It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Yi was taking a break.

He finally had time to play his beloved Landlord, but he didn't expect that a phone call would come at this time.

Ye Yi looked at it and was immediately helpless.

It was the head teacher who called.

Obviously, because Ye Yi had not been to school for the whole day, the head teacher called to inquire about the situation.

Ye Yi understood it at a glance.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still picked up the phone immediately.

Ye Yi's head teacher is Qiu Dan, who is also a beautiful middle-aged woman.

She is usually very nice to Ye Yi and his friends.

To be honest, Ye Yi still likes this head teacher very much. After the call was connected, Qiu Dan immediately asked on the phone

"Ye Yi, why didn't you come to school today?"

Qiu Dan has a good temper.

Even if she is a little angry, her voice still sounds very gentle. When

Ye Yi heard the voice of the head teacher, he didn't know how to answer.

After thinking about it, he could only tell the truth.

Ye Yi said it directly.

"Yes, teacher, I started a business during college and made a lot of money. Now my business is quite big."

"So I really can't balance my studies, and I have very little time to study for the rest of my studies."

Ye Yi decided to tell the truth.

But he made some money by starting a business.

Of course he couldn't tell anyone about getting the system, and no one would believe him even if he did.

Qiu Dan also knew that Ye Yi made a lot of money, and it seemed that he was a super rich second generation.

The whole school was in an uproar.

How could she not know?

Yesterday, the classmates in the class were showing off the 15 million red wine that Ye Yi treated, and she saw it.

So of course she knew that Ye Yi was very rich.

And he was not just rich.

Qiu Dan was also quite shocked.

Although Ye Yi was handsome, she had never realized that Ye Yi was actually a super rich second generation.

Of course, that was shocking.

And he was so rich!

That surprised her.

This was 15 million to treat classmates to drinks. How rich can you be so powerful?

Ye Yi had always performed mediocrely in the class before.

Qiu Dan really didn't realize that Ye Yi was so powerful.

So she was extremely shocked.

But shocking aside.

Qiu Dan quickly put on a stern face and educated Ye Yi.

This is also the attitude of a teacher. Teachers like to educate people

"Ye Yi, teacher also knows that you are very rich now. You have made some money from starting a business, right?"

"But you have to know that money is empty and can't bring you anything."

"Education is what stays with you for a lifetime"

"You have gone to college for three years with great difficulty. You are about to start internship in your senior year and get your diploma soon. You want to give up at this critical moment?"

Qiu Dan advised Ye Yi earnestly. She hoped that Ye Yi would return to school and study quickly to get his diploma as soon as possible.

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If he had time, he would also like to go to school.

But he really couldn't squeeze out the time.

Ye Yi had no choice but to explain to the teacher and then asked for the teacher's bank card number.

Qiu Dan was shocked.

Why did the student want my bank card number?

She had already guessed something!

Her face changed drastically.

This is the legendary super rich second generation.

The teacher couldn't help but have some wild thoughts.

In the end, she gave it to Ye Yi.

She didn't know why, but she gave it to him for some reason.

Ye Yi didn't say anything nonsense and directly transferred five million.

When she received the text message reminder,

Qiu Dan's face had changed from good-looking to shocked.

Five million was transferred casually.

How much money would Ye Yi have?

She couldn't imagine.

But it was certain that she would have a lifetime of money with him. There is so much money to count!

Qiu Dan was distressed after being shocked.

But she still sent a WeChat to Ye Yi and agreed that Ye Yi could do business.

But Ye Yi still has to go back to school to attend classes if he has time.

Otherwise, she can't explain to the principal.

Qiu Dan didn't want to agree.

She wanted to advise Ye Yi to focus on his studies.

But Ye Yi gave too much.

She couldn't help but change her attitude. Money is also very important!

Ye Yi was overjoyed when he saw Qiu Dan's WeChat.

The teacher agreed, so of course he was overjoyed.

This means that he can go to school whenever he wants in the future.

If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't have to go.

Soon Ye Yi went to play games happily, playing his beloved Landlord.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

Ye Yi had just finished dinner when he received a call from Long Shao.

Long Fei would never call him under normal circumstances.

Now there is a sudden call, there must be something wrong.

So Ye Yi answered it immediately.

""Brother Ye."

Long Fei's voice came from the phone.

Ye Yi immediately called him"Brother Long" very politely.

Long Fei gave Ye Yi a lot of face. Ye Yi was like this. If you give me face, I will give you ten times the respect.

In other words, he had a very good impression of Long Fei.

"Brother Ye, this is the case. We have consulted the best master in Yangcheng and tomorrow morning is the best time."

"Do you have time tomorrow morning? If you have time, we can hold the check-in ceremony tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry, I have followed your request and made it very simple. There are only a few people and it is definitely very low-key."

Long Fei asked on the phone.

He came here for the move-in ceremony.

Originally, this kind of thing should be done by the company's junior employees.

But facing the eldest son of a super family, Long Fei did it himself in order to show his goodwill to Ye Yi!

When Ye Yi heard it, he immediately smiled happily.

A woman had asked him about the move-in ceremony before, and Ye Yi still remembered it.

The woman was an employee of Long's Real Estate. Now Ye Yi was not surprised that Young Master Long called him personally. They were originally from the same company.

As for the move-in ceremony being held tomorrow.

Of course, Ye Yi had no objection.

What objection could he have?

He happened to have time tomorrow.

""Okay, I have time tomorrow."

Ye Yi was most afraid of being high-profile. When he heard Long Fei say that the scale had been reduced, he felt relieved and agreed immediately.

Long Shao was also satisfied and very happy.

He immediately thought of the business again, so he asked

"Brother Ye Yi is like this. In life, you always need connections to be at ease everywhere, right? The move-in ceremony is held to let you get to know the owners here better."

"The owners here are all well-known people."

"Tomorrow I plan to introduce you to some young men and women. These are the young masters and young women of the four major wealthy families in Yangcheng. They all have very powerful energy."

"Brother Ye, it will be very beneficial to make friends with them. Brother Ye, do you think you are willing to meet them?"

Long Fei asked immediately.

This was also his real purpose. He planned to introduce the young masters and young ladies of the other three families to Ye Yi.

After knowing that Ye Yi might be the eldest son of a super family, the other three families wanted to make friends with him very much.

So they found Long Fei and asked Long Fei to help introduce him.

It is also common for other wealthy families to intrigue against each other, and you swallow me today and I swallow you tomorrow.

The wealthy families are not as calm as they seem on the surface, and they are scheming behind the scenes.

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