Make them regret.

Seeing Ye Yi coming over.

Jiading and Bingchun were simply terrified.

How could they not be terrified?


This guy is definitely a super devil.

Yes, it is a super devil.

Even Feng Hai’s neck was broken, how could they not be afraid?

Feng Hai has a master who is a master. His neck was still broken. After being terrified to the extreme, they are not tough. Of course, they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy! Yes, it is kneeling down and begging for mercy. They knelt down and begged for mercy directly. They kept kowtowing to Ye Yi. Kneeling down and begging for mercy

"Master Ye, Immortal Ye, please spare us."

"Yes, forgive us, it's our ignorance."

"We will never dare to do this again, let alone go against Cao Meng."

Jia Ding and Bing Chun were not tough guys.

Naturally, they kept kowtowed.

They looked at Ye Yi and begged for mercy.

They immediately acted like grandsons.

This man was a devil.

A devil who killed people without blinking an eye.

How could they not beg for mercy? They were all shocked. They didn't look like big shots just now. They were just like street thugs.

One was more embarrassing than the other.

Ye Yi was also looking at these two people.

He was even more contemptuous in his heart.

Not even as good as a thug.

He is still the head of a noble family?

It's really embarrassing for the noble family.

If you dare to be a bad guy, you should have the responsibility of a bad guy!

After the contempt How could Ye Yi spare the two? He slapped them twice!

But these were two slaps from a super master.

Facing two ordinary people.

Jia Ding and Bing Chun had all their bones broken.

They had to lie in bed for several months to recover. They were seriously injured by Ye Yi.

If Ye Yi had not shown mercy, the two slaps would have killed them.

Jia Ding and Bing Chun had all their bones broken.

But they dared not say a word. Not to mention being dissatisfied.

In the end, the people from the Jia family came and took the three of them away.

To be precise, two people and a body.

So the garbage was finally cleaned up.

Cao's family Silence returned.

The three seriously injured masters of the Cao family were taken to recuperate.

As for Cao Jing.

Cao Jing belongs to the category of super masters and has strong vitality.

After a short period of recuperation, he is no longer in danger.

So they also sat together in the living room.

Cao Meng personally made tea and greeted Ye Yi and Meng Yi!

At this time, everyone in the room was of course looking at Ye Yi with admiration.

No matter whether it was Cao Jing, Cao Meng or Meng Yi.

They all looked at Ye Yi with stars in their eyes.

It was like looking at a male god in the sky.

Not to mention them, even Cao Jing looked at Ye Yi as if he was an idol. He is definitely the eldest son of a super family.

Otherwise, he would not be so young. He has cultivated to this level.

Cao Jing admired him even more.

After the admiration, he was even more speechless.

Compared with Ye Yi, he felt that he had cultivated to a dog level.

So how could Cao Jing not be speechless?

In the end, Cao Meng was the first to speak.

Although she was shocked, Cao Meng was more worried.

How could she not be worried?

Although Ye Yi won a great victory.

But he also offended a master.

This is killing all the disciples of the master!

Out of worry.

She felt very sorry, so of course she spoke.

Ye Yi also offended the master because of the Cao family.

So of course she felt sorry. She had fallen in love with Ye Yi.

Out of worry, she had to speak even more.

"Ye Yi, although you have won a great victory, you must be careful. It is rumored that Feng Hai has a master who is a master. Otherwise, he would not have been infamous for so many years and no one dared to touch him."

"Yes, Master Ye, it is rumored that Feng Hai has a master who is a master. If you kill his apprentice, the master will never let you go. But today's incident was also caused by our Cao family. I, Cao Jing, am not afraid of death. If you need it, my Cao family will do its best to help you."

Cao Meng spoke worriedly.

After hearing what Cao Meng said, Cao Jing also spoke.

As a man in the martial arts world, Cao Jing knows Feng Hai better than Cao Meng.

He is a man with a bad reputation but is safe and sound.

It's not because Feng Hai is so strong, but because others are afraid of his master!

That's why he is safe and sound.


Just these few words represent a hundred thousand things.

So Cao Jing spoke immediately.

Of course, Cao Jing is also very loyal and did not shirk responsibility.

Cao Jing said frankly.

As long as Ye Yi needs it, the Cao family will live and die with Ye Yi.

After all, Ye Yi offended the master because of the Cao family.

Cao Meng also nodded, expressing her willingness to live and die with Ye Yi.

Hearing their words, Ye Yi felt a huge pressure in an instant.

After all, he offended a master.

How can he not be under pressure ? Strength?

Ye Yi is more determined to break through to the peak of the inner family high level as soon as possible!

As long as he breaks through to the peak of the inner family high level.

With the blessing of more than three times the combat power.

Even if he meets a master, Ye Yi is not afraid.

He has strength that exceeds that of ordinary masters.

So of course Ye Yi is more determined to break through to the peak of the inner family high level as soon as possible.

He is now only one small realm away from the peak of the inner family high level, and he only needs to complete one more task.

It's a pity that the reward for the last task was money.

Ye Yi hates money the most.

But the system tasks and rewards are random.

Ye Yi doesn't know when the next martial arts realm reward will come.

So Ye Yi has no choice.

Although the pressure is great.

Although Ye Yi is under pressure, he can only not think about it for the time being.

Because the realm is not Ye Yi can control it.

But once he breaks through to the peak of the inner family!

Ye Yi has absolute confidence that he can beat ordinary masters.

This is Ye Yi's absolute confidence.

Soon, the group's chat ended.

After all, the Cao family has just experienced a turmoil, so Ye Yi didn't stay here for long.

Ye Yi prepared to take Meng Yi away.

However, before leaving, Ye Yi transferred all of his 20% shares in Anno Group to the name of Ye's Investment Consortium.

In other words, Wei Xin can directly manage his shares in the future. After all,

Ye Yi does not have so much time to manage.

So his approach is to let Wei Xin manage it.

So it is more convenient to transfer to Ye's Investment Consortium.

When transferring, Ye Yi gave Wei Xin's business card to Cao Meng.

Tell Cao Meng to collect If she wants to know about the Ye Investment Group, she can just contact Wei Xin directly.

Wei Xin is his secretary.

She manages all the industries for him.

Cao Meng had no objection, and left Wei Xin's contact information.

But at the same time, she was completely shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

Ye's Investment Consortium is actually Ye Yi's industry.

The market value is more than 500 billion.

The 22-year-old Ye Yi controls a group of more than 500 billion...

She is more than just shocked, right?

It is simply indescribable.

After being shocked, she is of course more certain that Ye Yi is the eldest son of a super family.

How can she not be sure?

Ye Yi was relieved after giving Wei Xin's contact information to Cao Meng.

In the future, Wei Xin can directly manage the shares in the Anno Group.

Just communicate with Cao Meng.

So Ye Yi doesn't need to manage it.

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