He really didn't have time to deal with Meng Yi.

What's so good about girls?

How could they be as good as playing Landlords...

At night.

Wei Xin suddenly received a call.

Wei Xin was in Yangcheng Guoshuyuan at this time.

Wei Xin was a good girl, gentle and virtuous. She usually didn't go out at night.

So of course she stayed at home.

And she was watching a TV series at this time.

Suddenly received a strange call.

Wei Xin was very curious, she didn't recognize the number.

Where did her call come from?

But she still answered it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call was connected, a sinister male voice came from it!

"Wei Xin, huh? I'm Gu Huo!"

The man on the phone spoke, but he was extremely sinister and vicious.

Just hearing it made people tremble. When

Wei Xin heard Gu Huo, she subconsciously showed disgust on her pretty face.

She knew Gu Huo.

Because of her family's business, she had met Gu Huo twice.

But Gu Huo's family was doing illegitimate business.

That is, they were engaged in gray industries.

Gu Huo's father was one of the famous big men in Yangcheng.

That is, one of the underground leaders.

He was quite powerful.

He looked���Feng Linlin.

But Wei Xin was born a good girl, and she hated those who did evil things.

So of course she hated Gu Huo.

Except for some necessary banquets that everyone had to attend, she had only seen Gu Huo a few times.

Otherwise, she hated Gu Huo.

Not to mention having a relationship with him.

And because Wei Xin was beautiful, Gu Huo was also her pursuer.

But Wei Xin had nothing but disgust towards Gu Huo.

She never gave Gu Huo a chance.

So she always kept her distance from Gu Huo.

But why did Gu Huo call at this time?

Wei Xin felt a little disgusted.

She didn't want to have anything to do with Gu Huo at all.

She didn't know why Gu Huo had her phone number!

After the disgust.

Wei Xin of course spoke up.

"Mr. Gu, we are strangers. There is nothing to say. Goodbye."

Wei Xin said politely.

Although she hated Gu Huo, she still remained quite polite.

Wei Xin was about to hang up the phone.

Unexpectedly, Gu Huo spoke gloomily.

"Miss Wei has nothing to do with me, but your brother Wei Bin does. Don't you want to talk to your brother? Or do you not care whether your brother lives or dies?"

""Sister, save me!"

Then came the gloomy voice of Gu Huo on the phone.

The voice was clearly full of threats. It looked like he had Wei Xin in his arms.

Then, Wei Bin's voice for help came from the phone.

Wei Xin's pretty face turned pale immediately.

How could it not be pale?

She recognized it instantly.

It was her brother's voice!

Her brother was held hostage by Gu Huo.

Wei Xin's parents only had one son and one daughter.

Of course, they had a good relationship.

How could Wei Xin watch him die without helping? For a moment, her heart was full of worry, and she had only one thought: to rescue her brother. But although her brother was a rich boy, he had always been a good boy because of his family education.

How could he be related to Gu Huo?

How could he fall into Gu Huo's hands?

But it didn't make much sense to say this now.

Now she could only think of a way to rescue her own brother.

Of course, she was extremely anxious. She spoke quickly

""Gu Huo, what do you want? Don't do anything stupid."

Although Wei Xin was also very scared, she still pretended to be calm and warned.

Hearing this,

Gu Huo sneered.

A trace of gloom flashed across his eyes, as if he had Wei Xin in his grasp.

"Meet in Room 1 of Dihao Club before 8 o'clock tonight"

"If you don't arrive on time and your brother loses an arm or a leg, it's not my fault."

"And you come alone!"

Gu Huo said with a warning.

Then he hung up the phone as if he had made up his mind about Wei Xin.

Wei Xin's pretty face was pale.

How could it not be pale?

She was a girl, she never went to clubs or even bars.

How could she go to such a place?

And Gu Huo always had ill intentions towards her.

Wouldn't it be dangerous if she went there?

She was extremely nervous.

But on one side was her own brother, she had no choice.

Gu Huo would really kill her brother.

Gu Huo was so powerful.

Wei Xin could understand it very well.

If she told other people, her brother would be in danger.

Wei Xin understood it instantly.

She had no choice.

So even though she was very scared, she had to go.

Otherwise, her brother would definitely not survive.

Thinking of this, Wei Xin could only make up her mind to go and take a look.

But if she was not on the right path, she would be ready to ask for help at any time.

Now for the sake of her own brother, she could only go to the dragon's den and tiger's den to take a look

She had no choice... soon she drove her Mercedes to the Dihao Club.

At this time, there were about a dozen people in the private room of the Dihao Club.

One of them was held down.

It was Wei Xin's younger brother Wei Bin.

Wei Bin was in his early twenties, well-mannered. He really looked like a good boy.

But at this time, this good boy was obviously held hostage by Gu Huo and his group.

Several tattooed men held Wei Bin.

How could Wei Bin struggle?

He couldn't struggle at all.

Especially these tattooed men, they looked like gangsters. They had murderous looks on their faces.

Ordinary people would be scared at the sight.

At this time, on the other side of the room, there was a young man sitting.

This young man had a ferocious and sinister look.

He looked like a mean man, vicious and cruel.

His face gave people the feeling of great evil.

And this man was Gu Huo.

It was Gu Huo who arranged for people to hold Wei Bin hostage.

Gu Gu Huo couldn't forget Wei Xin after he met her.

Gu Huo had even played with second-tier actresses.

But compared with Wei Xin, she was no different from a sow.

Ever since he met her, his heart was completely occupied by Wei Xin.

She was so beautiful!

So he vowed to take down Wei Xin and play with her mercilessly.

Only in this way could he satisfy his animal desires.

But Wei Xin ignored him at all.

He had no chance to get close to Wei Xin, let alone take down Wei Xin.

And Gu Huo was a sinister and vicious villain, how could he let Wei Xin go just like that?

Wei Xin ignored him.

So he devised a plan.

Starting with Wei Bin. He designed a gambling game.

Of course, he had rigged the gambling game and set it up!

Wei Bin was a good boy and never gambled.

But he was instigated by the people he arranged.

Wei Bin took the bait.

So he"lost" eight thousand to him. Wan!

Gu Huo used the excuse to control Wei Bin.

In his opinion,

Wei Bin was in his hands.

Then Wei Xin was not his?

As long as Wei Xin came to the club, she would become his woman tonight.

He could do whatever he wanted!

Tonight, Wei Xin would be asked to pose in eighteen different positions.

Thinking of this moment,

Gu Huo's face was of course ferocious.

It seemed that he had seen that scene.

And Wei Xin had been keeping his appetite hanging for too long.

He not only wanted to taste Wei Xin, but also let his brothers taste her.

Gu Huo was extremely twisted and sinister.

A very vicious idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

It was also extremely vicious.

He made up his mind!

Of course, Gu Huo set up the trap not only for Wei Xin. Is it necessary to go through so much trouble for a woman?

Wei Xin is just one of them.

Wei Xin's family is rich.

Taking down Wei Xin is just the first step.

He also wants to extort 1 billion from Wei Xin's parents.

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