"Boss Ye, I wonder if we can continue to rent the office building?"

The first tenant spoke up immediately.

Hearing this, the other tenants also spoke up.

Ye Yi motioned for everyone to be quiet.

So everyone was quiet.

Ye Yi then spoke up.

"Don't worry, I will continue to rent it to you, and I will not raise the rent for the time being."

Ye Yi replied.

In fact, these people are willing to rent even if Ye Yi raises the price a little. After all, it is customary to raise the rent once a year.

But after having the system, Ye Yi already has more money than he can spend.

So he doesn't care about this rent.

He simply won't raise the rent.

As long as this office building is not abandoned.

As long as someone rents it, it's fine.

Hearing Ye Yi's words, these tenants were more excited than each other.

How could they not be excited?

He was actually willing to rent it to them!

And without raising the rent.

The rent here is already more cost-effective, and there is no rent increase this year.

That's even more cost-effective.

They were all very happy.

After all, it is such a cost-effective place and there is no need to move, and the rent can be saved a lot every year in the future.

The female tenants' eyes are even more shining.

Of course, their eyes are shining at such a handsome, generous and wealthy young man.

It's a pity that they also know themselves.

Although their eyes are shining, they also know that Ye Yi is such an outstanding man, he will not lack girlfriends.

After talking with the tenants.

The tenants went back one after another.

Ye Yi was relieved.

Ye Yi doesn't have to worry about anything here.

Including collecting rent and water and electricity bills, all are services provided by the property company.

Every month, the money is deposited into Ye Yi's bank account. Cary.

That is to say, Ye Yi only needs to be a hands-off boss. After

Ye Yi finished his work, he left naturally.

Ye Yi went directly back to Shuangya University.

Back to Shuangya University, Ye Yi took Liu Gui there.

It was agreed that all the classmates in the class would go to Ye Yi's Villa No. 1 to see it this morning.

It must be necessary to drive more cars to bring all the classmates.

Ye Yi can't drive two cars by himself.

So take Liu Gui.

This way, you can drive one more car.

Liu Gui has long wanted to drive Ye Yi's luxury car.

That's called happiness.

Whether it is poison or Rolls-Royce, they are cars that he can only drive in his dreams.

So he didn't There is no displeasure.

Ye Yi immediately took Liu Gui back to Villa No. 1.

Then Liu Gui drove the poison, and Ye Yi drove the Rolls-Royce and set off.

Liu Gui had wanted to drive the poison for a long time.

It was just right for Liu Gui to drive it.

Liu Gui felt very happy along the way.

While Ye Yi drove the car, he took Liu Gui to buy wine first.

After all, the whole class was having dinner at home today, and it would not be possible without wine.

Ye Yi came to the best winery in Yangcheng.

Buy wine with Liu Gui.

Seeing two luxury cars parked outside, the boss personally came out to greet them respectfully.

This is 80 million poison.

Those who can open a winery are very discerning.

"Ye Yi, are you here to buy wine?"

"I plan to invite the whole class to my villa for a party."

Ye Yi smiled.

He didn't hide it.

Liu Gui didn't say anything and followed him in.

The boss introduced various fine wines to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi didn't say much and chose a red wine that cost 300,000 yuan a bottle, saying that he would buy five boxes directly.

One box cost 3 million, and five boxes cost 15 million.

Ye Yi paid directly.

But Liu Gui was shocked by Ye Yi's generosity.

Oh my God, it's just to invite classmates to dinner, is it necessary to buy 15 million yuan of wine?

This is a red wine that costs 300,000 yuan a bottle.

Liu Gui is not that extravagant, he has never drunk it!

Not to mention him, his father has never drunk it.

The older generation is so frugal, how could they bear to spend money like this.

"Ye Yi, are you sure you want to treat your classmates to a bottle of wine worth 300,000 yuan? You are such a spendthrift. This wine is better than Lafite."

"Don't even mention my classmates, even my dad has never drunk it."

"Three hundred thousand for a bottle of red wine, this is too extravagant, you are a rich man!"

Liu Gui looked at Ye Yi and asked.

He confirmed again whether Ye Yi was going to be so desperate.

Ye Yi didn't care.

"It's only 300,000 yuan a piece. Stop talking nonsense and move quickly. We have to pick someone up later, big brother."

"It's just a few bucks."

Ye Yi said he didn't care.

But Liu Gui was even more shocked by Ye Yi's words.

Fifteen million doesn't matter.

This is a real rich man.

He worshipped him completely.

Of course, after worshipping him, Liu Gui thought of what Ye Yi did.

Thirty million to set off fireworks once.

Three billion to buy villa number one.

Eighty million to buy poison.

It seems that this big brother never lacks money!

Fifteen million is really nothing.

Thinking of this, he said nothing, and said nothing.

All the worship turned into words that did not need words.

After buying the red wine, Ye Yi did not go directly.

Instead, he went to the car rental company with Liu Gui.

There were about a hundred students in the class.

How could their two cars carry a hundred people?

So he had to go to a car rental company to rent a car.

Ye Yi didn't rent a bus, which was not good enough. He directly rented 20 Mercedes-Benz.

After calculating, it was enough, just enough for all the classmates.

After renting, Ye Yi paid.

It was quite cheap to rent so many cars for only 200,000 yuan a day.

And the driver was also paid by the car rental company.

Liu Gui was overwhelmed by Ye Yi's awesomeness.

He didn't know what to say for a long time.

Finally, thousands of words converged into a thumbs up.

Rich man!

Just like this, Ye Yi drove a Rolls-Royce.

Liu Gui drove a poison.

Then he drove to Shuangya University with 20 Mercedes-Benz behind him.

When they arrived at the gate, such a magnificent convoy of course shocked the entire Shuangya University!

Countless girls Zidu looked at Ye Yi with shining eyes.

They wanted to pounce on Ye Yi.

Ye Yi didn't care about that.

He waited for his classmates to arrive.

Soon, classmates came out one after another.

Under the envious eyes of all classmates in the school, Ye Yi's motorcade picked up the people and went to Villa No. 1 in a mighty manner. It took about ten minutes to finally arrive at Villa No. 1.

Fortunately, Villa No. 1 is very large, and it is more than enough to accommodate 200 cars.

Not to mention 22 cars!

After parking the car.

The whole class was shocked, even Liu Gui was shocked.

Liu Gui can be regarded as one of the richest people in the family.

But he has never lived in such a luxurious villa.

How can this be a villa?

My God, it's simply a palace.

And Gao Golf court.

Football field. Basketball court.

And such a big outdoor swimming pool.

Liu Gui was dumbfounded and admired Ye Yi with all his heart.

The whole class was shocked.

After being shocked, they all posted on their Moments.

Of course, they admired Ye Yi even more.

The classmates quickly went swimming happily, and some went to play golf.

The servants started to cook.

The female classmates in the class wanted to be Ye Yi's girlfriend right there. They would do whatever Ye Yi wanted.

Of course, Ye Yi would not look down on them!

Mina was the only one in the crowd who regretted it very much.

All of this could have been hers.

She was the hostess of the luxurious Villa No. 1. But she pushed all of this away by herself. The more Mina thought about it, the more she regretted it.

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