything.

Ye Yi was too embarrassed to remind Meng Yi.

Ye Yi was struggling at this time.

The long-lost system reminder sound suddenly came.

"Ding Dong, the latest system task is released. Tomorrow's shareholders meeting will help Cao Meng solve the crisis."

""Get reward of 150 billion cash!"

The system voice sounded.

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

But he was disappointed in an instant.

How could he not be disappointed?

It was just a mere reward of cash.

After all the hard work of getting a task,

Ye Yi thought that there would be a level of ancient martial arts.

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