This is the person who took out 6 billion to buy his office building directly!

Of course he is polite.

Although Ye Yi looks young, Chen Sheng dare not offend Ye Yi at all.

When Ye Yi heard it, he immediately smiled happily.

The system has already said that the transfer will be made tomorrow, and now is the time.

So Ye Yi naturally has no problem and said that he will go to the site to sign immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Yi directly drove away with 80 million poison.

Because the office building is in the city, it is a little far from the city.

So it takes a little time.

Ye Yi drove the poison faster. It takes about 40 minutes in the city, and Ye Yi's poison arrived in 20 minutes.

You can see how powerful it is.

Soon they arrived at the downstairs of the agreed office building.

Ye Yi finally saw the office building rewarded by the system.

It is not high, only more than 20 floors.

But it is still very large.

And the key is that this is an office building in the city center, which is worth a lot of money, definitely more than 6 billion.

6 billion is still a very cost-effective price.

Ye Yi was quite satisfied at first sight.

How could he not be satisfied?

Soon he called Chen Sheng and Ye Yi went directly to the top floor.

I met Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen was about fifty years old.

When he saw Ye Yi, Mr. Chen was shocked.

He had imagined that Ye Yi was very young, but he didn't expect him to be so young.

Mr. Chen is not an ordinary person.

He knows that there are such things as aristocratic families in the world.

This young man bought a 6 billion office building at such a young age. He is definitely a young master from aristocratic family.

Mr. Chen was even more shocked.

Of course, he was more polite to Ye Yi.

At this time, in addition to Mr. Chen, there was another woman in the room.

A woman who looked pretty.

Mr. Chen quickly shook hands with Ye Yi, and then introduced Ye Yi to

"Hello Mr. Ye Yi, I am Mr. Chen"

"This is the manager of Sun Properties. She came to you hoping to continue working with you."

"When I owned the office building, I entrusted it to Sun Property Management, and they have been managing it well."

"Now the boss of the office building has changed, so the manager came to ask if Mr. Ye Yi is willing to continue to let them manage it."

Mr. Chen briefly introduced the whole thing to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi is also a smart man, and he understood it as soon as he heard it.

It turned out to be the property company.

The property company also needs customers. If the boss changes and drives them away, it will be a big loss.

So it is normal for the property company to come to Ye Yi for cooperation and beg Ye Yi to give her the order.

The female manager immediately introduced herself.

"Hello Mr. Ye, my name is Wu Xiu. May I ask if you are willing to let us continue to manage the office building?"

Wu Xiu asked very politely and pleadingly.

This is a big client of their company.

Such a big office building, how much money is the property fee every year.

If Ye Yi doesn't want them, then they will suffer a huge loss.

Wu Xiu will also be deducted a lot of bonuses, and even her job will be in question.

Ye Yi had no objection when he heard it.

He didn't have much time to manage it.

Of course, it would be better to let the property company manage it.

Otherwise, expect Ye Yi to have time to manage it?

If Wu Xiu was driven away, Ye Yi would not know where to find the property management.

So Ye Yi agreed immediately.

"No problem, I will continue to use you, but we agreed to sign a contract once a year. If your property company does not provide good service, I will drive you away."

Ye Yi readily agreed.

But Ye Yi is very smart and gave him a shot of prevention.

You have to do a good job.

Otherwise, if you do not do well, I will replace you. Don't blame me for being angry.

Ye Yi is not a stupid son of a landlord.

He knows the principle of giving a candy after a stick.

Wu Xiu was very excited. Their company was famous for its good service.

There was no problem at all, it was easy to satisfy Ye Yi.

Signing a contract for one year would be no problem.

As long as Ye Yi, a big customer, was kept.

Of course, she was very happy. She thanked Ye Yi again and again.

Chen Sheng quickly signed a contract with Ye Yi, and Ye Yi After checking the contract and finding no problem, he signed the contract.

In this way, the office building was officially transferred to Ye Yi's name.

It officially became Ye Yi's property.

After the transfer of the office building was completed, Mr. Chen left.

He could leave as the boss had changed.

Only Wu Xiu was left here to introduce the general situation of the office building to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi didn't care about the property management company.

The property management company was fine, and Ye Yi only had to collect rent.

In the future, Ye Yi would be the evil landlord. It was worrying enough to think about it.

After Mr. Chen left.

It was Wu Xiu who looked at Ye Yi and spoke.

"Mr. Ye, the tenants in the office building want to meet you and ask if you are still willing to rent the office building to them."

"These tenants are owners of small and medium-sized companies and are also tenants of office buildings."

"What do you think?"

Wu Xiu asked Ye Yi politely.

She asked Ye Yi if he wanted to meet these tenants.

She was telling the truth.

These tenants really wanted to meet Ye Yi to discuss whether they could continue to renew the lease.

If Ye Yi did not agree, their company would have to move.

Of course, they were willing to continue renting to these people!

Need I say more?

Ye Yi agreed directly.

If he did not rent to these people, he would have to find other tenants.

Ye Yi did not have the time.

As for meeting the tenants, it would not take long.

He nodded immediately.

"OK, then let's meet the tenants."

""Okay, how about we meet downstairs? I'll ask those bosses to come out?"

Wu Xiu asked happily.

Ye Yi had no objection.

Soon the tenants came out one after another.

There were about 20 to 30 people.

Don't underestimate these 20 to 30 people. They are all bosses of small and medium-sized companies.

They are also tenants of Ye Yi's office building.

In big cities, these dozens of people are also considered to be people of some value.

At this moment, these tenants were shocked to see that the new boss of the office building was so young.



They all knew that the office building was sold for 6 billion. The person who bought the office building was such a young person?

This cost 6 billion!

To be so young and come up with 6 billion, his identity and background must be scary.

Of course, they were all shocked.

After being shocked.

There were also female bosses among the tenants.

Those young and beautiful female bosses saw that Ye Yi was so young and handsome.

The key is that he was so rich.

Their eyes lit up.

They wanted to pounce on Ye Yi.

Looking at Ye Yi, his eyes were about to pop out!

How could it be otherwise?

At this moment, Ye Yi was rich and handsome, and his charm was endless.

These female bosses couldn't resist him at all.

Fortunately, Ye Yi didn't notice.

Otherwise, they would be scared to death.

Ye Yi saw these tenant bosses.

These tenants couldn't control themselves and hurried towards Ye Yi.

It was related to whether they could continue to rent the office building, and they were all anxious.

If there was such an affordable office building, and the boss was willing to continue renting it, they would also be very happy.

So of course, each of them was anxious.

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