To be honest, Mo Qingshan was still a little unconvinced.

It was shameful for him to be a subordinate of a little brat!

But Ye Yi was a super master!

The ancient martial arts world was like this, with strength as the most respected.

Being able to be a subordinate of a super master like Ye Yi was not only not shameful.

At this moment, he felt extremely honored.

So he was extremely excited!

Moreover, he was already a super master at such a young age.

One could imagine how great his future would be.

Being able to follow Ye Yi was simply a great fortune against the sky!

He was even more excited.

Ye Yi didn't say anything nonsense, and drove the Rolls-Royce directly.

He took the two to Wei Xin.

Ye Yi needed to win over masters in order to cultivate power.

It's very simple that any power needs masters to protect it.

Without masters, it would be a piece of fat meat.

So Ye Yi needed masters.

And now that he has recruited masters, of course he will throw them to Wei Xin for command.

Because the power is under Wei Xin's control.

The masters are naturally under Wei Xin's control.

Of course, more importantly.

It is to protect Wei Xin!

Because Ye Yi does not need protection.

Instead, Wei Xin is the one who needs protection!

Soon they arrived at the hospital.

Ye Yi took the two to talk to Wei Xin. He immediately told the two to follow Wei Xin's arrangements in the future.

And to protect Wei Xin all the time. Of course, the two had no objection.

Anyway, it was Ye Yi who paid. He would do whatever Ye Yi asked them to do.

Ye Yi also asked Wei Xin's secretary to prepare two cars for the two masters.

Of course, Wei Xin's secretary had no objection.

This is a very simple matter.

Will the Super Group be short of cars? As many as you want.

After finishing the work, the two masters immediately went to the door to guard the ward!

Always keep a distance from Wei Xin.

But you can always sense danger.

Wei Xin already knew about the ancient martial arts masters and the family, so she was not surprised.

She not only knew this. She also knew that Ye Yi himself was a super master.

After doing these things, Ye Yi was relieved.

With the protection of two super masters, ordinary people can't expect to hurt Wei Xin.

Don't expect to touch the Ye Investment Consortium.

Ye Yi drove away.

On the way out, he received a message from Xiao Qianwei.

Ye Yi had a good impression of this girl.

So he started chatting with her like good friends.

In just a short while,

Ye Yi and Xiao Qian became good friends.

Xiao Qian was naturally very happy...

How could she not be happy?

This was a super boss.

It was an extremely honorable thing to be friends with a super boss...

In the afternoon, Xiao Qian went home.

Because Xiao Qian was a local of Shanghai and went to college in Shanghai, so basically every week, as long as she was free, she would go home to visit.

Xiao Qian's home was a villa located in the villa area.

Although it was not a very luxurious villa, it also cost 50 million yuan per set.

In other words, Xiao Qian's family had some money to live in the villa.

The villa was not far from Xiao Qian's school.

It only took half an hour by subway to get to the villa.

But as soon as she arrived at the door of her house, Xiao Qian was shocked.

Because Xiao Qian's father, although he was not very rich before, he also had five or six luxury cars.

But now, the five or six luxury cars that were driving in front of the house have disappeared.

Xiao Qian is a smart girl, she felt something was wrong instantly!

She went in immediately.

She found the house in a mess.

And more importantly, all the valuable things in the house had been moved away.

Only her mother was sitting on the sofa alone.

Her eyes were lifeless!

Xiao Qian was completely certain that a huge change must have happened in the family!

At the same time, her heart sank completely.

She was extremely desperate.

How could she not be desperate? Her parents are her most important relatives.

Her parents have also taken on too much for her.

To put it bluntly.

The kindness of her parents has not been repaid.

Nothing can happen to her parents!

Xiao Qian would rather die than have her parents get hurt!

Her heart sank even more.

She quickly hugged her mother!

Xiao Qian's mother is called Ruyi.

Ruyi is a harmonious and kind middle-aged woman.

It can be seen that she comes from a wealthy family and is well maintained.

But she is extremely haggard at this time.

It can be seen that something big has happened!

That's why she is so haggard.

In Xiao Qian's eyes, Ruyi is also the kindest and best mother in the world.

Xiao Qian couldn't help it.

""Did something big happen at home?"

Xiao Qian's tears flowed down uncontrollably!

She was not afraid of losing money, but she was afraid that her parents would leave her!

So she was extremely desperate at this moment.

She cried completely. Ruyi heard her daughter's words and then turned around to look at her daughter.

Although Ruyi was extremely desperate!

She even made up her mind to take medicine to kill herself!

But in front of her daughter, she still tried to pretend that nothing had happened.

"It's okay, what can happen to me?"

Ruyi forced a smile!

But the smile was too fake.

Xiao Qian was not a fool.

She was more certain that a huge change had happened at home.

She immediately hugged her mother and burst into tears

"Did something happen at home? Please don't hide it from me, please."

"It's okay...your dad and I may have to go to a very far place and won't be back for more than ten years. You have to take care of yourself, but you can't stay in Shanghai anymore. Your parents left you tens of millions."

"You have to move to another city, you can't stay in Modu."

Ruyi looked at her daughter and said.

She was still pretending.

But before she committed suicide, she left her daughter the last tens of millions.

You can see how pitiful parents are.

Xiao Qian was even more desperate!

She was completely desperate to the extreme.

How could she not see it? Her mother and father might have committed suicide!

So of course she was even more desperate.

She cried even more painfully.

She would rather die for her parents than for her parents to be like this.

But what ability did she have to save her parents? At this moment, she was even more desperate!

""Mom, what happened to you? If you don't tell me, I will commit suicide now and die in front of you!"

Xiao Qian picked up the fruit knife and put it directly against her neck!

Although she is weak, she is very strong when it comes to her parents!

Ruyi's face changed, and she quickly took the fruit knife away from her daughter.

Then she sighed.

Ruyi also understood her daughter's character.

She could say it and do it.

She knew that she might not be able to hide it from her daughter!

She could only sigh and say it!

But Ruyi herself didn't want to say it.

She would rather her daughter take the last tens of millions and go to live in another city...

She would rather die than let her daughter know the truth

"Your dad’s company is going bankrupt!"

"How is it possible? Didn't my dad just win a big order from a multinational company? Isn't it going to be listed soon?"

Xiao Qian was shocked! She couldn't believe it at all.

How could she believe it?

She knew her father's company.

Xiao Qian was also a hardworking and thrifty girl. She went to her father's company to help every holiday.

Her father's company was not big.

But it was definitely on the rise!

And it was favored by a world giant multinational company.

They signed a five-year contract directly.

It can be said that it will be listed soon.

It would be a shame for this big order if it didn't soar several times!

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