Why don't you understand?

I'm afraid he came here for Ye Yi.

"Long's Club, in order to regain his face, Zhang Kun really spent a lot of money"

"A few people play it and it starts at 100,000 yuan"

"There are about 100 people in our class, so we need at least 5 million to start."

"Five million! Zhang Kun really spent a lot of money this time. Long's Club is the most powerful and top club in Yangcheng. It is the club opened by the Long family, the first of the four wealthy families in Yangcheng."

"Let alone ordinary people, we are usually reluctant to go there!"

Liu Gui continued after he finished speaking.

He was right.

Long's Club is a club opened by the Long family, one of the four major wealthy families, and it is also the best club in the whole of Yangcheng.

No one else!

There are at least hundreds of clubs in Yangcheng, but none of them can compare to Long's Club. It is the top club.

Of course, Liu Gui has only been there once.

Although his family is rich, they are not so wasteful and go there often.

And Zhang Kun actually wants to invite their entire class to go, which will cost at least five million.

No wonder Liu Gui was so surprised.

When Ye Yi heard it, he understood the whole story.

It seems that Zhang Kun is not convinced and wants to spend money at Long's Club to get his face back.

Liu Gui said before that Zhang Kun was not convinced and shouted that he wanted to get his place back.

So Zhang Kun suddenly shouted that he wanted to invite the whole class to Long's Club.

Ye Yi was not surprised at all.

But not surprised or not surprised, what is Ye Yi's current identity?

The boss of a billion-dollar group.

He had seen I don't want to go to the so-called university anymore, especially when it comes to trivial matters like classmates' intrigues.

Now Ye Yi is surrounded by powerful young masters like Long Fei.

In the whole of Yangcheng, Ye Yi is also one of the richest.

How can he look down on a small figure like Zhang Kun?

An elephant will not pay attention to the provocation of an ant.

So of course Ye Yi ignored Zhang Kun's provocation.

If he wants to deal with Zhang Kun, he can destroy Zhang Kun's family with just one sentence. It just depends on whether it is necessary.

So of course he will not pay attention to Zhang Kun's provocation.

But although he didn't want to pay attention, Ye Yi was soon attracted.

The Long's Club opened by the Long family, one of the four major wealthy families?

Isn't Long Fei from the Long family!

Long Fei must also be a wealthy family, and Ye Yi knows very well that the Long family is very powerful.

But I don't know how many Long families there are in Yangcheng.

I don't know if the Long's Club is opened by Long Fei's family.

But Ye Yi just thought about it and soon ignored it.

Is it too lazy to care?

"What's up, Ye Yi, are you going to fight tonight?"

Qian San also looked at Ye Yi and asked immediately.

The three of them were very concerned about this sentence.

So they all looked at Ye Yi.

Ye Yi shook his head directly.

"Boring, not going!"

"You're not going? Then people will think we're scared, right?"

"Yes, how embarrassing it would be if we didn't go? Then Zhang Kun would speak ill of us in front of the whole school.

The four of us are one, so if we are embarrassed, we will be embarrassed together!

" Liu Gui almost collapsed when he heard Ye Yi's words.

He thought Ye Yi was scared.

If he didn't go, it would be so embarrassing.

Ye Yi was about to explain to Liu Gui.

But at this time Zhang Kun came.

Zhang Kun is a senior student.

What else can he do when he came to the junior year except provoking? Seeing Zhang Kun coming, the whole class gathered around him.

They knew that these two rich second-generations were going to fight to the death.

They all knew that there was something to watch.

So they all gathered around and watched it like a good show.

Zhang Kun looked at Ye Yi at this time, and his face was instantly ferocious.

How could he not be ferocious? He robbed many people's girlfriends, but all those whose girlfriends were robbed by him would be very painful.

And Zhang Kun also enjoys the feeling of torturing people.

That's why he has the habit of robbing other people's girlfriends.

But last time he ran into a wall with Ye Yi!

He had just announced that he had robbed Ye Yi's girlfriend, and he was slapped in the face by 80 million poison.

As a result, he not only failed to torture Ye Yi.

Instead, he was laughed at by the whole school.

Everyone knew that Zhang Kun had hit a wall, offended the super rich second generation, and was slapped in the face by Ye Yi.

Well, he, Zhang Kun, did not become famous, but Ye Yi became famous.

He, Zhang Kun, became a joke.

Of course, Zhang Kun could not stand it, so he wanted to get back at him.

In his opinion, Ye Yi was just a poor man.

How could he be a rich second generation.

Zhang Kun didn't believe it, so he spent five million yuan to book a private room in the Long Club tonight.

He wanted to let Ye Yi see what a rich second generation is.

He had to get back at him in the private room.

Of course, he had to embarrass Ye Yi in the private room.

He had to expose Ye Yi, the fake rich second generation!

In this way, the whole school would know who is the richest.

After the ferocious look, Zhang Kun of course looked at Ye Yi with a grim smile on his face.

It was as if he saw the scene of Ye Yi, the fake rich second generation, being exposed.

The moment he thought of this.

Zhang Kun's face was full of satisfaction.

It was as if he had seen Ye Yi helpless and being slapped in the face by him.

"Ye Yi, I have reserved a seat at the Long Club tonight and would like to invite all of your classmates to play. Do you dare to come?"

"Long's Club is the top club, poor people like you don't have the chance to play there."

After Zhang Kun's fierce expression, he immediately looked at Ye Yi and said,"

It's very unpleasant to hear this sentence.

This sentence is equivalent to a letter of challenge to Ye Yi.

When Ye Yi heard it, he just felt bored and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But at this time, the sound of the system in his mind suddenly rang out!

"Ding Dong, Zhang Kun's provocation detected, the system issued the latest task to slap Zhang Kun in the face"

""Complete and you will get a cash reward of 10 billion!"

The system voice sounded, prompting the latest task to be released.

You can get a cash reward of 10 billion by slapping Zhang Kun in the face!

Ye Yi was about to refuse. But he was attracted instantly.

How could he not be attracted? This is 10 billion in cash.

Ye Yi has a lot of assets now.

But the cash is not much, only a few billion in cash.

To be honest, there is still a sense of crisis.

After all, cash is very important!

And now the system has released a new task, and you can get a reward of 10 billion by slapping Zhang Kun in the face.

Isn't this God's help?

On the one hand, you can get 10 billion by slapping Zhang Kun in the face.

On the other hand, the system disappears if the task fails.

Even a fool knows what to choose.

Of course, accept the task.

Ye Yi is extremely grateful. Zhang Kun is simply sending him a reward! This is the first time he thinks Zhang Kun is so cute

"Okay, let's meet on time in the evening."

Ye Yi showed a standard smile.

Zhang Kun was even more proud when he heard it, and thought that Ye Yi would definitely make a fool of himself in the evening.

Thinking of this, he left even more proudly.

Looking forward to the evening!

Ye Yi was even more looking forward to it.

The three people on Liu Gui's side were confused. Ye Yi didn't want to go just now, so why did he suddenly agree to go?

It changed too quickly.

They soon thought that Ye Yi was young and energetic and couldn't stand Zhang Kun's provocation.

That's why he agreed to go.

Thinking of this, they all thought that this must be the case.

Otherwise, how could there be such a big change suddenly.

They were just overthinking.

Ye Yi went to slap Zhang Kun in the face purely for the reward.

Otherwise, who would be so bored, wouldn't it be nice to play Landlord?

Otherwise, Ye Yi would definitely not bother to go.

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