"Yes, Ye Yi!"

Qian San also spoke up immediately, saying that it was a pity to deceive us.

After that, Liu Gui immediately spoke up again.

"We haven't visited Villa No. 1, which is worth three billion dollars. Can you take us there tomorrow?"

"I want to go too!"

Yang Feng also spoke excitedly.

Who wouldn't want to go and see the No. 1 villa worth 3 billion?

Hearing this, the other students in the field also spoke up.

"I want to go too"

"I want to go too"

"Can I go too?"

Only Mina was so sad that she almost fainted after hearing what her classmates said!

Zhang Kun's family's total assets are only a few billion, and Ye Yi's purchase of Villa No. 1 is worth 3 billion! He is dozens of times richer than Zhang Kun's family!

And she actually gave up Ye Yi for such a scumbag Zhang Kun.

Mina felt breathless and was about to faint.

Ye Yi saw that most of the classmates in the class were shouting that they wanted to go to Villa No. 1.

He was speechless.

But it was nothing to go to the villa, and it wouldn't take much effort.

Ye Yi could only agree.

It's just a simple thing anyway.

Just go and pick up the classmates tomorrow.

"Okay then, no problem. It’s easy to go to Villa No. 1, so there’s only one class tomorrow morning, right?"

"After the class, I will arrange a car to pick you up. All the classmates, please come."

Ye Yi smiled cheerfully.

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Liu Gui was of course overjoyed!

How could he not be overjoyed?

This is Villa No. 1, which is worth 3 billion.

Their family also lives in a villa, but it is nothing compared to Villa No. 1.

So of course Liu Gui wanted to see it.

The classmates in the class were even happier, and they all said to Ye Yi,"That's a deal."

Soon, Long Fei changed the best private room for Ye Yi and his friends.

It was also the Emperor's private room.

It was changed for free.

The classmates felt Ye Yi's power even more. In order to please Ye Yi, Young Master Long actually changed the private room to the Emperor's private room.

They worshipped this classmate even more.

Ye Yi saw that Long Fei changed the private room for them for free, but he didn't say anything.

This little money There is no need to be unnecessarily polite. Being unnecessarily polite would only make it seem awkward.

Ye Yi could easily repay this favor when he had the chance.

So Ye Yi didn't care.

After changing to the private room, Long Fei didn't disturb Ye Yi and his group.

So he left.

The Emperor's private room is much better than the ordinary ones. The drinks and food are also several levels higher. The students had a great time!

Liu Gui is the one who has seen the most of the world among the students.

But Liu Gui was full of praise.

Liu Gui had never seen anything of this level.

You can imagine how luxurious the Emperor's private room is.

Ye Yi didn't bother to care about the Emperor's private room.

He was just wondering why the system reward hadn't come yet?

Finally at this time, the voice of the dear system finally sounded!

"Congratulations to the host for successfully slapping Zhang Kun in the face, completing the task, and receiving a cash reward of 10 billion. The cash reward of 10 billion has been received."

I heard the system voice.

Although it was cold, Ye Yi felt it was too kind.

Then he looked at his phone and it really prompted an extra 10 billion.

Now Ye Yi has more than 11 billion in cash. To be frank, he should be one of the few people in Yangcheng with the most cash.

That's how awesome it is.

After all, there are not many people in Yangcheng who can take out 10 billion in cash in an instant.

Seeing the cash arrive, Ye Yi was of course very happy. He simply loves Zhang Kun to death.

This guy not only gave him face, but also gave him 10 billion in cash.

Of course, Ye Yi was soon speechless.


Is there no extra reward this time?

Only 10 billion in cash?

Ye Yi was anxious now.

He completed the task perfectly, there should be no extra reward.

I was just worrying.

The system continued to ring!

"Considering that the host's face-slapping level this time is super perfect, I will make an exception and reward him with an office building worth 6 billion in the center of Yangcheng."

"At present, the office building has been paid for, and the host is just waiting for the signature and transfer tomorrow."

The system voice continued to prompt.

As expected by Ye Yi, he completed the task very successfully this time.

There is an extra reward.

And this extra reward is an office building worth 6 billion.

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Yi was instantly overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

This is an office building worth 6 billion. Ye Yi was so happy that he could hardly speak.

An extra office building worth 6 billion was rewarded.

Ye Yi was of course very happy. He just felt that this mission was really profitable.

Alas, the only headache is that he has to go to transfer the ownership tomorrow.

It's so annoying!

If others knew that Ye Yi had 6 billion and was still bothered by the trouble of transferring the ownership,

I guess everyone in Yangcheng would beat him to death.

After getting the reward, Ye Yi didn't care anymore. He just started playing with his classmates.

He had never been to the club before, so he naturally played a little, and it was with his classmates.

It was probably the only chance.

Graduation would be coming soon.

After graduation, we would never see each other again.

Of course, Ye Yi hoped to have a good time before parting.

Now Ye Yi is the idol of the whole class, and everyone wants to stick to Ye Yi.

The girls even scrambled to squeeze next to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was surrounded by tenderness several times.

Ye Yi was scared!

The most disappointed person in the crowd was of course Mina.

She wanted to get close.

But she knew that she was no longer qualified...

Soon At two o'clock in the morning, they finally dispersed.

When the classmates arrived at the door, Long Fei personally arranged a team of luxury cars to send Ye Yi's classmates home.

He gave Ye Yi the utmost face.

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This time he owed a big favor. Young Master Long was so good to him, and Ye Yi had enough to repay the favor.

After Young Master Long sent all the classmates home.

Ye Yi thanked Young Master Long and naturally went home. He went back to his Villa No. 1.

Ye Yi got up very early in the morning.

Although he didn't go to bed until three in the morning, there were a lot of things to do today, so Ye Yi had to get up early.

And the reason why Ye Yi got up so early was naturally because of the transfer of ownership.

He had to get the transfer done quickly.!

Not only the transfer of ownership, but also the classmates have to be brought to the villa.

If you count carefully, there are a lot of things to do this morning.

So Ye Yi got up so early.

Of course, there was a class at school this morning, but Ye Yi really didn't want to go.

Anyway, he is so rich, so he might as well not go to school.

At worst, he can talk to the teacher later.

Ye Yi made up his mind.

After breakfast, Ye Yi arranged two nannies and asked them to prepare a big meal at noon today.

Ye Yi planned to invite his classmates to a party in the villa.

So of course it had to be arranged in advance.

The nannies immediately said it was no problem.

Ye Yi was relieved.

Just after arranging things, he received a strange call.

"Hello Mr. Ye, I am Mr. Chen from the office building. You have already completed the payment yesterday. We have agreed to sign today so that the office building can be transferred to you."

"So when are you free?"

Mr. Chen on the phone asked politely.

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