Originally thought that he could take down the super rich boy.

But such a thing happened.

It means that Ye Yi doesn't think highly of her.

Of course, she was very disappointed...

But Ye Yi didn't care about Zhou Ling's disappointment, nor did he know about Zhou Ling's disappointment.

Soon it was evening.

At night, Ye Yi was in Villa No. 1, happily playing Landlord.

He was happy to be his own otaku.

But at this moment.

Weixin rang.

It was the small group that Long Fei had created before.

Ye Yi took a look and found that it was a message from Du Wei.

Now this small group has become a place for Ye Yi and others to keep in touch.

Several people often chat here.

It is very lively.

After all, everyone is a good brother.

So of course they chat often.

""Would you like to go to the bar tonight?"

Dewey asked immediately. Ye Yi thought about it and thought that he had never been to a bar since he stayed at home every day. So why not go with them and have a look? So Ye Yi agreed quickly. It happened that these rich boys helped Ye Yi last time, so Ye Yi thought about inviting them to play. A small thank you! Of course, Ye Yi made up his mind.

"No problem, I agree. Are you all coming? If you are, I will treat you!"

"I haven't thanked you for helping me last time, so let's make it clear that you are not allowed to compete with me for the bill."

Ye Yi sent a message in the small group.

Ye Yi even popped up.

The other young masters also said that it was no problem.

"No problem."Wu Kun

"No problem." Long Fei

"No problem."Qi Xin!

The other three also sent messages.

Isn't it just going to a bar?

It doesn't cost much, so they won't be polite to Ye Yi.

Since everyone said it was okay.

Naturally, they chose a place.

In the end, Dewey chose Bar No. 1.

Ye Yi had only heard of Bar No. 1 before, and knew that it was the best bar in Guangzhou.

But he couldn't afford to go there.

It shows how famous Bar No. 1 is.

Dewey chose Bar No. 1.

So everyone made an appointment to meet at the door of Bar No. 1 in twenty minutes. Of course,

Ye Yi and the others had no problem.

Ye Yi immediately drove the Ferrari and set off.

This car is relatively low-key.

Ye Yi still likes low-key cars.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Yi had arrived at Bar No. 1.

It is worthy of being the most luxurious bar in the whole of Guangzhou. It is extraordinary and domineering.

It is so luxurious.

Ye Yi saw the seven-story building.

Magnificent and magnificent!

This is the feeling that Bar No. 1 gives people.

Of course, Bar No. 1 is also the best bar in Guangzhou, and the consumption is not low.

The most ordinary one here costs hundreds of thousands a night.

The slightly better ones cost millions.

It is normal for a high-end bar to spend tens of millions a night.

You can see how high the standard is. It is worthy of being the best bar.

It’s just that tens of millions a night, for rich young men, that is not even as much as pocket money.

So it is not considered a high grade here in the rich families.

After all, even Qi Xin, who is 20 years old, has 500 million in pocket money.

And Bar No. 1 is not an industry of the four major wealthy families.

The four major wealthy families do a lot of business.

But there is no bar.

Because the money earned from bars is gray.

So the four major wealthy families do not make this kind of money.

They don’t think much of this kind of money.

After Ye Yi arrived at Bar No. 1, he immediately saw Long Fei There were four of them.

Seeing Ye Yi's new car, all four of them came forward.

At the same time, they were a little surprised.

Ye Yi already had two luxury cars and he actually bought a third one!

He is rich!

Although they also have a car, it is just a car for commuting.

But they immediately discovered that maybe Ye Yi likes to keep a low profile and buy this kind of car.

After discovering this, of course, they are more certain that Ye Yi is unfathomable.

Qi Xin saw Ye Yi.

Naturally, she came forward and hugged Ye Yi's arm again.

Although Qi Xin is only 20 years old.

But I don't know how her body grew up, it's so perfect!

Several times Ye Yi touched places he shouldn't have touched.

His scalp was numb.

He quickly smiled and broke free from his arms.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei and the others were dumbfounded.

This is the second time Qi Xin has hugged Ye Yi's arm.

Could it be that Qi Xin, this witch, will also be emotional?

I really like it Ye Yi?

They were all shocked, because they all had a shadow on Qi Xin.

They never dared to imagine that Qi Xin would actually like boys!

After being shocked, they were completely sure.

Qi Xin might really like Ye Yi. They immediately broke out in a cold sweat for Ye Yi.

This is a witch.

I don't know if my brother can handle it.

Brother, you have to take care of yourself.

Qi Xin is simply the devil of the rich. Who of them has not been teased by Qi Xin? They all have a shadow of Qi Xin.

Qi Xin didn't know why.

It seems that she has a special liking for Ye Yi.

Maybe this is love?

Thinking of this, her pretty face suddenly turned red, all red.

But she still pretended to be nothing.

She seemed to like hugging Ye Yi's arm.

Soon the group entered Bar No. 1.

It was only after several rich boys introduced it that Ye Yi knew the way to Bar No. 1.

It turned out that Bar No. 1 had a total of seven floors.

But each floor was more advanced than the previous one.

For example, the first four floors, as long as you have money, you can enter.

But starting from the fifth floor, it was against the sky.

You must have assets of more than 1 billion to enter the fifth floor!

Only those with assets of more than 3 billion can enter the sixth floor.

The seventh floor is not a matter of money.

The seventh floor uses a membership system.

You must be led by an old member to enter.

If you want to become a new member of the seventh floor, you must be jointly recommended by five old members to become a new member.

This shows the high standards of Bar No. 1.

It is worthy of being the top and best bar in Guangzhou.

And Ye Yi and his friends went to the seventh floor. It is also the highest standard floor here.

Long Fei and his friends are all rich young men, and everyone is a member of the seventh floor.

And not only a member.

But also a member of the highest level, it is certainly not difficult to enter the seventh floor.

If they come, the boss here will come out in person to ask about their well-being.

This is the strength of these rich young men.

Soon Ye Yi and his friends came to the seventh floor.

Sure enough, the seventh floor is amazing.

As soon as he arrived at the seventh floor,

Ye Yi felt an unusual atmosphere.

Although Ye Yi has never been to a bar, he has been a good boy since he was a child.

But he has always seen movies.

Those ordinary bars are noisy and tacky!

But the seventh floor has a quiet atmosphere.

Just like a quiet bar.

But it is not similar to a bar. It is much more upscale than a bar!

It is upscale!

That is the feeling it gives people.

There is no beer or cocktail on the seventh floor.

The wines they drink here are worth hundreds of thousands or millions.

The rich kids here drink millions of red wines without blinking an eye.

Ordinary people cannot make a million in their lifetime.

Here, a bottle of ordinary red wine costs millions.

The most ordinary ones cost hundreds of thousands.

This is the level and the gap.

This is also the horror of the seventh floor.

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