After Ye Yi and his friends arrived at the seventh floor, Long Shao and his friends didn't like the noisy dance floor, so they quietly asked for a private room.

Otherwise, they were all rich young men from the four major families.

If they were in the lobby on the seventh floor, many people would definitely come to them to establish relationships.

They were embarrassed to chase those people away.

It would be very annoying.

So when they came to the seventh floor, they usually found a private room, drank a lot and talked about things.

Ye Yi and his friends arrived at the private room quickly.

Ye Yi is no longer short of money.

In order to thank Long Shao and his friends, he was generous and ordered the most luxurious wine here.

Ye Yi didn't calculate it carefully, but it was at least 80 million.

Long Shao and his friends also helped Ye Yi a lot.

So Ye Yi is not a stingy person.

He directly ordered the most luxurious wine.

Long Shao and his friends were shocked.

How could they not be shocked? This...

80 million for a drink.

When Long Shao and his friends come here, they often spend tens of millions.

But they rarely spend 80 million.

Rich young men are not so wasteful.

So they rarely spend so much.

But Ye Yi casually spent 80 million without blinking.

Of course, they were even more shocked.

They were also shocked to the extreme.

After getting along with each other, they knew Ye Yi too well.

This is a person who doesn't need to swell his face and pretend to be rich.

He casually took out hundreds of billions of cash as if it were a game.

And now he casually spent almost 100 million on drinking.

Of course, they were shocked to the extreme.

They were more certain that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

After drinking for a while, Ye Yi suddenly felt uncomfortable, so he went to the toilet.

Long Shao and the others didn't care.

Tell Ye Yi which direction the toilet is.

There will be no toilet in this kind of high-end private room.

After Ye Yi came out of the toilet.

But he was stunned.

Because Ye Yi only felt that he saw a very familiar figure.

Why is it so much like Zhou Ling he saw today? But it shouldn't be, only young masters and daughters can come in here.

Zhou Ling shouldn't be able to come in.

But the more he looked, the more similar!

Ye Yi finally followed curiously.

The girl went all the way to the hall and then went on stage to sing.

Ye Yi sat down in the hall.

In the end, Ye Yi was sure that he was not mistaken.

This girl is really Zhou Ling!

Ye Yi was not mistaken, this girl is really Zhou Ling.

Zhou Ling's family was very difficult since she was a child.

She even earned the money for her college education by herself.

This is also the reason why she wandered between several rich boys.

It is said that her values are not correct.

In fact, she is still poor in essence.

After all, if she has money, who would be willing to do that? Zhou Ling is still kind-hearted.

It's just that she chose to do that because she had no choice.

And Zhou Ling not only has to solve her own tuition and living expenses, but her family is really poor.

She has an unpromising father.

And a seriously ill mother.

Not only can her family not provide her with support every month.

She has to rely on her to send money back.

So just wandering between several rich boys is far from enough.

The gifts given by several rich boys are all small gifts, and she dare not accept expensive ones.

How much can they be worth.

So Zhou Ling chose to come to the bar as a resident.

Because this is the seventh floor, the rich boys here spend money like water.

So the salary for resident is also very high.

50,000 yuan a month!

50,000 yuan can successfully keep her mother alive.

Zhou Ling had no choice.

So she thought about it again and again.

Still choose to be a resident singer here.

Of course, being able to be a resident singer on the seventh floor is not easy.

It's not just about having good looks and a nice voice.

Rich young men have long looked down on mediocre women.

One must be a college student, and a student from a prestigious university.

Only then are they qualified to be a resident singer on the seventh floor.

Zhou Ling, who has a high degree from Shuangya University, is also a school beauty with both talent and art.

Only then are they qualified to be a resident singer.

Zhou Ling also saw Ye Yi, and her face turned pale instantly.

She didn't expect to meet Ye Yi here.

The reason why Zhou Ling came to the seventh floor is because only noble sons can come here.

Schoolmates, including people like Liu Gui, are not qualified to come.

Zhou Ling felt that she couldn't meet classmates.

That's why she came to be a resident singer.

Who would have thought that she would meet Ye Yi!

But when she thought of Ye Yi's identity, Zhou Ling was not surprised.

He is a super rich young man.

It is reasonable for him to come to the seventh floor.

But she didn't expect Ye Yi to come here by chance.

Thinking of this, of course her pretty face turned pale.

She also wanted to take Ye Yi down.

Wouldn't she be misunderstood by Ye Yi and leave a dirty image? In fact, although Zhou Ling came here to perform, she was clean.

She was only performing here and had never done anything out of line!

Until now, she still had her first kiss, and she had never even had her hand held.

So of course her face turned pale.

She was afraid of being misunderstood by Ye Yi.

She was even more afraid that Ye Yi would tell the school about it, causing her reputation to be ruined.

So how could her face not turn pale? Although she looked pale, she still started singing, and could only force herself to calm down.

But she made up her mind that after singing, she must go to Ye Yi to explain.

Ye Yi simply sat down quietly and listened to Zhou Ling singing.

It really has to be said that Zhou Ling is worthy of being a talented girl from Shuangya University.

She sings beautifully.

It sounds quite pleasing to the eye.

But at this moment.

When Zhou Ling was singing, a table of rich young men stared at Zhou Ling.

The leader of the rich young men was a young man.

This young man looked unruly and was not a good person at first glance.

The rich young man was called Gao Fu.

Gao Fu was able to be on the seventh floor, so his background was naturally extraordinary.

His family had a group with assets of 8 billion.

With an asset of 8 billion, you can see that it was extraordinary.

Although he was not considered a top rich man in Yangcheng, his background was definitely extraordinary.

More importantly,

Gao Fu's family was not simple, not just an 8 billion rich man. He had a thousand connections with Fulin, the real underground boss of Yangcheng.

One of his cousins was Fulin's mistress.

Although she was just a mistress.

But over the years, with Fulin's care, Gao Fu's family had also been doing well.

Fulin was the real underground boss!

He had a little connection with Fulin. It means power and influence!

That is not something that the 8 billion group can measure.

For example, there are several young men with 15 billion assets at Gao Fu's table, but they all follow Gao Fu's lead.

It can be seen how unusual it is to be associated with Fulin.

Because Fulin's influence cannot be compared with money.

Relying on Fulin's influence ,

Gao Fu's family has long been accustomed to being domineering.

They are also used to bullying men and women.

In fact, Fulin is still quite decent. He has expressly forbidden people around him from bullying others by taking advantage of their power. But

Gao Fu's family likes to do whatever they want.

And after Fulin can't control them, he simply doesn't bother to control them.

After Gao Fu's family tasted the sweetness, they like to use Fulin's name to do evil everywhere.

Many wealthy people in Guangzhou dare not speak out because Fulin is really powerful.

They dare not say anything.

At this moment, Gao Fu is eyeing Zhou Ling!

As a rich boy, Gao Fu has played with many girls.

He has even tasted second-tier stars.

There are also first-tier stars who almost succeeded.

But after playing with so many girls, none of them can compare to Zhou Ling in front of him.

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