I was curious about why the boss asked this.

Did he want the anchor to do radio gymnastics?

How evil!

But they liked it so much.

Although Meng Yi felt bad, he had to answer the boss.

This boss came with great difficulty.

""Big brother, I can do radio gymnastics."

Meng Yi replied embarrassedly.

Although he didn't want to do radio gymnastics, he still had to answer.

"Do some radio gymnastics, and I'll give you a reward if you do well."

Ye Yi immediately sent another barrage.

Seeing the barrage, the audience exploded.

They were all amused by the boss's bad taste.

"Hahaha, is this a bad taste? I really want to watch radio gymnastics"

"Do you think the host will jump?"

"Have you forgotten the law of truth?"

"Yes, this is money power, I bet he will definitely jump."

The audience also started to make fun of it in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly the building tilted.

The live broadcast room suddenly became more lively.

It has to be said that the celebrity effect is amazing.

Meng Yi saw Ye Yi's barrage.

Although embarrassed.

Doing radio gymnastics?

What a bad taste!

I just... forget it. I look pretty good at doing radio gymnastics!

So under the intimidation of the big guy.

She trembled and began to do radio gymnastics.

Meng Yi is quite beautiful.

Her figure is even more perfect. She is simply a beauty who brings disaster.

Not to mention that she looks pretty good at doing radio gymnastics.

At first she was shy and embarrassed.

But later she let go and it was really good.

Although the movements were a little clumsy and cute.

Meng Yi's radio gymnastics obviously made the audience laugh.

Everyone was amused.

"Let me tell you the law of truth."

"As expected, no one can escape the laws of my great king."

"Of course"

"Is this the magic of superpowers? It actually made the anchor do radio gymnastics"

"Hahaha, what a bad taste rich people have."

"I also want to be rich"

"You can do whatever you want if you have money, not to mention radio gymnastics."

"Whatever you want to do?"

"You can drive on this broken road!"

"I have to say this radio gymnastics is hilarious. Look at the host's face."

"Ahahahaha I can't take it anymore."

Barrages of comments came out one after another.

Qi Yi was already blushing.

She was so embarrassed that she almost dug a hole in the ground and crawled into it!

She had only heard of anchors performing talents.

This was the first time she had heard of anchors performing square dance.

How could she be so embarrassed!

Of course, she was speechless.

Ye Yi was also amused by this little anchor.

She was a very interesting little anchor.

She really danced square dance when she was asked to.

I have to say that she danced very well. Of course, after the dance, Ye Yi did not break his promise and immediately rewarded 400 rockets!

One rocket is 5,000 yuan, and 400 rockets are 2 million!

2 million is nothing to Ye Yi.

So he rewarded it all at once.

But soon the whole Douying was in an uproar.

The rules of Douying are like this.

Once someone rewards more than one million at a time, the whole platform will be notified. What

's more, it was a 2,000-level boss who rewarded two million at a time!

It was pinned on all platforms for one minute!

So it instantly became a sensation on Douyin.

Countless viewers were shocked. They all came in to watch this big guy.

What kind of rich man gave two million in rewards at one time.

This is two million at one time.

Not to mention the audience.

Even the anchors were jealous.

This is a reward of two million at one time!

The anchors all came in to see which anchor was so lucky to receive so many rewards!

They were all so jealous.

When they saw that it was just a small anchor with no talent, who received two million by performing radio gymnastics.

They were even more jealous. They were jealous to the extreme.

This is really a piece of shit luck.

Some of them have been broadcasting for several years, and the rewards they received are less than a few million.

As a result, this woman just did five minutes of radio gymnastics and got two million?

Of course they were envious Jealousy.

Some want to poach this rich audience.

After all, he is the super big brother. Of course, the news of Ye Yi's reward of 2 million yuan spread all over Douyin.

Countless viewers are familiar with Ye Yi and Xiaoyi.

Countless anchors also know Xiaoyi and are very jealous of her.

Very jealous.

Xiaoyi's single reward of 2 million yuan has of course aroused the jealousy of all anchors.

Countless anchors have also learned Xiaoyi's live broadcast style.

See if they can meet the big boss.

Meng Yi's benefits are not just 2 million.

At the same time, because of the influx of a large number of viewers.

She directly increased to 100,000 fans!

100,000 fans, 2 million rewards.

Meng Yi was stunned.

Completely stunned!

How could she not be stunned?

She thought that if she did some radio gymnastics, she would be very happy if the big boss gave her a reward of 5,000 yuan.

But she actually gave her a reward of 2 million yuan?

What is this concept?

She could get one million just for the share.

She has been live streaming for three months, and the total profit is less than three thousand yuan.

As a result, she made one million in five minutes.

After being shocked, she kept expressing her gratitude.

Because of the excitement, her words were a little unclear.

It was a pity that Ye Yi had not visited her live broadcast room.

After giving the reward, Ye Yi left.

Meng Yi saw that the boss was so willful.

He only gave the reward and didn't care about anything else?

You know, most people give rewards to continue that with the female anchor.

Everyone knows it.

Or lurk for a while.

But this boss didn't care after giving the reward?

For a while, she had a better impression of Ye Yi. He was still a very decent boss.

After the better impression,

Meng Yi was completely curious about Ye Yi.

Curious about what kind of boss this is.

When a girl is curious, it means she is trapped!

Then Meng Yi couldn't help it.

She sent a private message to Ye Yi, hoping to add Ye Yi's contact information.

Meng Yi doesn't like to cling to rich people.

But she likes decent masters like Ye Yi. She is deeply curious about Ye Yi.

So of course she sent a message!

Ye Yi was about to log off when he saw the message from the female anchor.

She actually wanted his prestige?

But it was nothing, so Ye Yi gave it to her.

He had a good impression of this female anchor.

After he went offline, Ye Yi received a friend request, and it turned out to be the female anchor from the profile picture.

So Ye Yi accepted it.

After that,

Ye Yi asked

"Are you from Yangcheng too?"

Ye Yi sent a message to Meng Yi.

She saw the message sent by the boss.

Meng Yi was shocked at the moment.

Could it be that the boss was also from Yangcheng?

After being shocked, she became more curious about Ye Yi! She quickly replied with a"yes"!

Indicated that he was from Yangcheng.

Then she sent another message, asking Ye Yi if he was also from Yangcheng?

It was a pity that Ye Yi didn't reply for a long time.

Meng Yi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

How could she not see it.

She had no status in the boss's mind.

The boss simply ignored her.

She didn't know why, but she felt very disappointed when she thought about it!

Inexplicably disappointed.

She felt a little disappointed inexplicably in her heart.

Ye Yi didn't know what Meng Yi was thinking.

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