Who knew that Ye Yi would come down from the sky like a god again.

He saved her.

He also punched Feng Hai and seriously injured him!

How could Cao Meng not be shocked?

Cao Meng is a super strong woman.

She understood immediately.

Ye Yi could easily injure Feng Hai, at least he must be a high-level inner family fighter.

A high-level inner family fighter at the age of 22!

She gasped.

How could she not gasp?

After being shocked, she was sure that Ye Yi was definitely the eldest son of a super family.

Now she is completely sure!

Of course, after being sure.

Cao Meng fell in love with Ye Yi completely.

Fall in love with this boy who fell from the sky and came on colorful clouds!

This boy is her Supreme Treasure!

At this moment, she only had the tall and handsome shadow of Ye Yi in her heart.

Only the tall and handsome shadow of Ye Yi!

Meng Yi was also shocked.

What the hell is this?

What happened just now?

A martial arts master?

Why is Feng Hai as fast as lightning?

The most terrifying thing was that Ye Yi just punched him casually, and the man was seriously injured!

Meng Yi was not stupid. She could tell instantly that this was definitely a martial arts master.

Although she didn't know that ancient martial arts masters existed.

But what she saw today undoubtedly opened the door to a new world for her.

She completely knew about some existences that ordinary people couldn't touch.

Soon she was even more shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

Ye Yi was so unfathomable.

The master was knocked away by Ye Yi with one punch. He was definitely a super master.

After being shocked, she was even more disappointed.

Before, she felt that she was far from worthy of Ye Yi.

Seeing Ye Yi so outstanding at this moment, of course, she felt that there was a huge gap between them.

Jia Ding Bingchun was dumbfounded.

This is not scientific.

There was no ancient martial arts fluctuation on this young man.

Why is he a master?

They were completely shocked.

After being shocked, they were desperate.

The plan was once again destroyed by this young man.

And they were about to die tragically.

So how could they not be desperate?

After despair, they were extremely terrified.

How could they not be terrified?

Ye Yi ignored them for the time being.

Instead, he walked towards Fenghai.


This Feng Hai must die.

Anyone can survive today, but this Feng Hai must die miserably.

Ye Yi is so tough.

He has already made up his mind.

So he will not let Feng Hai go.

When Feng Hai saw Ye Yi coming, he no longer looked down on him. He was terrified and broke out in cold sweats.

How could he not break out in cold sweats?

No one knew the strength of this young man better than him.

This young man was at least a high-level fighter!

Stronger than the average high-level fighter.

He was beaten half to death with one punch.

What's more terrifying is that this young man is also cruel and ruthless.

A devil, absolutely a devil.

So he was completely scared. He was also completely terrified.

He was almost trembling.

He looked at Ye Yi with almost fear.

"You, you, what do you want to do? I tell you, I am Feng Hai, the one who terrorizes three provinces."

"My master is a master."

"You can't kill me. Although you are strong, you are definitely not a match for the Grandmaster."

"If you kill me, you will never have peace and will die miserably on the street."

Feng Hai was so frightened that he didn't care about anything else.

He quickly brought out his greatest backer.

When he talked about this master, there was only pride in his eyes.

There was no fear!

Yes, he has a master backer, why should he be afraid of this young man?

The master is a master who is one of the best in the whole of China.

This young man dares to offend him?

Feng Hai became more and more proud as he spoke.

He was not afraid of Ye Yi at all. It even seemed as if he had seen the tragic death of this young man.

As long as he went back, he would find his master and must kill this young man.

As long as his master took action, wouldn't this young man die on the street?

Thinking of this moment, he became more and more proud.

That's right, the more he thought about it, the more proud he became.

It was as if he had already seen the tragic death of Ye Yi on the street.


Ye Yi was confused.

From Uncle Su's mouth, Ye Yi had already Ye Yi already knew that there were masters in the world, so he was not surprised.

After all, Su Xiangzhong had seen several of them!

But Ye Yi did not expect that masters were so rare.

This Feng Hai was actually qualified to worship a master as his teacher.

This surprised Ye Yi.

It was really lucky to be accepted as a disciple by a master.

But soon, murderous intent flashed across Ye Yi's eyes.

What's a mere master?

As long as he breaks through once more, Ye Yi will have the combat power of a master.

By then, ordinary masters will not be his opponents.

So of course Ye Yi is not afraid.

So Feng Hai must die.

Ye Yi made up his mind.

What's more, even if Ye Yi doesn't kill Feng Hai, can he be safe?

Ye Yi is not stupid.

He will only die faster.

I'm afraid that Feng Hai will find the master as soon as he returns.

So for everyone's sake, it's best if Feng Hai dies. After Ye Yi made up his mind, he took action directly.

Feng Hai's neck was broken.

Feng Hai was feeling proud.

He never thought that Ye Yi would dare to attack him.

He has a master who is a master.

Who dares to attack a disciple of a master?

It is precisely because he has a master who is a master that he can do whatever he wants in the three provinces.

No one dares to attack him.

But this young man.

Why did he dare to attack him even though he knew he had a master who is a master?

He was afraid, he was angry, he was unwilling.

But it was useless.

His neck had been broken.

Even if the warrior had strong vitality, it was useless.

He struggled painfully for thirty seconds, and finally closed his eyes unwillingly.

He lost his life forever.

Seeing this scene.

The whole audience was shocked again, and there was silence.

The first one to be shocked was Cao Jing.


Cao Jing was stunned.


Ye Yi actually killed Feng Hai directly?

This is Feng Hai, who is feared in the three provinces.

The most important thing is... Feng Hai has a master who is a master. He is not afraid?

Kill Feng Hai directly?

How can he not be shocked?

After being shocked.

He was extremely worried. How could he not be worried? Killing the master's disciple, the master would definitely come to seek revenge.

It was equivalent to offending the master to death.

Although Ye Yi is strong, he is definitely not the master's opponent.

So he was extremely worried.

Cao Meng was also completely shocked in an instant.

How could Cao Meng not be shocked?

This is the master's disciple, and Ye Yi actually killed Feng Hai directly?

Of course, she was shocked to the extreme in an instant. She was extremely shocked in an instant.

Although she didn't like Feng Hai either.

But not liking is one thing, and no one dares to touch Feng Hai is another.

After being shocked.

She was very worried for Ye Yi.

This means offending the master to death, how could she not be worried?

Although Ye Yi is strong, he is definitely not the master's opponent.

So she was naturally very worried.

Meng Yi was completely shocked by Ye Yi.

Too many things happened tonight, which washed away her three views.

So she needs to take it easy.

After solving Feng Hai.

Ye Yi walked towards Jia Ding Bing Chun.

It was all because of these two bastards.

If they hadn't been plotting something bad, this wouldn't have happened.

Ye Yi was a real tough guy.

He was also a really ruthless person.

How could he let such people go?

So of course Ye Yi had to punish them.

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