What Ye Yi didn't know was that as soon as he agreed to Zhang Kun,

Zhang Kun had already spread the news.

Zhang Kun might have been a self-media writer, so he was awesome at being a headline writer.

Rumors spread immediately, saying that Ye Yi was a fake rich second generation. Zhang Kun invited Ye Yi and his entire class to the Long's Club tonight to expose Ye Yi's fake rich second generation identity.

Not only did the news spread, Zhang Kun also sent his lackeys to promote it on the campus network of Shuangya University.

And they all used the dirty and vulgar writing style of self-media.

What about"Shocked that Shuangya University actually has a fake rich second generation, and Zhang Kun angrily exposes it"?》

《"Revealing the secrets of Ye Yi from Shuangya University, various fake rich second-generations, outrageous operations" and other titles.

Various titles are shocking. Clicking on them, you can see that they are all words without real evidence.

As the news spread.

It spread throughout the school in an instant, and the whole Shuangya University knew about it.

Ye Yi is now a celebrity at Shuangya University.

After all, he had become popular after slapping Zhang Kun in the face before, and rumors related to Ye Yi could instantly set off the hot spots of the whole school.

Soon after the whole school knew about it.

Many people were led astray by Zhang Kun.

They all thought that Ye Yi was a liar.

And those boys who were jealous of Ye Yi's handsomeness were even more jealous. They all wished that Ye Yi would be unlucky.

At this moment, of course, they fantasized that Ye Yi was a fake rich second-generation and would be exposed.

After all, Ye Yi was so handsome that he stole all their limelight.

Of course, they hoped that Ye Yi would be unlucky.

And a small number of them were Ye Yi's fans.

Ye Yi is now a serious school grass at Shuangya University, so of course there are many fans.

There is no one more handsome than Ye Yi in the whole school.

When the public opinion spread throughout the school, everyone was waiting to see Ye Yi laugh.

Ye Yi's little fan girl came out angrily to speak for justice.

Unfortunately, there were too few people to withstand the fierce public opinion.

So it didn't work.

Soon, as the public opinion spread throughout the school, most of the students in the school thought that Ye Yi was unlucky. They all looked forward to tonight.

It was as if they saw the scene of Ye Yi being exposed by Zhang Kun!

Thinking of this, they were even more looking forward to it.

Although they also hated Zhang Kun, a rich second-generation scum, but they hated Ye Yi, who was handsome, and they were also ordinary people, but they were better than them.

Ye Yi certainly didn't know about the public opinion of Shuangya University.

It was Liu Gui who told him that Ye Yi knew that he had become a hot spot under Zhang Kun's deliberate publicity.

But Ye Yi quickly chose to ignore it.

It was just the intrigue between students.

Ye Yi certainly didn't take it seriously.

Now, his mind is no longer in school.

But Liu Gui became more and more anxious.

What's wrong with this buddy?

Why is he not anxious at all?

Seeing that the night was coming, Ye Yi was not preparing at all.

Zhang Kun was going to make things difficult for Ye Yi!

Of course he was worried about Ye Yi.

At least he was worried about Ye Yi.

He was even thinking about how to help Ye Yi.

If it really didn't work, Liu Gui wanted to bite his teeth and pay 5 million, and get a private room to fight back.

Otherwise, he would definitely become a joke.

Last time, Ye Yi gave him 3 million, and if he asked his family for some pocket money, he could still get 5 million...

But Ye Yi was not interested in these at all. Liu Gui had no choice but to take it one step at a time.

Public opinion continued to stir, and the whole school was looking forward to tonight.

Of course, more people were ready to laugh at Ye Yi.

In this way, the night finally arrived.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, about 100 classmates in the class arrived at the Long's Club on time.

Ye Yi also came.

Ye Yi drove a Rolls-Royce.

He brought three good buddies and roommates.

It is indeed the Long's Club. It is really high-end here.

No wonder it is known as the most expensive club in Guangzhou.

Ye Yi was shocked.

Of course, it was just a shock, and Ye Yi didn't care anymore.

He quickly took Liu Gui, Yang Feng, and Qian San in together.

The classmates in the class were already inside, and had arrived a long time ago.

On the way to the private room, Ye Yi and the others were not panicked at all, but Liu Gui was panicked to death.

But Ye Yi didn't care at all.

He didn't have any preparation.

Liu Gui was even more anxious.

Zhang Kun was going to slap them in the face this time.

How could Ye Yi be so calm?

It's over, it's over, it's going to be embarrassing.

Liu Gui sighed in his heart.

The four roommates will rise and fall together.

Once they are embarrassed, it will not only be Ye Yi who will be embarrassed, but he will also be embarrassed.

So of course Liu Gui sighed in his heart.

Ye Yi didn't care, and he was going to see what Zhang Kun was up to first.

It was too easy for him to deal with Zhang Kun or slap Zhang Kun in the face.

But Ye Yi was going to see what Zhang Kun was going to do first.

Then Ye Yi would make a decision.

Soon the four of them arrived in the private room, and when they arrived in the private room, the eyes of the whole class turned to Ye Yi.

Today Ye Yi is one of the protagonists here.

They all wanted to see how Ye Yi would fight Zhang Kun.

But unfortunately,

Ye Yi was still unprepared.

Just as ordinary as usual.

Could it be that Ye Yi was really just a fake rich second generation?

The whole class was immediately disappointed.

Soon they looked at Ye Yi with contempt.

Before, they were a little skeptical. How could someone who could drive a luxury car be a fake rich second generation?

They still believed that Ye Yi was a rich second generation.

But looking at this scene,

Ye Yi dared to come here without any preparation, and obviously couldn't do anything to Zhang Kun.

This was definitely a fake rich second generation.

The classmates naturally looked down on him.

Mina was also holding Zhang Kun's hand in the crowd, although Zhang Kun was tired of playing with her.

But in order to humiliate Ye Yi, Zhang Kun didn't mind holding Mina's hand again.

At this moment, Mina saw Ye Yi, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

She had regretted losing Ye Yi before. But now she doesn't regret it.

It turns out that Ye Yi is actually a fake rich second generation!

She didn't believe it just now, but now she has to believe it after seeing this scene.

Facing Zhang Kun's humiliation, he had no way to deal with it and came to the appointment empty-handed.

If this isn't a fake rich second generation, then what is it?

After thinking about this, Mina not only did not regret it, but looked at Ye Yi with contempt.

Not only is he poor, but he actually pretends to be a rich second generation!

Of course, she looked at Ye Yi with disdain instantly. She felt that Ye Yi was a liar who made her the laughing stock of all the classmates in the school, and he deserved to be stepped on by Zhang Kun at this moment.

The more Mina thought about it, the more she looked down on Ye Yi.

Zhang Kun also had a sneer on his face at this moment.

Seeing that Ye Yi came here without any preparation, of course he was more certain that Ye Yi was a fake rich second generation.

At the same time, he sneered even more.

It seemed as if he saw a scene of Ye Yi being stepped on!

"Hey, isn't this Ye Yi, the famous rich second generation in our school? How come he came here empty-handed?"

"Why don't you prove your identity as a rich second generation? Haha, you are not a liar."

Zhang Kun deliberately mocked.

In order to humiliate Ye Yi, he said it louder.

The classmates around him heard it and pointed at him even more.

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