It was just a small favor, so Ye Yi didn't need to thank him.

On the contrary, since forming an alliance with Ye Yi, the other three families have been wary. They rarely come to harass the Lei family.

Lei Kai knows all this, it's Ye Yi's deterrent power!

Seriously speaking, he should thank Ye Yi.

After finishing the matter, Ye Yi quickly sent Lei Kai away.

He wanted to treat Lei Kai to a meal to thank him.

But Lei Kai also saw that Ye Yi was busy now.

He joked that he would give Ye Yi a meal later.

Of course, Ye Yi was very happy.

So after Lei Kai left, Ye Yi went back to the ward to accompany Wei Xin.

Seriously speaking, it was Ye Yi's fault.

It has been a long time since he had a good chat with Wei Xin.

With Ye Yi around,

Wei Xin slept more peacefully.

Ye Yi didn't return to the villa until the second half of the night.

Early the next morning.

Ye Yi received a strange call early.

This call has never been made before.

Ye Yi guessed who it was at a glance.

He was immediately happy!

"Hello, is this Mr. Ye? We met yesterday. I'm the one selling things on the street. My name is Mo Qingshan!"

Ye Yi immediately heard Mo Qingshan's voice on the phone.

Mo Qingshan called Ye Yi personally.

Of course there was a reason!

After a night of careful thinking, he had agreed. He agreed to help Ye Yi.

It was simple. Ye Yi was strong enough. At the age of 22, he became the fifth largest superpower in the Magic City, with more than 900 billion assets!

But now it seems to have increased, as if it is now 1 trillion assets!

But money is nothing.

The most important thing is that Ye Yi has stirred up the whole Magic City.

Even the Huo family can't do anything about it.

This means that following this Ye Yi, there is unlimited potential.

The key is that this young man is upright.

He doesn't look like a bad person.

It's good to follow this young man, and there is no need to go against conscience.

If they don't follow this young man, they won't even be able to eat. After comprehensive consideration, do you think he will agree?

On the one hand, there is unlimited potential, and on the other hand, they will starve to death!

Of course he agreed.

Ye Yi knew who the other party was and had guessed it a long time ago.

He smiled happily.

He had guessed that Mo Qingshan would agree.

"Master Mo wants to agree?"

Ye Yi smiled.

"Yes, we can help you, but let me make it clear that we don't bully people. We will only help you if you are right."

""Mr. Mo, do you think I'm a bad person?"

Ye Yi heard Mo Qingshan's words.

He smiled and asked

Mo Qingshan in return.

How could he, Ye Yi, do something bad?

So of course he asked Mo Qingshan in return.

"No, and the outside world has rumors that you are a senior member of the Dragon Group, and your style of doing things is very upright, so we are willing to work with you."

Mo Qingshan answered honestly.

What Mo Qingshan said was of course the truth.

Ye Yi smiled in his heart when he heard what Mo Qingshan said.

After a smile, Ye Yi agreed to meet at the sea view villa area.

Let Mo Qingshan and his apprentice take a taxi.

Of course, Mo Qingshan and his apprentice hurried over.

This is the only chance to hang out with big shots.

As soon as they arrived at Villa No. 1, Mo Qingshan and his apprentice saw the gorgeousness!

A villa worth 5 billion.

Mo Qingshan and his apprentice were shocked. They were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Meng Yi was in the villa. I don't know why two people suddenly came.

But he looked at Ye Yi and the others curiously.

Ye Yi smiled.

Since Mo Qingshan agreed to work for him.

Ye Yi was not stingy. He was stingy.

He directly transferred 100 million to Mo Qingshan and his apprentice!

Mo Qingshan and his apprentice were stunned.

He hasn't done anything yet and he's already taken 100 million.

Too rich, isn't he?

He is indeed the super rich man with a net worth of 1 trillion as rumored.

They were completely shocked.

They almost fainted from happiness.

Of course , Mo Qingshan was also embarrassed.

How could I have the nerve to take your money when the work hasn't been done yet ? So Mo Qingshan was very embarrassed.

But Mo Qingshan also knew that Ye Yi was not short of money.

So he didn't be polite to Ye Yi.

Sometimes being too polite would make things awkward.

He agreed to help Ye Yi and took Ye Yi's money.

At this moment, Mo Qingshan was brave and could be regarded as Ye Yi's subordinate.

Ye Yi smiled at Mo Qingshan.

"Mr. Mo, can you two introduce yourselves?"

Ye Yi only knew Mo Qingshan's name.

But he didn't know Ming Yong yet.

So he hoped that the two of them could introduce themselves.

Of course, there is no problem with that!

Ming Yong will introduce himself right away.

"Hello Mr. Ye, my name is Ming Yong, this is my master Mo Qingshan"

"My master is the head of the Quanjiao Sect."

Ming Yong immediately started to introduce himself.

Then Ming Yong introduced the glorious history of the Quanjiao Sect to Ye Yi!

Ye Yi then knew that the Quanjiao Sect was once a super big sect!

Even sixty years ago, there was a super master who was half a step into the divine realm.

Unfortunately, he suddenly disappeared mysteriously.

It turns out that the Quanjiao Sect had such a glorious past.

Ye Yi instantly felt that he had really found a treasure.

Ye Yi liked Mo Qingshan very much.

He liked him even more!

Of course, after liking him, he felt emotional.

After all, the head of a super sect fell to selling things on the street.

It was also fate.

Of course, this was also Mo Qingshan's bottom line.

If he was willing to do anything for the family, he would have been treated to good food and wine.

After introducing himself,

Mo Qingshan looked at Ye Yi and spoke.

"Mr. Ye saw through my cultivation level at a glance that day. Could he really be a super master?"

"It is rumored that Mr. Ye is a genius, so he became a senior member of the Dragon Group."

Mo Qingshan immediately looked at Ye Yi and said.

That day, Ye Yi saw his cultivation at a glance.

It really shocked him.

In addition, it is rumored that Ye Yi is a genius, so he became a senior member of the Dragon Group at such a young age.

Could it be that this young man is really a super master?

Mo Qingshan doesn't believe it!

Even his genius uncle didn't reach this level at such a young age.

So of course he didn't believe it.

Ye Yi smiled.

Seeing Mo Qingshan's doubts,

Ye Yi didn't explain.

He just smiled.

"Let's have a competition."

Mo Qingshan didn't dare to attack Ye Yi, because Ye Yi was his great benefactor. He was a great benefactor.

But since it was a competition, there was nothing to say. At most, he would just be cautious.

So he clasped his fists towards Ye Yi.

"Don't worry, just go all out, I'll be fine."

Ye Yi smiled.

Mo Qingshan then went all out.

Ye Yi just threw a light punch.

But Mo Qingshan retreated five or six steps, and his blood surged.

Soon Mo Qingshan was completely shocked.

His face turned pale.

How could he not be pale?

He was completely shocked and understood that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

A master.

At least more than the average high-level, stronger than him!

Mo Qingshan was extremely shocked.

Such a young super master? He has a bright future.

After being shocked, Mo Qingshan was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

Before, Ye Yi asked him, the head of the sect, to be his subordinate.

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