Soon they entered the house.

The classmates were instantly even more shocked. They were completely stunned by the luxury of the house.

This... there is such a big swimming pool outside, and there is actually a swimming pool on each floor!

And there are so many antique paintings and calligraphy hanging on the wall.

So rich and inhumane!

They could only think of an idiom to describe it.

Liu Gui was even more envious.

He had no choice but to hold Ye Yi's arm again and said that he would marry Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was so angry that his face turned black and he directly said"get out".

But Liu Gui was"shy" and would never let go of Ye Yi's hand.

Everyone around laughed.

The classmates had a lot of fun, and soon it was time for lunch.

The nanny prepared a very rich meal.

There were lobsters and seafood, which made the classmates exclaim instantly!

Liu Gui sneered

"You country bumpkins are all amazed by this. Have you ever seen this before?"

Liu Gui smiled jokingly at the students and took out the red wine he bought.

The students only felt that it looked familiar, but they didn't know much about it.

No wonder they didn't know much about it.

They were all students and it was rare for them to drink red wine, especially such a good red wine.

"This is one of the best red wines in the world, 300,000 yuan a bottle. Ye Yi and I just went to buy it."

"You are so lucky. Ye Yi bought these wines specially to treat you to dinner, and he spent 15 million."

Liu Gui said to the classmates with a smile.

But when he said this, the classmates were shocked.

What 300,000 yuan a bottle?

15 million to buy wine?

Just to treat them!

They had never seen so much money before, and of course everyone was shocked.

They couldn't even think of a bottle of red wine worth 300,000 yuan.

How could it not be a sensation?

The classmates quickly rushed to scan it and found that it was indeed a top-grade red wine worth 300,000 yuan a bottle.

It was even more sensational.

Everyone looked at Ye Yi with stars in their eyes.

15 million to treat them to a drink, this is too rich.

Ye Yi waved his hand and smiled, indicating that it was nothing.

But the classmates couldn't control themselves, and quickly took pictures and posted them on WeChat Moments.

A bottle of red wine worth 300,000 yuan must be pretended!

In this way, the whole class spontaneously posted on WeChat Moments.

Soon it spread throughout Shuangya University in an instant.

The whole Shuangya University was It was a complete sensation!

Shuangya University, the whole school was in an instant.

All the students of Shuangya University saw the red wine distributed by Ye Yi's class.

Red wine worth three hundred thousand yuan a bottle.

How could it not be a sensation for such a rich man?

The whole school was in an instant.

They all envied that there was a super rich man in their class who could enjoy red wine worth three hundred thousand yuan a bottle.

How could they not be envious?

It was a pity that their class did not have one.

And after the envy.

Even more shocking news spread throughout the school.

It instantly spread to every student.

All the students knew that it turned out that Ye Yi was not only a super rich second generation.

He was also the owner of Villa No. 1.

That was a super villa worth three billion.

The whole school was naturally in an instant.

And it was a complete sensation.

This was a super villa worth three billion. How much money must Ye Yi have to be able to buy it directly!

The whole school was shocked!

As for the female... The classmates' eyes were all shining. They wished they could become Ye Yi's girlfriend.

Who doesn't like a rich and handsome guy?

After being shocked, countless classmates were ashamed.

Before, they were misled by Zhang Kun and thought that Ye Yi was a fake rich second generation.

It turned out that he was not only real.

He was also a super rich second generation.

Three billion to buy Villa No. 1, and thirty million to set off fireworks.

Who can do this?

Only a super rich second generation.

All the classmates were ashamed.

What's more, the fact that Zhang Kun was slapped in the face by Ye Yi last night has spread throughout the school.

All the students in the school know about it.

They are even more ashamed, and at the same time they admire Ye Yi even more. Zhang Kun was also looking at the pictures sent by his classmates at this time.

His face was completely black.

Ye Yi is not only a good brother with Long Shao, but also the owner of Villa No. 1?

This is Villa No. 1 worth three billion. , even if Zhang Kun sold his family, he couldn't afford it.

And Ye Yi actually lived in Villa No. 1 at such a young age.

Zhang Kun was of course shocked.

Of course he was deeply surprised. At the same time, he was also deeply powerless.

At this time, Zhang Kun wanted to stay away from Ye Yi, not to mention fighting with Ye Yi. He didn't even dare to provoke Ye Yi.

He knew it very well.

He couldn't afford to provoke Ye Yi's awesome background.

And now Ye Yi bought more than Villa No. 1. He actually spent 15 million to treat his classmates to drinks?

That kind of wine even Zhang Kun couldn't afford!

Zhang Kun was of course completely overwhelmed by Ye Yi.

After being overwhelmed.

Zhang Kun felt even more ashamed and didn't even want to go to school.

Before, he mocked Ye Yi for being a fake rich second generation, but now he was completely slapped in the face by Ye Yi.

Ye Yi is not only a real rich second generation, but also a super rich second generation.

Now Zhang Kun has become a joke.

He can feel the eyes of all the students in the school looking at him!

So Zhang Kun is of course even more ashamed and embarrassed to stay here.

Ye Yi certainly didn't know what was happening in the school at this time.

He didn't know that his actions had caused another sensation in the school.

Soon, lunch was over.

The lunch was so sumptuous, and even the red wine was so expensive.

Of course, the students had a lot of fun.

Especially in the face of such expensive red wine, even many students who don't drink alcohol tried it specially.

And they couldn't stop after tasting it.

In this way, the party ended quickly, and the students had a great time.

Three of the five boxes of red wine were drunk.

Ye Yi asked Liu Gui to take the remaining two boxes back home. He could take them directly to the next class reunion.

Liu Gui and his classmates were really embarrassed. They had spent a lot of money on Ye Yi.

Still want to take red wine back?

So of course they were embarrassed.

But Ye Yi didn't care, of course, he didn't take it seriously.

Just let them take it back.

Liu Gui had no choice.

He had to agree.

But the students admired Ye Yi's wealth and generosity even more.

The male students also admired Ye Yi even more.

After the students finished their meal, of course they were ready to go back.

Ye Yi asked the people from the car rental company to start sending the students back.

Twenty cars just fit.

When the students go back, the nanny will clean up here.

This is also the benefit of having a nanny.

Ye Yi felt more and more emotional. It was absolutely right to hire a nanny.

Otherwise, he would be exhausted just by cleaning up.

Can you still be so comfortable?

The classmates finally left, and Ye Yi of course took a rare nap.

It was afternoon.

Ye Yi also had classes in the afternoon.

But Ye Yi really didn't want to go to class. After having the system, he would not be short of money at all, and he didn't need to find a job, so Ye Yi certainly didn't want to go to class. He decided not to go to class in the afternoon.

Of course, if he didn't go to class all the time, Ye Yi was also worried that the teacher would have an opinion. But there was no other way at the moment. Ye Yi did have a lot of things to do. He could only skip classes for the time being. So he just stayed in his villa and took a rest.

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