"I feel sorry for Xiaoyi, she is being abused by the opponent all the time."

Xiaoyi's fans wailed.

Seeing these words,

Xiaoyi's face turned even paler.

She is the one who is under the most pressure.

Not only does she have to endure the ridicule of her peers, but she also has to endure the onlookers.

So how can she not be under great pressure?

The second PK will start soon.

In the second PK, the one who will compete with Xiaoyi is a female anchor named Xiaomo.

This female anchor is even more powerful, with more than 100,000 fans. The reward from Bang alone is 200,000!

The key is that her fans are all alive.

The top 20 fans are all online.

On the other hand, Xiaoyi's number one is not online.

The number two has been cold since then.

The results are out!

Xiaoyi saw that Ye Yi was not online yet.

She was already half disappointed.

At the same time, she also knew that she was doomed to lose.

Xiaomo also knew Xiaoyi.

But he was extremely disdainful.

She was just favored by wild tycoons.

It's a pity that wild tycoons don't think highly of Xiaoyi at all.

This one didn't even show up.

There is no wild tycoon to support her.

What can Xiaoyi do to fight her?

Of course, she was extremely disdainful. She didn't even consider Xiaoyi as an opponent. She only mocked Xiaoyi in her heart.

Of course, she was still humble and polite on the surface.

Soon, the game officially started.

Xiaomo was good at dancing.

She danced a song of paradise.

Her proud figure was fully displayed, as if she was hinting at the boss!

So the boss gave her tips like crazy.

The reward amount reached five thousand.

On the other hand, Xiaoyi only had a few dozen.

It couldn't be more miserable.

So she lost miserably again the second time.

Meng Yi's pretty face was extremely desperate.

How could she not be desperate?

If Ye Yi didn't come.

There was only one last chance left!

That was the third chance.

If she lost the last chance, she would really lose completely!

She was extremely desperate in her heart.

Of course, she was completely pale.

It was as if she saw a scene of a terrible loss.

And Xiaoyi's fans were even more worried about Xiaoyi.

Seeing that Xiaoyi was about to lose the last game completely.

How could she not be anxious?

"Why hasn’t Xiaoyi’s elder brother come yet?"

"Haha, maybe Big Brother doesn't want to reward her at all."

"Yes, if you don't want to give her a reward, just pretend you didn't see it."

"Too bad, it's almost the last game"

"If Xiaoyi loses the last game, she will be finished."

"Yeah, the third game is coming soon."

"I didn't dare to look anymore, as if I was seeing Xiaoyi die miserably."

"I don't dare to watch it either, it's too heartbreaking."

Xiao Yi's fans started to post comments.

Without exception, they were all wailing.

It was as if they had seen Xiao Yi lose miserably.

At the same time, deep in their hearts, they all mourned for Xiao Yi.

They hoped that Xiao Yi would not lose so miserably.

At this time, Ye Yi was in Villa No. 1.

He saw that the live broadcast was actually advanced!

Oops! I hope I can catch up.

You know, if you fail a mission, the system will disappear completely.

Ye Yi is still waiting to step into the Grandmaster realm!

Free and unrestrained in the world.

And you told me that I was going to fail?

How could Ye Yi not be anxious!

Ye Yi, who was extremely anxious, of course I can't care about anything else.

I quickly logged into Douying!

Then I quickly logged into Xiaoyi's live broadcast room...

At this time, the third PK officially began!

This time Xiaoyi's opponent is even more powerful.

She is a female anchor with more than 300,000 fans.

Once the fans exceed 300,000, it is already a well-known anchor.

The fame is absolutely huge. It is already considered a well-known person.

And this anchor, a big boss on the list has rewarded 700,000!

The key is that all the big bosses are online.

On the other hand, Xiaoyi's side.

It's a dead end!

Xiaoyi saw this scene.

Her pretty face was However, this time, the opponent of Xiaoyi is really not even of being struggling. Line. Of course , she is even more disdainful! Want , there is no chance of struggling. Mourning

"Am I really going to lose?"

"Lost, lost, completely lost"

"It's over. I can't struggle anymore."

"I guess Xiaoyi will be hit hard and will never do live streaming again."

"Who would have the nerve to live stream after losing so badly?"

"It's definitely over."

Xiaoyi's fans were wailing at this moment.

How could they not wail?

They all saw Xiaoyi lose miserably. They were completely desperate!

Meiqi was even more disdainful.

They saw the scene of winning for sure!

Meiqi's rich fans were also disdainful.

They all felt that winning was too easy!

Just when the game was about to end!

Just when Xiaoyi and his group were in despair.

They all thought they were going to lose miserably.

The screen suddenly flickered! A huge light flickered!

Countless fireworks bloomed.

Only when a 2,000-level boss entered the live broadcast room, there would be fireworks!

This boss was of course Ye Yi. He finally caught up.

He instantly entered Xiaoyi's live broadcast room.

At this moment, Xiaoyi and the others were in despair.

Suddenly the barrage reminded

���Congratulations to the 2,000-level big shot Happy Fat House Water for entering Xiaoyi's live broadcast room!"

A 2,000-level big shot entered the live broadcast room.

But the whole network will be notified!

That is to say, it will be notified on the entire Douyin platform.

Now all the anchors and viewers were shocked.

It turned out to be a 2,000-level big shot?

So many viewers came to Xiaoyi's live broadcast room to watch.

Just like this, Xiaoyi's live broadcast room.

It became popular again.

Xiaoyi was shocked at this moment.

When she was most desperate and helpless,

Ye Yi fell from the sky.

At this moment, all her haze was swept away. She just felt that Ye Yi became the god in her heart!

She had a good impression of Ye Yi.

Now under the light, she completely liked Ye Yi.

Yes, it was like.

Completely like.

She knew that she had fallen in love with Ye Yi.

Like this mysterious big shot.

Xiaoyi's fans were even more completely blown up.

They all knew Happy Fat House Water.

They had seen this big shot give two million rewards with their own eyes before.

This is a real 2,000-level big shot.

They thought that this big shot would not come.

Now he is here.

How can they not be shocked?

Of course they were all shocked.

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